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Sonnia, Sam, Witchlings, and...?


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Hello all,


It's been my experience, both personally and seeing what's been suggested by others, that most Sonnia lists are either her boxset (and more Witchlings as Burning dictates), or her boxset and One Other Thing.  The three I've heard suggested the most are:


Frank, because Frank is awesome; it helps to  add Diestro for more Burning from the Witchlings' guns, and it makes Sam pretty silly


Papa Loco to give out + flips to her and Sam for damage, thus allowing cheatable magic reflections, and more blasts... I also like the idea of him with Hermanos, since I often found that Sam needs a better firing angle, or Sonnia is just out of range for Witchling summoning.


The Friekorps Specialist, so get the Burning train going right.  Also plenty of utility, personally.


What And Something Else do you all add?  The above, something else?  I'm mostly interested in that third thing added (and when/why one might do so), as opposed to entire Sonnia lists.

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Uhhh.....Witchling Handler. She goes in my Sonnia list right after Sonnia and before anything else. I also like a Watcher for Scheme running and when I pull the LoS trick with it it can really catch people.


I've experimented with the three you listed above and yeah....they're all good/fun/whatever......but honestly I don't think you need them.

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Witchling Handler and two Riflemen is a combo I sometimes include. I also like a Lawyer (her 14 Wds are a way better protection with HtW) for utility.


If I can stay back for my VP, I also like Judge and/or Hunter to pull people to me. Judge in general replaces Samael if I need someone to Bodyguard.

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I also recommend the Witchling Handler, especially if you are going to be bringing Sonnia's summoning upgrade (and I really think you always should). I personally also like the Guardian and the Watcher from Hoffman's box. The Watcher allows you to get Violation of Magic off without exposing Sonnia to enemy attack, and a lot of people don't expect it to use the Handler's burning aura to light someone on fire via Sky Eye.


The Guardian's Guard ability isn't that useful on Sonnia and Samael because of their terrible defense stats, but it make the Handler more survivable (and makes Reflect Magic a lot more likely), and Shield Press is a sneaky way of getting un-resistible burning down on someone. It is also a minion, so it is a viable target for On My Orders and Follow the Flock.


The Brutal Effigy is also a nice, solid addition, especially if you are against  a crew that is going to be able to put significant damage on Sonnia regardless of terrain (ie: anyone playing the Pig-a-pault). Sonnia can damage a lot of models in one activation, and that means a lot of healing/card draw.


Finally, Sue isn't a bad addition, as Sonnia is hungry for cards for Confiscated Lore/Violation of Magic. Sue guarantees you get seven control cards per turn, plus he has a pretty decent burning aura, and he can give your hordes of Witchlings Finish the Job.


Not to mention he just looks awesome.

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My sadness with the handler/rifleman combo is the 10" limitation. I know why it's there, and that makes sense, but it makes me want to use her as a midfielder instead of a backfielder. 


A Lone Marshall can be good, sort of in general, but as a tough shooty model that's hard to pin down. And with trick shooting, you're getting the equivalent of two moves, a focus, and a SH action. You can even push out of cover, and into the handler's burning aura, shoot, and push back into cover. :P



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Brutal Effigy is an auto include for me.


If you do include The Witchling Handler you open up for pretty much any model in the Guild.


Pathfinder is also a good buy as the traps make for a very effective starting point for Sonnia´s Flame burst (WP 6 means :+fate for the lady). 

Also if you like targeting your own models then an Oiran could be an interesting add on (+1 WP :aura  for friendly living models) as it brings a lot of models up to 6 Wp.


The Child as a totem brings extra utility so might be a good change from the Flame.


Generally Sonnia is very versitlle so she works with most models...

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So I am the odd one who does not take all the burning and never take sam. Once in awhile I will use burning handler with dashel a brutal effigy and three rifleman. For all the funsys.

But in my last game I only took a stalker cause it cost 5 points and I did not want any 6 stone models to complete my list. (Wanted a 5 stone cache not a 4)

But I do say papa loco with Sonnia is down right dirty and some times makes me feel bad when nuke my opponents crew turn 1/2. Expert sleuth makes winning initiative slightly more favorable. Whih can be clutch with Sonnia.

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Well 2 stringers papa a death marshal brutal effigy. Sonnia with cherufes imprint and counter spell aura. Rest to flavor need runners hounds or watchers. Combief with Austringers to push and interact (if need be)

If playing ressers exorcists cause between the stringers and them can't discards cards to move or live. And not having a control hand in general is Shitty. If it's squatters I will put in a Pathfinder and 2 traps to delay them getting markers or out right denying them.

I take guild guard also cause 4 point models with arrest trigger is funny on top of no hand from previous things.

But Sam nope to slow and too glassy. Stalkers slow but might get some where eventually.

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Do you generally put Papa in the box?


I think the big difference for me is the Austringers. For some reason I've just never been an Austringer guy. I may occasionally take one, but I have never taken two. I find Stalkers plenty speedy enough with a Handler behind them. I also always take Reincarnation and I find that on turn 2 (and thereafter), I can put a Stalker pretty much anywhere I want one (Sonnia just needs to move up some on turn one to be in position)......they seem much faster when you plop them over halfway across the table.

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Yes. Papa in a box a does not explode on my face from people shooting him or sniping him. And B:running a death marshal in an enemy crew saying kill me kill me now. Is always fun. And the 2-3 turns it takes doing that Sonnia is on a :+fate damage flip. And if I have a stone I take reincarnation. But I never seem to make it within 10" things are dead at the just under 14 Mark or they are not on fire. Giving papa expert sleuth works out since he can still discard it whenever. Or can actually use it to push and then blow up.

And I never cared for Austringers either but after using them a lot I see why people hate them. And taking 2 is good for me since low masks eat the control hand. And vs summoning masters nuking 4 cards out of there hands so when they do summon that whole turn is just flipping for the best.

And Sonnia nukes things down quite easily.

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