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Ressers in M2E


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Hey guys, coming back to the game. Love the look of the ressers and looking to pick some up.  I recall last edition they were struggling a bit and I'm wondering how they are doing this edition?  Masters that interest me are Molly, Tara, Nico and Seamus (In that order).


Could someone explain to me how Molly and Nico operate differently?  To me they look both look like essentially summoners with molly not requiring corpse markers but having weaker models and nico having lots of buffs but needing markers.  I'm sure there's more to it than that though.  (I've only really read Pull My Finger).


How is Tara this edition? She just looks awesome so I'm hoping she's playable. Her rules look difficult and I'm hoping shes the type of master that rewards skillful play.



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Welcome back through the Breach!


All the Masters are playable. The imbalances of last edition are mostly a thing of the past. Ressers don't struggle anymore, either. In fact, they are ridiculously filthy. (That's not too bad, as the other factions are too.)


Molly is a pretty great debuffer, who makes people regret they attacked her models, and likes to splash damage around. Nicodem is a great buffer who either keeps his models in play and makes them better or brings new ones who aren't hindered by being summoned. Both are good summoners, but they don't play very similar on the table.


Tara is a bit of an odd duck: She is the only one who wasn't publicly tested. That means some of her mechanics are a bit clunky, and she is more update dependent than most Masters, but she is perfectly playable. Is don't like facing her much, because in some scenarios she is really nasty.

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all resser masters are very strong due to minions and henchmen available as well as some of the most impressive upgrades.

If played correctly they are all equally strong,maybe Mcmorning falling off on the lower end.


Nico and Molly are great, they have many strong options and share a summoning pool that will make it easy to buy stuff. First and foremost the best gateway into Ressers is  Seamus. You will NEED all the bells and sybell as your start for any force you make, they are just that strong and reliable.

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Awesome! Well I've gone ahead and ordered all the plastic resser stuff out. I see Tara is out this month too so I'll grab her and Molly next month.  Can anyone suggest a good all around crew for Molly? I want to start painting up stuff for her so I can play fully painted and then start painting up models to swap in and out.


I'm thinking something like Molly, Mortimer, Sybelle, Belles, crooligans, and Punk zombies (though I should probably just summon these)?  Is Bete or Izamu worth taking?


Is Molly and Seamus a good 1-2 combo to learn?

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As always, "a good all around crew" will depend heavily on the Strategy and Schemes in play. You will want a lot of resilient models for Reconnoitre, while bringing big bruisers for Reckoning, with the rest of the Strategies somewhere in between.


Spirit Molly isn't well supported by the current plastics, so I'd focus on the Forgotten Life upgrade, as well as Tear of the Gorgon for utility. In this case, Yin or the Iron Zombies are a better choice than Izamu (who is amazing, by the way). Mortimer doesn't add too much to Molly (she doesn't need the Corpses, and he's neither Belle nor Horror). Belles are good a the start, but not too many. Hiring one Punk doesn't hurt, and a Rogue Necromancy is a good choice, too.

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I would still disagree. Spirit Molly is vastly stronger and more supported than Horror Molly. The only difficulty at the moment is that a lot of the spirits aren't available in plastic yet. So if you have or can get the metals it's well worth the time. After the next release the gap, at least for hiring models, will be closer. Going to be hard to top being able to summon a hanged though.

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I would still disagree. Spirit Molly is vastly stronger and more supported than Horror Molly. The only difficulty at the moment is that a lot of the spirits aren't available in plastic yet. So if you have or can get the metals it's well worth the time. After the next release the gap, at least for hiring models, will be closer. Going to be hard to top being able to summon a hanged though.


I'm not sure she is stronger with Spirits, but I know it's your opinion. Wasn't what I meant regardless. I just meant that the current plastic line doesn't include a lot of Spirits. If he ordered all the plastics, Horror Molly would be the way to go, at least at first, in my eyes.

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Thanks guys! I was thinking Mortimer + Corpse bloat + maniacle laugh would be a good way to start out activating my opponents or is it not worth the point investment? Oh and fresh meat.


Is bete worth using? Seems like she would have a lot of opportunities to come back


Yeah, I'm just sticking with plastics. The sculpts are much nicer in addition to being plastic.


Edit: Which are the iron zombies? Are those something worth hiring or can I summon them?

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The Iron Zombies are in the University of Transmortis set. Valedictorian is a Henchman who is definetely worth hiring, the rest at least as summons.


Bete is a bit controversial. She is a fun piece, but alsways playing a 10 short is a price not everybody is willing to pay.


Mortimer cannot take Maniacal Laugh if he isn't the crew's leader, but that combo might work if you want. He will not synergize much with the crew, but he wll not be bad.


Oh, don't forget to bring a Nurse. Always bring a Nurse.

