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Jack Daw crew 35SS


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Hi folks,


I am willing to try Jack Daw in a 35SS game next week. I really like the background and this curse mechanic of him but I have no experiance with him yet. Can you guys suggest me some good options what models should I run with Jack? It will be a  friendly game nothing serious and I just want to learn how JD works on the table.


The strategy and shemes will be the following:



A LitS


Plant Evidence




Thanks for your advice,



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Guilty are fantastic at 5ss a piece, and JD can take Nurses, so...

JD is a support/debuff master so it's nice to have a beatstick in the lineup - I'm partial to Bishop myself. Generally I take one Guilty for every non-Tormented model I hire, but that may not be doable at 35SS. 

With all those movement/interact schemes I'd err on the side of more models, and Writhing Torment is probably a must on JD. Montressor is nice and fast, but he's quite expensive, and it takes a lot of resources to keep him alive (Lady Ligeia can help with that).


I would be tempted to say something like;

Jack Daw
- Writhing Torment

- The Curses


2x Guilty


Bishop / Montressor w/Fearful Whispers

Friekorps Librarian / Trapper

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Yeah, how limited options are tend to give you no flexibility, and if you've got one killer summoner/buffer/beater, depending on the situation it can just wreck the other side far easier than in larger games.


If I play them, I'll usually just play a decently well-rounded set entirely from theme, since it's easily skewed enough that it's not a very good environment for a really competitive game, so I might as well play with how a set is "meant" to be played to feel out how it was intended.

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Your Crew looks fine. Consider Lady Ligeia if you can field a good proxy. She's really good.

Jack Daw takes some learning. Expect to stumble on his movement tricks the first fewgames. I know I did. Once you get used to those movement tricks they're golden so it's worth trying it out and getting used to it.

35ss is a great size for when you're learning. Eventually you'll probably want to start playing 50ss, but 35ss is big enough to get good model interactions and fun play.

You may want to consider The Hanged as your big beater model as well. It's a brutal model.

I usually find that two Guilty are enough. You can have too many of them.

The Nurse really is fun! She's like a separate puzzle minigame: all her meds are both buffs and debuffs, so you want to set them up so the buffs don't help your opponents and the debuffs don't hurt your allies. once you get used to it, she's so flexible and powerful!

But all in all, your Crew looks solid and you're in for some exciting games!

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I have to echo HD's points from the post above mine!


35SS isn't the most balanced (especially when you include summoners), but I've found it's an excellent game size for learning a new master.  Another piece of advice I give players who are new to the game or to a master is to start out with a master's thematic crew.  Themed models tend to have similar tricks and playstyle.  Plus, they generally revolve around a specific keyword.  Once you get the mechanics of the crew down, then definitely branch out into other out of theme models!


P.S. Definitely try out Lady Liega - keep her alive and near the action and your opponent will be having fits.

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First of all, thank you for your response guys.

I know 35 SS is not the best for this game but we usually try and learn the new masters in lower than 50 SS matches. It's enough to figure out the main mechanisms and it won't be take a lot of time with all the new models and abilities.

What do you think about this list:

Outcasts Crew - 35 - Dustup

Jack Daw -- 2 Pool

+Drowing Injustice [0]

+Firing Squad Injustice [0]

+Guillotine Injustice [0]

+Writhing Torment [2]

Lady Ligeia [4]

Montresor [9]

+Fearful Whispers [1]

The Guilty [5]

The Guilty [5]

The Hanged [9]

It's without healers but maybe the Monty -Hanged combo could work together fine.

I am going to chose Entourage and Plant Evidence/Breakthrough as my schemes. My opponent's declared fraction is Guild. I am not sure what master will he chose to play with but he likes Lady J, so maybe that's his choice.

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That looks like a great list to learn Jack's play style, and I think you'll have a lot of fun with it!  You'll get a sampling of everything Jack's crew can do and start to learn all the complex combos.


Something you may want to consider is giving Jack the Betrayer upgrade in lieu of Fearful Whispers on Montressor.  Since you've got 2 Guilty and the Curses, you can give lots of enemy models Tormented which means they'll all consider Jack Terrifying.  Then just keep Lady Liega near Jack and watch him be essentially immortal!  Imagine Lady J trying to attack Jack and not being able to cheat the Terrifying duel - that's a huge gamble.

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Recon @ 35ss will not be easy for JD. Monty-Hanged combo is expensive for this level and you are probably going to have to accept the fact that you will almost certainly not be able to ever hold more than two quarters at once. Furthermore, you won't have to worry about speed so much in this matchup so you can even opt for a more passive set up. Your focus should be on VP denial since you're playing a more or less disadvantageous matchup.

I would drop monty and your guilty - at 35ss your three curses will give you enough torment to spread around and you need more help in the attrition of recon. Put the hanged with Daw and M'Lady then run a passive Jaakuna w/ drowned and nurse mini-crew to pull opposing models into non-scoring positions while locking up distract. That will keep your opponent busy. JD with distract is gold.

Your second list is pretty good. After you play Daw a few times try transitioning into a more passive style of play to maximize JD's full potential.

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