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Malifaux Character Conversion


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Hullo all, old malifaux player, new TtB player.

Quick/not so quick question:

Is there any way to convert models/cards from Malifaux to TtB.



Can Seamus show up in TtB? Or Plague? etc.

I notice in the Fatemaster's Almanac a great deal of mention of villains and how to pace/build story arcs.

I don't want to fall on tropes, however, some of the most powerful members of the game are (manifested/avatared) masters that could be amazing to square off against.

Is there any resource to determine how a model (master/hench/enforcer) might convert into TtB setting to be run in a campaign as an NPC?

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Yeah... though if you treat the skirmish master as having a high AV (6+), then the auto +11 does make things pretty rough.  Then actually use the critical system for zero health and below to keep them ticking for at least a few turns longer.  I wouldn't expect them to kill a player (which is good in my opinion), but they may do some significant damage.


But yeah, TTB is built in the player's favor.  Long, drawn out encounters with multiple opponents seem to cause more damage than a single "boss" character.  As a personal example:  having an enchanter with the Ice immuto means everyone in the party can potentially cause paralysis with no resistence test.  This makes having a single enemy much much less dangerous.  But there are also fun ways around it...

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It's also helpful for the master to show up with assistance; much like in the skirmish game, a single Master will quickly fall when up against four or five characters, just from the weight of the AP arrayed against them. They like having enforcers and minions and henchmen alongside them, which makes sense; necromancers rarely end up fighting against Lady Justice alone; in any sort of Death Marshal operation, she'll likely have the Judge and a handful of Death Marshals with her, if nothing else.

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