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Making Sonnia's Fire Wall


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Hello all,


I have a slightly odd question for everyone:  Where can I buy some cavorting Human skeletons?


I have decided recently to model together two large bases, and assemble my version of Sonnia's fire wall; that way, whenever she creates one, I'll have a cool model to put on the board, instead of just a couple of blank 50mm bases.  Keeping with her theme of burning skeletons, I've started looking at various minis lines for completely bare-bones (haHA!) skeletons, unarmed or armored, preferably dancing or cavorting about, as one would be likely to do if one were on, say, fire.


I've had very minimal luck.  Either the skeletons I've found were adorned in some fashion, completely static, or both.  Does anyone have any ideas?  I'm looking for about 5-ish, and will of course post pictures if asked.

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The Night Spectre is certainly the direction I was looking, but I'd been hoping to put my greenstuffing skills to the test; while I'm glad folks're finding the idea helpful, I don't suppose anyone knows of a line that does characterful, unadorned skeletons?  The WHF box I found on Ebay had mostly line infantry, standing facing forward like troops.

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Games Workshop Skeletons from their Tomb Kings range can be assembled completely without addornment. I should know I've got over 100 of the little buggers. There are a few parts on their sprues (Chests, arms, heads etc) that have no armour and it wouldn't be difficult to pick the parts required and pose them in a dancing kind of way. The Vampire Counts Skeletons might also be worth looking into. 


Tomb King Skeletons (Minus arms but their arms have no armour) 




Vampire Counts Skeletons



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