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Joe Shmoe paints Mallifaux


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The general quality of miniatures posted here is both inspiring and intimidating. I have nowhere near the talent required to fit in with all the awesome round about here, but can still paint stuff that looks good on the table top. I typically have one of the best looking armies at the FLGS, even though my figures are average individually, because I only play painted and based figures. Quantity has a quality all of its own. And a decent base really elevates a so-so paint job.


This is my thread as a member of the hamfisted paint-by-numbers majority.  



The metal Johan is a pretty dull sculpt compared to most Mallifaux, but it's really easy to paint.


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All of your models look really good. I really dislike the Johans old sculpt, but your painting makes his face stand out, he looks a bit like a character for Mike Mignolas comic book (Hellboy).

I really like your desperate mercs. Only thing I'd change would that I would do a darker tone on the wood of their rifles.
I bought a pro painted female desperate merc back during the first edition Malifaux because I disliked her sculpt and I need a reminder of how a mini can be fixed with decent paintjob and a more unique color scheme.
After that I painted Leveticus (also a dull mini) and I was quite happy with how he came out.

I have a similar problem with posting my minis here, because a lot of stuff looks so much above my skills.
But it might be just in my head. I would say that your minis are above average, because they capture interest.
I might post a Molly crew soon when I'm finished with it.

Sorry for the long  banter.

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There is so much stuff posted here is absolutely phenomenal. And I love looking at them.  But in an unattainable admiration kind of way.  


I really enjoy seeing something done that looks great that I feel I could achieve.  Those are the posts that inspire me to paint. :)

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Your execution and colors are well done.


You mentioned in your post that you don't have the talent to achieve a painting level. I would tend to disagree with you. My mother was an art teacher for almost 30 years and she believed anyone could do art. Some just might take more effort to get somewhere. You display what I believe are the three key elements to miniature painting. You have the desire, brush control and patients to paint. Two of those you cannot teach anyone. You also have good color choice as well as throwing details in like the bottom of the cape that is dirty. Blending is one of the more difficult things to learn because you need to thin your paint and do multiple layers. Jennifer Haley has a great video that helps with smooth color transition. Anyway keep painting and having fun with it. 


Bottom line is if you are happy with your miniatures that is all that matters. 




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You make a very good point. The honest and full truth is that I'm just not prepared to invest 40+ hours each for figures that are going to have to stand up to all the normal dings and scrapes of table top play.  And I paint to play with painted figures, not for display. I'm going to have to try someday, but I harbor a suspicion that I'll put in ten times the effort for something that looks 50% better.


Which is  I guess is just a fancy way to say I'm a lazy git looking for every half-arsed shortcut I can find.  ;)

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@McCabe    The odd looking face is entirely due to my (lack of) painting skills.  But the only way to get better is to produce crap that becomes less crappy as you do more of it.  :)  


@Jotun  Yep, decent basing is the easiest way to make average painting look better.  (And nothing pulls a great paint job down like poor basing.)

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