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Prep for First Tourney as Neverborn


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Hi. Main advice from my experience with (non-Malifaux) tournaments is to have fun. Nice blog btw and like me started to play Malifaux only recently.


What I tend to do at tournaments is to ask questions and observe tactics/strategy and evaluate afterwards shortly with the player to understand why he was doing what he was doing (if that makes sense). I have a sense Malifaux is really deep and by doing this the game becomes much more fun and interesting for me. Hopefully someday this will allow me to motivate others to join the ranks as well.

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Discussing the game with your opponent once the dust has settled is a great way to make new friends, learn new tactics and have a laugh with people at these sorts of events. I make a habit of having a chat with all my opponents at the end of every game I play to discuss things (mistakes, luck, crew building, objectives etc) so both can learn and grow from the experience. 

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Discussing the game with your opponent once the dust has settled is a great way to make new friends, learn new tactics and have a laugh with people at these sorts of events. I make a habit of having a chat with all my opponents at the end of every game I play to discuss things (mistakes, luck, crew building, objectives etc) so both can learn and grow from the experience. 


And you can divulge information that way, that will later be used against you!


Argh, I think that thread has spoiled tournaments forever for me....

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As I've said before on AWP, I like the blog. Practice, learning the crews/cards, and just have fun would be my advise. :)

Also, if you want a game sometime on Vassal hit me up. I'm always willing to be someone's victim on there, and I still need to try out Extraction and Interference.

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Some of the biggest ones I can think of when I've been to tournaments is as follows:


  • Use the bathroom before the match starts
  • Don't be afraid to ask questions about the event or seeing opponent stat cards, also don't be afraid to ask for a TO if you and your opponent can't resolve a rule issue
  • Find time somewhere between matches to eat. You won't realize how hunger can mess with your play! 
  • Bring your own tokens/scheme markers so you and your opponent won't confuse schemes.(I use Relic Knight's kickstarter tokens for my scheme/AOE markers personally)
  • Also going with the mindset that tournaments are a fun yet competitive way to guarantee an afternoon of matches. Don't make it about winning, make fun your priority.  
  • Side note, if you're proxying, give your opponent a run down of what you may be using as a stand in for another model.
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