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Learning to play Viks properly...


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I think I just like the idea of having another unit with the buffs of being a sister, but the MC healing capabilities is pretty sweet.


Out of interest, after the initial slingshot, would you guys normally try to keep the Viks together?  Or let them split up and if they die, they die?  I was in 2 minds in my game, and it started to feel like Blood was holding the position of Ashes back.


While I love the idea of the Viks, and I love the models (wish I had the plastics though!), so far I haven't found them 'fun' yet - though that game was somewhat frustrating all over :P

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I generally don't tend to take the Child (Mainly because I don't own him) because I find that the Viks are pretty insane anyway, I've had plenty of people rage quit on me already just for using the Viks and by throwing Sisters in Fury + Malifaux Child into that mix I'm sure I'd cause a lot more rage quitters. I've never really felt the need to use Sisters in Fury although I definitely understand why a lot of people consider it auto-include. 


After the initial slingshot I tend to keep Blood around 7-10" away from Ashes so she can be called back with Sisters in Spirit if I want to go for another slingshot or just bring her out of harms way. It's situational though. Sometimes I'll throw Blood into the fray and leave her there to die knowing she will leave bodies in her wake before she goes down, this causes the enemy to become distracted and having to deal with Blood whilst Ashes and the rest of the crew can run off and bag some VP. Other games I've set up a slingshot to psyche out my opponent only to have the Viks run away and drop markers for schemes. The Viks are one of those Masters that are pretty simple to understand but take time and finesse to truly Master. 

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Unless I've used Oathkeeper on the Slingshot to get deep into enemy territory, Ashes is usually just outside of 6" from Blood in order to use Lonely Path. As mentioned in allows you to extract Blood via Sisters in Spirit with a little Walk or possibly in range of another target for Dragon's Bite.

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  • 1 month later...

I have been playing them recent without the slingshot (Blood usual upgrades but Ashes holding survivalist, SiF and I pay better).


This is in a heavy shooting list (Hans, Trappers and Lazrus) I am picking things of from range with free(ish) focus and people become less worried about Blood due to no crazy slingshot.


however she still has a threat of 15" without it and well people clump up more thinking they are safer from said crazy slingshot.....So we play Peekaboo with Blood.


Slingshot is crazy strong but dont think it is the only way ;)

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Slingshot is crazy strong but dont think it is the only way ;)


Definitely not! I once played a game where I had the Slingshot setup on the Viks and never used it once. Instead I used the Viks as a psychological threat and had them run schemes all game long. They were pretty much left to do whatever they wanted because my opponent was worried if he got too close to them He'd be on the receiving end of a Whirlwind. He fired a few pot shots at them and every time one of them got low on Health I had Vanessa heal them back up so they could carry on. They bagged me 3VP for Breakthrough and Entourage whilst my remaining models bagged me 3VP for Turf War! Good times! :D

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I recently ran a Vik's list i like to call "the rough neck" for gaurd the stash. Bishop, Laz, 2x convict gunslingers, johan, max oath and howling wolf tat plus some other bits. There was a "no live zone"near the middle and i got the message delivered (oathkeeper bishop FTW). I kept the viks seperated most of this game as they were both covering the far flanks in case anyone tried to skirt around the kill zone. This is yet another completely different list style with teh viky's and i continue to be surprised by the variety of functions these girls can serve.

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