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Grudge Match - Rail workers vs Union miners


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Good call - couldn't remember the exact text where they need to be able to interact to use false claim. And close is better for sure, since removing one or removing two is the same for false claim scheme markers. Overall...I think they have some limited uses, but they don't consistently do enough to make them worth 5 ss in most lists.

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They complete Line in the sand about 3 turns faster than a terror tot. They can complete an announced protect territory in 1 turn, and a silurid would take 1 and a half turns. They can complete announced Breakthrough by the end of turn 3, just like the silurid. Im not sure what you want from a scheme runner, buth these are pretty good at it for 5 ss. Yes, they do it differently to all the other scheme runners. Yes, they aren't quite as fast them selves, but they can make up for the speed by being able to drop more scheme markers in a game than any other model.


They aren't an every list model, but they probably are one of the best scheme runners (well maybe waddlers) in the arcanist faction.

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They amazing for spring the trap. If you had 2 of them you could pump out 8 Markers an enemy master with think twice coming close to that if spring the trap is in the pool. I like them for the reason that they get positives to damage with in 3 of M&SU. Going to test them out with my Iornside crew next time I have no doubt that they will be worth the 5 points.  

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Since Rail Workers are much better fighters than Union Miners, how do people feel about our other 5 SS fighter, the Hoarcat Pride?


It has a completely different defence strategy, a bit faster, slightly less killy, it's a Beast (if you are Marcus and care about that). It does have Devour, but at Ml 4 and requiring a  :crow for the TN it feels rather marginal.


In what situations (if any) would you take kittens over workers?

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I like the hoarcat pride, but often find it gets left out due to other more specialised choices, or wanting to have hitters that are constructs, but I do filed a Hoarcat Pride now and then. Usually with Marcus. They're pretty solid. The devour isn't really it's mainstay attack, but it can be a nice threat to have in its arsenal. I think the combination of eat your fill, manipulative and small target is pretty good, and it can really annoy shooters, like Perdita for instance. They also have some pretty solid damage. I think I would take the cats over the rail workers if I was playing Marcus or Rasputina, or when I wanted a cheap beater that could also double up as a schemer, which I think it's better than the rail worker at because of wk5. 
They're also pretty fun against gremlins, due to devour and because if you hide them behind a wall, the gremlins can often not see them, which works both ways I guess, but the gremlins shoot and the cats don't :P

I think people focus too much on its devour when it's regular ml attack is better in most situations.

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I like Hoarcats if you have other models that burn cards to target (either really high defence, or terrifying). Manipulative checks on each attack adds up. Hoarcats overall are very survivable with manipulative, small target, Ht1 and eat your fill. When they're above half health, they have weak damage 3, which is amazing on a 5ss model. The one issue with hoarcats is the 40mm base combined with a lack of unimpeded. Devour, as Sybarite mentioned, is a trap. However, it's also a great threat to certain opponents, and if you happen to have a high crow or red joker in your hand and a juicy target (say....Ophelia), then by all means, go for it! It's worth at least pretending that you're going for that to keep Ht1 models on their toes. 

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