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So where is The Breach anyway?

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I've been wondering where in the world is The Breach.

It's been discussed at The Wyrd Place on fb and the general concensus is that it is somewhere in southern USA but in my mind I imagine it somewhere like East France or Northern Germany.

Is there a definitive location in the fluff anywhere or is it a matter of choice? What do you all think?

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It's not said explicitly anywhere but some things can be inferred. In Rising Powers (the 2nd book in first edition) characters are said to have crossed an ocean to get there from England. A newly arrived person that is being mugged was said have "greenbacks" on his person. One of Colette's underlings (maybe Cassandra, can't remember) was planing to travel East a ways from the breach.


So somewhere in North America, not too close to the Atlantic coast.

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