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Looking for players near me! Birmingham UK


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I'm actually trying to build a Malifaux group out of Waylands Forge in Birmingham City Centre.


I'm hoping to run some demos there soon, first date likely to be 19th November during the day.


Nice little shop in Birmingham, I always like to pop in when I head down to Birmingham (once or twice a year ;p )

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  • 2 weeks later...

On the 19th November, I'm running intro games of Malifaux at Wayland's Forge in Birmingham (UK).

Everyone welcome, I'll be there from about 10:30 until they get tired of me and throw me out.

I appreciate that during the day isn't ideal for everyone, so if you are interested but can't make it, please let me know. If there is enough interest, I'll try and arrange something for a weekend.

I'm not an official Henchman, but looking to get out and meet more Malifaux fans, and hopefully convert some new players.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Damn I forgot to check back on this thread or I would have come down to Wayland's Forge... Any luck with the demos? I am looking to meet people that play down that way if possible. I have been going to Walsall club and it is great but something a bit closer to me would certainly be good as I currently travel on the train.

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There are three of us who play who are family in Sutton. We go to Malifaux events at Titan Games in Lichfield and they are trying to build Malifaux community there. They are running a one day tournament on Saturday 24th Jan 2015 if you are interested. The cross city train goes that way.

We don't get to the clubs unfortunately - evenings tend to be fairly busy!

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*Warning, shameless plug incoming*


Titan Games in Stourbridge has quite a strong Malifaux scene. Anywhere from half a dozen to ten players at any given time. They have late night opening on a Friday and a Facebook Page where players can organise games, meetings, get help, etc. Brett and Steve (the two guys that own/run the place) are close friends of mine and both lovely, plus my younger broyther will be running a campaign there very shortly.


I should probably start charging them commision for this ...

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