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Agree with everything Dirial has said. Spirits aren't out yet but Datsue-ba is also a good henchman if you go the spirit route. Valedictorian and Sybelle are also the good choices. Haven't seen anyone use Phillip and the Nanny, but I suppose he is good in a more scheme marker heavy game.


The killjoy bomb is worth it if you have killy strats/schemes and against crews that have lots of lower wound models. More things dying more often means Killjoy heals more. I would say its worth investing in him since he is also a horror, and since spirits haven't released yet, he goes nicely with a horror theme. He is expensive, but has a lot of synergy with molly as a beatstick (1ap obey and reactivate is awesome). Izamu is also good because of his spirit trait (again, something you would want after you get more plastic spirits).


Nurses are just GOOD in general. They are one of those utility models that almost always have a place in a list. While you could use the nurse for healing up your new summons, I think they are better used buffing your big hitters that are on the board. Being able to give killjoy +2 dmg for example, makes him really scary, and allows him to pretty much murder anything after getting reactivate (Molly's imbue vigor trigger allows her to push killjoy, so even if he gets the melee buff he can still shift into position with her). Nurses also combo well with Chiaki, who can take off the slow/paralysis that nurses give when they heal a model to full.

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ez list for molly is:



4 belles

+ upgrades


this gives you massive board controll + tons of woulds and black blood damage

for summoning its the students and samurai punks + crooligans and totem


You are looking at a 1-2 punch list where the mobility and lure gives you easy first kill + a turn 2 follow up


Also look at necrotic preparation + black blood ( flithy) for a mele crew shutdown

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Could be a fun list. Not sure how competitive it is. If you are going forgotten path there doesn't seem to be a lot of Horrors in it. 


If you are running Killjoy, I've found, at least, you should run him with Decaying aura, for the slingshot master assassination run, or Necrotic Preperation. Making Melee Models have to take 2 for attacking him (1 for Black Blood and one for the preparation) makes a few models think twice about dog piling him.


Not sure about the Nurse. Don't get me wrong I love them, but you don't have armor ignoring models to abuse the med that gives armor and negatives to duels, you have little to no anti WP stuff, so landing them will be tricky, and she isn't a horror or belle. Not saying don't take her, but a Nurse and Chiaki, and a belle is an awful lot of support that isn't offering additional synergies. That isn't to knock your list, assuming you are not building for schemes and strats, but it seems a little lopsided to me, but it could still be fun to run.

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Hmmm thanks for the thoughts!

Could you perhaps suggest something of an all comers? I understand the flexibility in lists when it comes to schemes and strats and opponents but I'd really like to have something painted to start playing with. I went forgotten life to be able to summon horrors more than hire them, is that an incorrect observation?

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Yea I somewhat agree with Fetid. While I mentioned that nurses, chiaki, and sybelle were all good, them all together doesn't give you that great of killing power. I would say since you went forgotten life, you might want to either consider the Valedictorian instead of sybelle (valedictorian is a horror and very durable and fast), and/or use Punk Zombies who are also horrors.


If you are just looking for a standard all-comers list to paint, then you aren't building a competitive list. This means you can really make whatever list makes you happy. Later when you play her a bit you can slowly expand and eventually have a good pool for competitive games. 


So based on what we have talked about, make a list YOU like the sound of, get the models, and paint away! Don't worry about playing a competitive list yet. Hope this helps!

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Molly has Black Blood, which damages all models in 1" of her when she takes dmg if they don't have Black Blood. Her Horror's upgrade gives her an aura that gives all Horrors in 6" of her black blood. I tend to find unless you are amazingly good at precise positioning you are going to occasionally have you non-Horror models near Molly in which case it just makes sense to Whallop Molly because her defenses are very card intensive, so even if you don't do anything massive to her you'll make it easier to hit other models, and if you do manage to hit her you get to splash damage on her non-Horror Crew.


I'd honestly have trouble suggesting an all comers list, as I don't think Molly works incredibly well with it. I'd say try your list and see how it plays and decide for yourself. I'd just personally make sure Killjoy is either going to almost certainly succeed in his assassination run, if you are using it, or put something else on him to help deter attacks. A naked Killjoy is great, but he doesn't tend to last long.


I'd almost always bring Sybelle though. She's almost a better henchman for Molly than she is for Seamus, because she has call belle, and Molly is a Belle. It's almost like giving Molly Back Ally as well. It's just so good, especially if you are going for a Killjoy 1st turn enemy deployment zone bomb.

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I'd almost always bring Sybelle though. She's almost a better henchman for Molly than she is for Seamus, because she has call belle, and Molly is a Belle. It's almost like giving Molly Back Ally as well. It's just so good, especially if you are going for a Killjoy 1st turn enemy deployment zone bomb.


On second thought yea, sybelle is a very good choice. I would probably only take valedictorian if you stayed with more support heavy minions. And yes, a 20 something inch killjoy threat range turn 1 is very potent. It is also super fun!

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