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a simple mind quiz

The Godlyness

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So for some fun and for Food for thought. I am going to post a scenario and I you yes you to solve it. This one is simple.

Coppelius is engaged with a model that if he does not kill in this single activation you lose the game.


You win all duels and you can choose any trigger.

Coppelius always flips weak damage

The enemy model has 4 wounds.

Your first damage flip is a black joker.

Explain how you kill the model go.

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Hit him with Long Clawed Fingers, get Remove Eye Trigger that does Moderate without flipping doing 3 damage. If the enemy fails the resulting Horror duel he takes another 2 damage from Nightstalker.


If he passes the Horror duel hit him Long Clawed Fingers + Remove Eye again for 3 more damage.

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Great idea! Since it's on my mind, here's another one;

How do you kill Ashes and Dust with one model, in one activation? Assumptions;

- You start in melee (or out of - your choice)

- The dust storm/ashen core is placed in LOS, but otherwise in a way that benefits the A&D player, not you.

- You will win every Duel you make,

- Neither player flips either Joker,

- You'll never flip more than a weak for damage duels.

I'm aware of two ways off the top of my head, one of which is more reliable than the other.

Go! :)


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Hit him with Long Clawed Fingers, get Remove Eye Trigger that does Moderate without flipping doing 3 damage. If the enemy fails the resulting Horror duel he takes another 2 damage from Nightstalker.


If he passes the Horror duel hit him Long Clawed Fingers + Remove Eye again for 3 more damage.

Well yes.

Bonus for you then. Kill the model and get three eye markers.

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Well yes.

Bonus for you then. Kill the model and get three eye markers.


Trigger I want them both on the first attack - Although the black joker comes up, one still gets the eye marker and the second attack w/o triggers. The free attack nets one damage and another eye marker.


Next attack trigger long clawed fingers dealing the rest of the damage and gaining another eye marker.

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(1) Pull the Void on Killjoy to give him Fast. Trigger Glimpse the Void to bury Killjoy.
(1) Whispers From Darkness to copy (1) Cleaver from Killjoy and murder BAd Guy.
(0) Eternal Journey to place Tara near as possible to Lazarus in Tara’s deployment zone.
(1) Faces in the Void to Unbury Killjoy in base contact, closer to Lazarus, and Chain Activate.
(1) Charge Lazarus with Blood Price. Should be within range for a Blood Price Charge. Hit for 2 damage after Armor, then trigger Onslaught to hit again for 2 damage, then hit again again for 2 damage.
(1) Swing again for 2 more damage.
(1) Swing again for the last 2 damage. OM NOM NOM COMPLETED.
Didn't even need to do any Black Blood shenanigans!
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