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Outcasts on the Job


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Tara seems like a shenanigan extraordinaire so I think I'm going on a Tara kick. Daw seems a lot like the same. Leveticus seems super fun too. 

Tara and Jack - yes, they are extremely fun to play.

Levi... well he is fun to play, for you at least, but I'm not sure what about our opponent :D 

I'm the opposite there Daniello...I hated playing Levi. I, and most of my opponents, felt he's borderline broken and basically a complete NPE. I even had one local player quit due to Levi in the game. 

You? Mr. Prison Shower hated playing something? What have you done with Asrian and who are you?! 

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BTW, next week I'll officially introduce Von Schill as my new master :)

You Outcasts can't even hold your hair. ;) 

Bow to the might of the Outcasts, my Rezzer friend!

Actually I am planning on starting an Outcast run after Nythera ends. :P So I will be spending more time here asking questions and reading your reports with a whole different view. 

Good... good... We always welcome those stranded souls who abandon their filthy ways and join us for the more noble pursue of the golden coin :D

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BTW, next week I'll officially introduce Von Schill as my new master :)

You Outcasts can't even hold your hair. ;) 

Bow to the might of the Outcasts, my Rezzer friend!

Actually I am planning on starting an Outcast run after Nythera ends. :P So I will be spending more time here asking questions and reading your reports with a whole different view. 

filthy ways

Says one of the filthiest factions ever. :D

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I've played against him yesterday. He killed my Jack who was already slightly wounded (triple negative flip on damage = Red Joker with Ram on attack), then as last activation he spent SS to get positive flip and took a shot at Hans who was in soft cover - hit, negative flip on damage, 2x severe = Hans saying good night. 

I really like this guy :D

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I've played against him yesterday. He killed my Jack who was already slightly wounded (triple negative flip on damage = Red Joker with Ram on attack), then as last activation he spent SS to get positive flip and took a shot at Hans who was in soft cover - hit, negative flip on damage, 2x severe = Hans saying good night. 

I really like this guy :D

Well you are going against the odds. Should he hit weak on that damage spread it's 2 damage (3 with crit strike) and with those minus flips he's usually hitting weak and weak 3 damage on his shot. Which aren't all that huge. But of course if someone flips like that who doesn't like Von Schill then? Well any model really.. :P 

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Kirai is though, as is facing summoners in Recon. The Bete-Ikiryo tandem is pretty darn mean too. I don't have enough VS experience to speak of how he should approach Recon, but as a faction I think Outcast have some good, if not great, options in Taelor and Big Jake. The former can keep the summoning at check (protect Trappers if you run them closer to VS bubble for instance, with I Pay Better Around) and the later is just stupid good at snatching quarters. 

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Kirai can be a tough one in the right hands. Ikiryo having no range limitation to her place is really brutal. Also Von Schill isn't probably the best guy for Reconnoiter in the Outcast side(?). 

Also it's always nice to see Rezzers bash you damn Outcasts. ;) 

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Also Von Schill isn't probably the best guy for Reconnoiter in the Outcast side(?). 

I think he is in the second tier so to say. Hamelin, Leveticus, and the Viks are the ones who can do this strategy really well in faction. But if shooting is advantageous on a set board, VS isn't a bad choice either. 

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My plan till the mid on November is to play newly prepared masters and theirs crews as soon as they are ready, hence Von Schil in this game.

Next one in the queue is Hamelin who will be ready more or less in two weeks time and after few games with him, I'll return to playing normally (well kind of normally as I will not play same master twice in the row :D).

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