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Proposed Changes to the 2015 UK Rankings


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Can someone explain the formula 1 system?

Current F1 rules

1st place gets 25 points

2nd place gets 18 points

3rd gets 15

4th gets 12

5th gets 10

6th get 8

7th get 6

8th get 4

9th get 2

10th gets 1


This won't work in Malifaaux, as not all competitors play in the same events, it doesn't take into account the size of the field, and the number of events people play in.

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Ok this just occurred to me as an idea

The optimum number of players is decided at 28, or 30, or whatever and events that come in with numbers below this are penalised slightly by offering reduced max ranking points.

The game is as balanced as possible at 50ss so how about allowing all ss level tournaments to be ranked but applying the same logic to an event that runs at lower ss level (irrelevant of it being master/henchman led) so a slight penalty to the max ranking points (say1 point per ss) is applied to any tournament that runs under 50ss

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I had considered that Scott but left it off my proposal list for this year, my concern about it is what do you do about escalation type events?  The last thing we need is for the scoring for an event to become a complex morass of ifs and buts

Yes I can see your point, a way round it I suppose would be to give each tournament an ideal total ss point, eg it might be that an ideal tournament is 4 x 50ss games so the optimum total for max points would be a 200ss tournament (obviously could be adjusted if needed) and then slightly penalise tournaments that come in under this optimum level or even boost ranking points slightly if they are over this level (2 dayers, etc)

Also, for data collection would it be useful to have a standard tournament score sheet for each player that they fill in that captures all the data you want/need and then have a standard spreadsheet that is used by TO's to report this data, not sure how onerous this would be for TO's

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We need to be careful about the rankings putting demands on TOs.  Different TOs like do things differently and a number of venues have their own staff handle admin while the TO marshals the event. So it's not always possible to have them use a specified system.


One of the great things about the rankings right now is they put as close to zero admin / requirements on the TO as possible.


Mike - we seem to be meandering a bit now.  Following the discussion it my be worth revising the current proposals for the 2015 system at this stage?  Maybe even in a new thread, so we can all see where we are.

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Scott - I don't think that the scoresheets that we use are far away from what's needed and getting to a standard one is a small step. Would help players as well.


I'm not keen on the idea of the ranking points being linked to the SS points chosen. I think that many events will have to reduce SS to get in 4 rounds and still have the chance to get through as many turns as possible. It's a delicate balance!

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