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Somer Swarm?


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So, I played my first gremlin game, with what feels like a pretty basic somer list: Get Yer Bro, Pull my Finger, Lenny & upgrade, Mosquitos, the WP buff generic upgrade (since playing Neverborn), slop hauler, 6(?) bayou gremlins, rooster rider (with the intent to get a little variety and some melee).


The mosquitoes were great support though with all the terrifying I never got much use of pull my finger; somer and lenny pushed a lot of summons in the first turn (and infrequently later); somer's gun was huge (one-shotted Nekima and a minion with the red joker, though I had the hand to get the job done a little less quickly if I hadn't been lucky); bayou two-card was great on the bayou gremlins, piglets are surprisingly mobile, and Lenny + various Luck was an amazing anchor.


All in all, this was the first swarm list I really enjoyed since maybe my early 40k days, and ended up scraping by with a victory to boot.


However, it felt a little one-dimensional, and a little static except for the occasional objective-achieving gremlin hurled by Lenny since effectiveness felt largely based on being close to the slop hauler (for summoning without consequences) or lenny (for dumb luck etc.) or somer just being more effective making more attacks once the enemy started closing.



I felt like I positioned the slop hauler poorly and being able to toss him upfield with lenny would have been more effective, but also feel like I may have just gotten more mileage out of two (the rooster rider wasn't impressive, as a threatening but not very durable model). But, beyond that I'm not sure what would have gotten things more interesting.


I have or plan to get all the swampfiend suite, and the tri-chi set (both of which I think would be good counterpoints to a swarm list), but I don't think any of those pieces look exceptional in the list, and don't know what else would be worth looking at for Somer.


...Thoughts? Suggestions?

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Ooh, really like the idea of Sammy carrying the summon- that sounds great, since I was usually trying to figure out which actions I could hold back for summons and that would eliminate that choice.


I've heard so many nay-sayers on the taxidermist that I'd never really looked at it, but can see that with the potential pile of corpses.


The Kin look really strong, I guess I should cave and get them at some point... there are just a ton of masters I want to try out with Gremlins, so another crew is a bit much right now.


Glad Burt is a good option, since I like his look a lot.


So... for the card draw, that actually almost never came up-- I was mostly using Lenny to protect Somer's summons, but this meant that my opponent concentrated attacks elsewhere so I kept being out of range to draw those cards. Was I doing it wrong, or is it just something that comes up less than you'd expect in a swarm?

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I go summon heavy just in Recon and Interference, since those are the scenarios that require numbers. Slop Hauler parks himself next to Som'er to heal any new bros. Skeeters are useful in Interference to bog down enemies and remove them from scoring the mission. Somer normally just has Family Tree, to keep him as cheap as possible.

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Gracie is always a fun option as is Old Major. Saddle is fun because then Somer can ride around like a boss (that he is!) Focusing and blasting things to smithereens.

Or you can cart around Lenny with Gracie making her an insanely durable murder machine with insane damage.

Old Major is fun because Ceaseless Advance is a bit trivial with Somer and he is really versatile.

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So, speaking of disposable guys, feelings on Show Off? I didn't take it in said first game, since I was feeling conservative, but it feels like it would be easy to take a 2-health model, use reckless for a walk, and explode something.

I actually like Show Off with Som'er crews. His summoning ability makes it a lot more palatable. Add some pig ladders to increase the threat range and navigate terrain.

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The complete tactic is described under the old Pull My Finger wiki (1st edition entries).


Essentially it is a method of using piglets to increase the movement potential of other gremlins around the board. Though it is a bit different in M2e due to changes in model abilities, the tactic is still viable.

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