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How many markers I'll need?


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@OP, Are you talking for your crew or for general? And are you talking specific factions or in general?


Yeah, unless you're playing a master who goes crazy with them, I think 10 is a very generous estimate for how many one player will want.


Corpse or scrap, you often won't need either if neither side is playing ressers or arcanists (I believe it's official that if no one uses the markers, don't place them? If not, it's been a house rule that's never caused problems). Also, if you're playing arcanists you won't typically need many scrap counters, for example, so that matters more how much you want to be ready for any situation/multiple factions.


I'd say about 8 corpse/scrap markers would do it, unless you're spamming light guys (gremlins for instance). Just build a few lists, and you should get used to how many guys you play.

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Demenzia, I don't play any Resser characters, but decided to make up markers in case my opponents needed them.

5 Strat (red border 30mm for things like Squatters Rights...need to go make 2 50mm ones for the new Strat now)
8 Corpse

8 Scrap

8 Scheme (White Border)
8 Scheme (Black Border)
2 Blast (should make a 3rd, but really only 1 person in the game does triple blast)
6 Forests (6x50mm bases for my Waldgeist and Lilith to make their temporary terrain)
10 Generic (30mm markers with white plasticard cut to fit. I can write on them with a dry erase marker so I can note down burning, poison, slow, defensive, focus, etc then wipe it clean once done)

Of those I made (and my main local player is a Nico player), I think only in one game have I ran out of corpse markers for him, and that was only at the end of one brutal turn + all the corpse markers he made via canine remains and Mortimer's spleens. Of the scheme markers, I, nor my opponent(s), rarely need the full 8. Most of the time it's 5 to 6 at most used. Since I started using Colette, I tend to hit 8 to 10 a game, with last game needing 15 for one turn before I got rid of about 6 of them for shenanigans. 

That's my experience anyway. Your mileage may very.

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Depends. Normally, 7-10 Scheme markers is enough by far (but Colette might disagree).


Also, 7-10 Corpse markers is usually the maximum that's on the table at once, but sometimes, strange things happen in Malifaux.


This is pretty much what I use and I've pretty much always been fine although there was this one game where Nico and McMourning generated 16 Corpse Counters by Turn 3. I was hoping to make 16 Mindless Zombies but my Nico got Paralyzed by a Nurse then Devoured by a Flesh Construct before he could Muahaha. :(


I'm thinking to do them with a box of Mantic zombies


I've used these guys for my Mindless Zombies, I've got 8 although I should have 15 (Had a few issues with some Army Painter Spray) They are cheap, cheerful, all different and they get the job done quite nicely

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