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Tying to learn as much as I can about the new edition

Vermicious Knid

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So hi there!

I am a long-time Warmachine player (who goes by Mikethefish on the PP forums) and am looking to get into Malifaux.

I've never played, but I have some of the 1st edition books. I understand the new edition is upon us, and I am trying to find out exactly what's changing, and how I go about leaning everything. Here's a few questions I have...

1) Are there any good podcasts that go into detail about the new changes, overviews of the new Masters/models, that sort of thing. 2nd ed info is what I'm looking for

2) What's the time frame on how much has gone into the new plastics, and what's coming up next

3) This question is for those folks who also play Warmachine. Which game (Malifaux or Warmachine) is best for a young person to learn (age 10-12). Bear in mind that if I taught Malifaux to this particular young friend, I would probably edit out the "adult" figs/art from Malifaux lol

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1. there are a few to pick from, just type out malifaux podcast in google and pick the one that appeals to you the most.

2. as for whats coming out next, the simple answer is the rest of wave 1 and the start of crossroads (including the gencon goodies)

3.seeing as you would edit out the adult themed content, I would say malifaux would be better to teach, I play both and love both but I do find Malifaux more straight forward, the card flipping mechanic is easier to determine stat differences than dice rolling, and as for faction, the guild? kids love cowboys, or at least I knew I did.

anyways welcome through the breach human, we gremlins hope to take your clothes and your shinies soon!

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1 There were several podcasts a year a go that looked at the changes from 1st edition to second edition. The Designers went on a lot of podcasts from about may 2013 to september 2013 talking about the changes. Cheating Fates, Malifools and Through the breech are the most prolific that I can think of that are still reagually producing content to listern to thta talked about the edition change


2 About half the range is now in Plastic. They have been doing Plastic for 2 years, but only remaking models for 1 year. At a rough guess everything currently with rules will be done about Christmas 2015 (although they will have made new models by then).

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Oh, cool, re: PP... haven't been very active over there for a long time, but I go under the same name there,


2: it's been more than a year, and yes, I'm expecting at least a year more before they finish making things in plastic (though wouldn't be surprised if the first book's minis were completed this coming spring)


3: no question, Warmachine from those two options. Malifaux is just plain adult as a game: There are lots of stuff around sex and horror and just stuff that wouldn't make sense, and the objective system would probably frustrate kids (why doesn't killing all your guys guarantee a win?) along with the bluffing elements.


I'm not a huge warmachine fan, but the system is pretty obvious. However, I'd probably go with something more basic like 40k or a combat-based board game if I were to try.

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1. I've only just got my head around reading blogs its going to take at least another year before podcasts penetrate my sphere


2. Well so far theyve managed about 80-90% of the Wave 1 models (the main rule book) have been upgraded to plastic. Theres still a few odds and sods but most have at least been seen now. Unless Wyrd pick up the pace we wont see all of Wave 2 (The models in the recently released Crossroads book) for a good 2 years.


3. On the one hand Warmachine has a relatively simple dice system but a lot of the time you'll be looking to the reference section of the book for things like what the little foot icon on the datacard means. It does that same thing Warhammer does by having loads of universal special rules that can get confusing without cheat sheets. 

Malifaux, on the other hand, has stripped its main rules section to the bone - nearly all the special rules are printed on the character cards.


As for the mature themes, well I don't know about the US but over here the kids already know all the words by 10 and the Rotten Belles can easily be rebranded dancers instead of prostitutes. The only model with her tatties out is Zoraida and those arent going to stir the loins of even the most pubescent boy.

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Just to make something clear, 2nd edition is not upon us, it has been in print for about a year now. What is upon us is wave 2 of 2nd edition.


Wyrd decided to break the 2nd edition update into multiple waves. Each wave updated roughly half the models into 2nd edition while simultaneously introducing new ones (far more new guys in wave 2). Both waves were handled with public betas, and the beta rules for wave 2 (although they were in flux due to constant testing) were available from about 2 weeks after the print of wave one, up until Gencon this year, which is when an early release of the printed Wave 2 book was available.


If you just want to learn the rules of the game, the Wave 1 mini book is available for only $15. If you are interested in fluff, and rules for all the Wave 1 models on top of the normal game rules, the big Wave 1 book is available for $40.

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I never played until second edition. I have the earlier books on order so that I can catch up on the fluff, but all my rules knowledge comes from 2nd ed rules--avoid reading the rules in those earlier books and you should be fine with the "transition."


The only real problem I have had is that some of the older models have not been reproduced in plastic and are completely, totally, out of print.  


Even as an adult learner I am a fan of limiting the number of schemes and strategies in the early stages of learning.  For a 10ish year old I would strongly recommend it.  


Changing prostitutes to zombie dancers is a reasonable notion, until the kid reads the cards.  There are plenty of crews where such things won't be an issue and limiting a person to a small set of crews (1 or 2) while learning is something several of us are discussing in another thread.


 Indicating that the young person is a friend, I would also run models such as Perdita past the parents.  She is covered and a lot of parents will not think twice about a sexily clad model, but others will get upset.   

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