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What are you watching?

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So in the spirit of Zfiend's recent What are you listening to? thread I thought I'd start a similar one asking what people are watching?  I tend to watch a lot of things whilst painting, particularly as the wife will sit and stitch whilst I paint with TV on in the background.  On a weekly basis we watch wrestling, Banshee, Big Bang Theory, Brooklyn Nine Nine, The Walking Dead, Arrow, Flash and Gotham whilst I'm also watching The Following.  I am also watching through the greatest TV programme ever made (aka The Wire) again when I get to do painting and the wife is not around.  What is everybody else watching?  Do you regularly have TV programmes on in the background when you paint?

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I don't rellay watch TV at all, except the news. I watch movies, though, and sometimes I binge Netflix.


At the moment Person of Interest is my favourite. I also encourage all who love Malifaux to watch Penny Dreadful. Awesome stuff.

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I do that also, usually while painting it's a sitcom that doesn't require that much attention. Atm it's American dad.

I find most of the things I list don't really require much attention!  I'll watch the first few episodes of a TV series properly to get to know the characters then it's back to the painting desk!  It's the sixth time I've watched The Wire so I'm pretty familiar with it!



I also encourage all who love Malifaux to watch Penny Dreadful. Awesome stuff.

:+fate Penny Dreadful was really good, looking forward to the second series.


I'm currently watching / rewatching






The Flash


Game of Thrones

Marvel Agents of Shield

Various Anime


Some of it isn't that great but it keeps me entertained whilst painting or when I'm bored. 

I've watched most of these.  Dexter started really promisingly but it went on too long (I've just finished watching Sons of Anarchy and that suffered from the same as the last couple of series were pretty weak and the last episode was bad in the same proportions as Dexter's!).  How do you find Marvel Agents of Shield?  We saw the first dozen or so episodes then moved house and forgot to re-series link it and realised we didn't care!  But I've heard that it gets a lot better.

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:+fate Penny Dreadful was really good, looking forward to the second series.


I've watched most of these.  Dexter started really promisingly but it went on too long (I've just finished watching Sons of Anarchy and that suffered from the same as the last couple of series were pretty weak and the last episode was bad in the same proportions as Dexter's!).  How do you find Marvel Agents of Shield?  We saw the first dozen or so episodes then moved house and forgot to re-series link it and realised we didn't care!  But I've heard that it gets a lot better.


Penny Dreadful was awesome! 


I agree with you. Dexter dragged on for a very long time, in the end it finished off OK but could have been cut shorter. Marvel Agent's of Shield started off pretty poorly but I persevered through it and by the mid series 2 break it was pretty good. It's about to restart sometime soon if it hasn't already although I've not been watching it but i do have it recorded. 


Another series that is utterly awesome is True Detective, I'm sure zFiend will love it if only for the amount of Mathew Mcconaughey. It was really dark and gritty.


Finally a great series the Mrs got me into was The Following with Kevin Bacon. The first series was fantastic and the 2nd not quite as good although still enjoyable. For those that haven't seen it it's about a Cult set up by a serial killer who idolize Edgar Allan Poe. 

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Another series that is utterly awesome is True Detective, I'm sure zFiend will love it if only for the amount of Mathew Mcconaughey. It was really dark and gritty.


Finally a great series the Mrs got me into was The Following with Kevin Bacon. The first series was fantastic and the 2nd not quite as good although still enjoyable. For those that haven't seen it it's about a Cult set up by a serial killer who idolize Edgar Allan Poe. 

True Detective is fantastic.  It's not a comfortable watch as it's pretty dark but it's so intense and so good.  Not sure on the second series casting but time will tell.


I'm watching The Following and the third series started this past week.  Agree with what you say though, first was really good and second didn't reach the same heights.  Third has started ok but I'm not convinced that it will be any good.  I think it's going to suffer from being drawn out too long (remember how awesome the first series of Heroes was and what happened with that!)

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3rd Series has started already!? Holy crap I gotta get that on record and catch up on what I've missed. It may be complete turd but I wanna watch it for continuities sake. I've seen it all so far and will carry on watching it just because. Same kinda goes for The Walking Dead, it got pretty crappy towards series 3 and 4 and it seems to be picking up again albeit incredibly slowly. 


I couldn't get into Heroes if I'm honest. It just felt like a poor imitation of X-Men which was a series / story line I'd enjoyed since I was a child. Naturally you can imagine my rage at the early films and how badly they messed up the characters and plots. Thankfully Days of Future Past gave the the opportunity to go back and do it right! :)


Same with Lost, it was hyped up to be the next big cheese and I found it utterly irritating where every time they answered one question if produced another 3! Prison Break however which came from the same guys was pretty good although it could very well have been left as a single series and be done with. It's the Matrix of the TV series world, should have stopped after the first. 


I've been watching Series 9 of Supernatural recently now that's out and it's a tad boring at the moment. Upto series 5 with Satan and the Apocalypse was great. I get the impression they are struggling for ideas but it's still enjoyable to watch. 

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The Following started last week in America, not sure if it's got a UK air date yet.  The last series of The Walking Dead was very weak but this one has been better (although I'm still waiting for Negan to show up!).  Heroes was really good to start but just lost itself too much.


Absolutely agree on Prison Break.  First season was fantastic but the rest if absolutely turd!  So I definitely know what you mean about following through on TV series regardless!

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 I tend to watch a lot of things whilst painting, particularly as the wife will sit and stitch whilst I paint with TV on in the background. 


This mirrors my house.


I usually reserve my painting for the weekends, usually we plug in a lot of old shows, Star Trek, Doctor Who, etc.  Of late, we have been going through the Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes series. 

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I hated the original British version and I don't think the English language has words to express what I truly think of the American one. Lets just say I'd prefer to play Seamus all day for 6 months than watch 10 minutes of the American Office (zFiend will understand this). It grates on me, I end up throwing stuff at the TV. :D

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I hated the original British version and I don't think the English language has words to express what I truly think of the American one. Lets just say I'd prefer to play Seamus all day for 6 months than watch 10 minutes of the American Office (zFiend will understand this). It grates on me, I end up throwing stuff at the TV. :D


You should see the German version (called Stromberg). It divides the country into lovers and haters. Like marmite.


And like marmite, lovers are crazy.

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