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Is Nekima worth it?


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I'd say that's a typical "good day" for her when she can kill more than she is worth before she dies, but most importantly when she gets the right kill at the right time. That's why she's worth hiring...on bad days she dies too early or is bogged down by useless fodder.


Combining a Mature + Nekima and Lilith provides alot of saturation at the cost of being out-activated. I've tried games with a similar list but Tots instead of Graves (fluff reasons). Worked decently enough so i like it.

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The reason for all the nephilim models is not anything fluff or thematic for me though, its to maximize the Obsidian Talons upgrade. 


I have also been thinking a bit about using a BB shaman with all the nephilim models, but I had him in my last crew for Nekima support, and I hardly think he did anything- at least not anything to justify his 7SS. 


What are you guys experience with the BB shaman?

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I rate him. He is one of only a few models that can actually heal up your models and I find this his most useful ability. His black blood pustule has also been great when any black blood model gets surrounded. I often suicide run a tot in and use this ability. Especially with frame for murder.

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I am considering taking Killjoy with the aforementioned crew, instead of Mature Nephilim. The reason is to get the other largest model in the game, and painting a giant target on Killjoy instead of Nekima. 


The thought is to let Killjoy have one side of the board alone (both to flank and avoid friendly fire^^), and charge him as fast as possible up the board, while the rest of the crew will take advantage of the chaos left behind him.


But is the 2 extra SS worth the cost, and will it be a waste of the Obsidian Talons?


I have not played with either a Mature Nephilim nor Killjoy before, so what are peoples general thought about choosing one of them?

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The Mature is very good with Nekima, imho i've been pleased each game i got him. Contrary to Nekima, the Mature is reliable to do his job without spending a river of cards or soulstones. His speed and attack are great, and his trigger can seriously thwart the plans of your opponent if it occurs at the right time. He also has a defensive (0) in case he is bogged down by fodder. Combining Lilith, a Mature and Nekima in many games proved to be a great "heavy-lifting combo". Mature on one side, Nekima on the other, Lilith going where she needs to.


I don't have game experience with Killjoy sadly, but on paper he's probably able to take on Nekima and either cripple her or win the duel. That said, i don't have my cards atm, but don't you need something to die for him to appear in the first place? If that's the case, it means he may not appear exactly where you want him. Depends if you really need something to "charge up a flank" or want a mega-beater i guess. The Mature may be more indicated to "charge down a flank" thanks to flying.

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I tried Nekima for the first time last night against zFiend on Vassal in a game of Reckoning.... Wow... Totally worth it! I took her in a Grow style list with Lilith and the results were pretty impressive. She managed to kill a Raptor, Myranda, the Jackalope and shredded a Slateridge Mauler but Lilith delivered the final blow. In doing so she also helped a Tot grow to a Mature with her upgrade and created a new Tot by using Blood for Blood to murder the Jackalope. This Jackalope was grown into a Young when Lilith killed the Mauler. 


Nekima + Obsidian Talons + The True Mother = 16ss


She killed : Myranda 8ss, Raptor 4ss, Jackalope, 2ss = 14ss


She created : Terror Tot 4ss 


Grew : Tot to Young +2ss


So by the end of the game I was actually up by 4ss on the initial 16ss investment by either killing her worth in stones or bringing more into the crew. I'll definitely be using her again! 

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I'll be the dissenting voice...

She is a shocktroop type roadblock that draws all the attention and isn't worth the cost. She is a pricey show piece that can be easily and reliably countered.

She rarely sees turn three... I've never been impressed. Good in hardcore >8)

Kinda like Killjoy - you take her a few times to have fun then just opt for more efficient models afterwards.

If you have to significantly cater your list to support a model who isn't your master then that's probably not a very effective choice, generally speaking.

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If you have to significantly cater your list to support a model who isn't your master then that's probably not a very effective choice, generally speaking.

I very much disagree with this point, most masters I play dont need any support- including Lilith whom I take Nekima with. There are plenty of SS left to help out a center piece model.

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My point was made with competitiveness and efficiency in mind - there's a lot more to it than "this model is good provided I do this" - supporting a non-master model is like throwing all your eggs in one basket and that had better be one hell of a good model. This game is very much an exercise in list building the more competitive you play it - not unlike tournament Magic. Helping Nekima is a tremendous amount of points on a model that is already a tremendous amount of points. From what I have seen Nekima is very much her own thing - zergs and dies, plays it safe and gets hunted down or pretty much does nothing and gets picked off before turn three.

Compare, for instance - deuce trappers, or illuminated, stitched, doxies or belles... pretty much anything really... or even interactions like judge and fransisco - instances like that are real effiency and that can be further utilized into effective synergistic crew selection. Or how about assisting Nekima compared to ridiculousness synergies like caster heavy Freikorps lists. More often than not you'll get comparable damage out of a puppet or dreamer bum rushes compared with supporting Nekima all the way up the board - who's just kinda tacked onto your list... right at the bottom... with all those upgrades... you spent building her before you even made a framework for the rest of your crew - which often happens... just like Killjoy.

If you are thinking "how can I make it so that I can include this model in my list because I just happen to like it" then you are not thinking "what are the most effective choices to accomplish my objectives."

Even just comparing Nekima to singular models like say Ashes and Dust and the Riders of comparable value or even Ryle and Lazarus a strongarm or Howard - for cheaper! Furthermore, consider models in terms of SS brackets (which models fill which point values best) and you would probably see Nekima waaaaaay at the end of the 10+ SS per model range. There is no comparison and you most certainly have better choices for those points.

Nekima is just a big shiny fatty who will surprise new players a couple times. ;)

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Nekima is just a big shiny fatty who will surprise new players a couple times. ;)


...She's not really a surprise unless you just missed the Ml7 4/5/6 when reading her card.


While you do need to give some thought before putting her in a list, she's often proven to be of greater value than similar points in cheaper models.  It's also worth noting none of the examples you gave for better models had Df5/Wp7, Wp7 being a very big deal against most things that can easily cripple a costly model.  I've had hanged waste multiple activations trying to hit Nekima with Whispers from Beyond and failing.


Definitely worth it in the right list, but not always the right choice.

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