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How do you use Nix?

Hateful Darkblack

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Okay, here are my impressions of Nix tactically:

  • He's the one non-Summoner in an all-Summoning Crew.
  • He's great at spreading Blighted. And can do some late-turn damage with Bleeding Disease.
  • He dies every game I've played him. (Except that one time when he led a 20ss in a summoning-allowed Hardcore game).
  • He dies every game, but he sucks up a lot of AP on the way. He keeps healing back up and reducing damage and whatnot.
  • He's pretty good at attacking. Especially attacking models with Blighted.
  • When he gets in the thick of the battlefield, though, his defenses fall down fast. He's got a bunch of defenses that slow down his demise, but none that really stop it.
  • He's pretty fast what with the Incorporeal and stuff.


So, what is he? Is he a counter-flanker, eating up enemy scheme-runners and preying on the weak? Is he a sacrifical tarpit, dying but wasting a ton of enemy AP to make it happen? Is he a late-game assassin, bloating foes up with Blighted and then dropping them when they get enough?


Do you get a lot of success with him? If so, how? Where do you put him? How do you kick ass with him?


Do you play him with a Hamelin Crew or does he fit in with some other Crew instead?


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I ALWAYS take Nix in a Hamelin crew. He dies often, but not always. In the games he does die, it takes the opponent considerable effort to knock him down. And while they are hitting him, they aren't hitting other models, meaning rats are growing into kings and I'm getting things done.

I primarily use him as a flanker, except on Turf War, where I throw hollow on him, and just sit him in the middle.

I ALWAYS take infections melodies on him. Living crews are in trouble when stolen start hurling their tiny little bodies into the middle of a crew. So. Many. Paralyse. Tests....

I find with SS on defence, and prevention, he doesn't usually die until I want him to, or don't need to keep him alive any more.

He can very easily be any of the roles you mentioned. He is regularly my MVP in a Hamelin crew.

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You are clearly not eating soul stones to make him live. Nix dies pretty easily to CA actions But bar that and things ignoring incorporeal he is actually super tanky.

Enemies failing duels no problem let me heal right up. If you are using nix all by his lonesome in the middle of an enemy crew you are doing it wrong. Cause any model doing that is going to die. But if you do do thst have Hamelin obey some things to heal nix.

Hollow is really good since you get access to guild hounds and canine remains. Really good objective runners. And if you attack them with rats to give them blighted when they die you get a rat at no cost to you. And drawn to contagion (1) charge well all one action charges are good. Hamelin's main flaw is putting blight at range but with his upgrade it's possible. And ignoring terrain is always good.

But in those games nix died did you win? Did he suck up enough ap for the rest of your crew to achieve thier objectives? Cause with min damage 2 need to land 6 attacks. Failing one turns into 7 turns into 8. He attacking enemies heals and his 0 helps him heal. Also soul stones help.

Just I random 2cents.

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I've been using Nix as a wing-man for Killjoy and it works great. The big guy takes a lot of heat off Nix so he can do his thing and the way they both heal makes splitting your attention between them unprofitable. You do have to make sure Nix doesn't get offed by something with a cast, but anything else with moderate damage less than 5 can have serious trouble with him.


I try to make Killjoy tie-up (and/or eat) the enemy casters so Nix can go after his choice prey. By the time Killjoy drops you should have plenty of blight spread around to play with.


It's also a good idea to throw Nix some support from Hamelin or other random mooks that can heal him out of turn if he's looking hurt as well. 


I haven't used him with Hollow yet, I try to use Drink Spirit every round and 2 SS is pretty hefty, but I'm looking forward to trying it out-mostly for the (1) charges!

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Enemies failing duels no problem let me heal right up. If you are using nix all by his lonesome in the middle of an enemy crew you are doing it wrong. Cause any model doing that is going to die. But if you do do thst have Hamelin obey some things to heal nix.


Actually, that is a good question. If Hamelin successfully obeys an enemy, and forces it to attack another enemy, will Nix heal regardless of which enemy succeeds at the duel?

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I use the old dog mainly as a flanker-disruptor. His main functions are to spread Bligth, soaking up enemy ap (or hiding if there are an enemy caster nearby), and sneaking around and dropping schemes while killing lesser scheme runners. If I suspect that a oppenet will bring a master or model with blasts or aoe attacks I will take Hollow. It can be vital in protecting the whole crew, while keeping to Hamelin's theme of giving the middle finger to the opponent.


Another, situational, role is to tie up enemy models if my opponent have taken Distract or Cursed Object. He can protect other models from the condition while being safe from harm.

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Actually, that is a good question. If Hamelin successfully obeys an enemy, and forces it to attack another enemy, will Nix heal regardless of which enemy succeeds at the duel?



This also works when your opponent is having his own models fail duels against each other. He will heal each time a model does this in range of his aura. 

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Infectious Melodies ALWAYS.


ESPECIALLY with Killjoy or Summoning Karina. It's just too good to be able to have a model gain fast for a turn, even if it is dying afterwards. Hamelin's crew is often not bothered by it's members dying. 


Hollow is VERY effective, particularly for the 1AP charges, and the situational blast/pulse/Aura immunities. 

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I usually take one or the other. Hollow if I want to protect the crew from aoe. Meaning that I rarley have gotten any usage of Nix's 1 ap charge. I often go with Infectious Melodies. Its great to have since the crew will have heaps of peons and minions that can be sacrificed for one outstanding activation. The Stolen can paralyze groups of enemies, Rats can put a lot of Bligthed on a single target, and a Rat King can eat a scheme marker from 20" away on the last turn. Usually tricks you want to have.

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Infectious Melodies ALWAYS.


ESPECIALLY with Killjoy or Summoning Karina. It's just too good to be able to have a model gain fast for a turn, even if it is dying afterwards. Hamelin's crew is often not bothered by it's members dying. 


Hollow is VERY effective, particularly for the 1AP charges, and the situational blast/pulse/Aura immunities. 


The Killjoy delivery system is very effective with Infectious around. Always fun!


I really like that Karina summoning trick too!

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I'm looking forward to trying out the Karina/Nix summoning trick next time I play Tara.


When I'm using Nix in his native crew, I tend to use him as a toolbox since he does so many things.  In my opinion, he's sort of a jack-of-all-trades, master of none type of model.  He's pretty good at getting places with incorporeal, tough to kill against non-Ca models, deals a moderate amount of damage, and has a nice level of synergy with the crew overall (i.e. spreading blight and making interact actions tough). 


When it comes to his activation during the turn, I try to identify exactly what I need most at that point - damage, Blight, or chasing down a scheme runner - and send Nix to perform that task.  I also agree with Ausplosions that Nix is a great model to carry Infectious Melodies.  Overall, he's a great model and it's really rare that I'd run Hamelin without his faithful dog. 

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I tend to use him as a tarpit with Hamelin, though I've sent him flanking in some situations. Hamelin is so good at removing anything that really threatens Nix from the main fight that Nix can sit in melee quite safely for the most part. He dies sometimes, but causes endless frustration for opponents (there's a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth when the opponent hears "Nix heals a wound" for the tenth time in a turn, after pumping two or three models' activations into him and achieving essentially nothing).


I haven't tried him with other Masters, but now I want to.

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