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Charging and blocking terrain

Pagan Wolfe


Hello and hope you can all help answer a dodgy question for me.

Charging is done in a straight line and LoS... But what if part of a models base would cross blocking terrain?

This happened in a game where a 50mm model was attempting a charge at a 30mm model. Using our laser line markers it was clear that half of the 50mm models base would crash into the blocking terrain if it charged in a straight line...however it still had line of sight... Can it still legally charge?

We went for yes, but am not sure if that was right.

I hope that is clear what is happening. I can try and get a digram up later if needed.

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Unfortunately not. Unless the model can move through the terrain it can't declare a charge since the target won't end up within range of one of its  :melee attacks.


If the blocking terrain is near enough to the target model then you could potentially charge, bang into it and still attack but otherwise you can't charge if blocking terrain stops you from reaching :melee  range.

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Blocking does not stop movement only LoS.  So unless you are actually talking about the model crossing Impassible terrain which is a nono(short of flying or incorporeal where they can't stop on it) I don't see the problem.


That's a very good point. I assumed the blocking terrain was also impassible. 


I thought about commenting about that, but then I couldn't think of a terrain type that is Blocking but not Impassable...

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Waldgeists can throw up blocking, severe with germinate? or is it Lilith that creates a kind of blocking terrain (dense terrain can be seen into but not through.) not too sure.


edited to stop myself looking like a complete chump. 

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Also worth noting that although you must change in a straight line, it doesn't specify 'directly towards' so you can charge to one side of a model as long as you end up in melee range of one of your attacks and moved in a straight line.

This how we worked it out.

And yes, the terrain was also impassable (big crate).

Thanks all, been out of the game for a while and still fuzzy on some things. Loving it!

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