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Witching Handler and Abuela proxies


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Yeah, I'm kicking myself for not buying all of the models I wanted (for looks) back when I played in 1.0 I got dragged into other games at the time and no one played around the store as the creep started. Also kicking myself for starting with Ramos back then, he was fun but he took far more effort to set up than a lot of the other masters people played in my store (Lilith, Pandora, Perdita, etc.) and I almost always lost.



Still, it's seeing a resurgence now so I'm in a position to snag favorite models without worrying now if anyone is playing or not. Still, there are a few nice models that are hard to come by.

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I know a place you can find a duet and the handler in stock.


Lies! The Duet went into extinction months ago! :D


In all seriousness if there is one out there let us know! 


Wyrd need to get these models back into circulation in plastic of course. They'd make a killing on Widow Weavers, Coryphee, Nekima, Ashes and Dust etc. All of those rare and hard to find toys!! Are you listening guys!?! WE WANT CORYPHEE! 

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Dang it, I wish that had been in a PM, or Master not buying two. The search continues then I guess, though I'm practically at the point that I'm just going to convert some Mannequins.



Edit: If you decide later you want to offload one of the pair, I'd be willing to buy a blister at a reasonable price if you're on the US side of things.

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