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Lucius plastic box


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Hi all,


I have no idea if you guys have a thread for this, I'm completely new here. :)


I'm new to Malifaux. I've come across this Lucius guy and I hear he's due to get a new crew box. This is supposed to happen in the near future.


I have no experience with Wyrd, so I'd like to ask you: is this worth waiting for? Is there a rhythm to Wyrd's release schedule that I can count on? Example: the art for Lucius is out, does that mean he's around the corner?


Or should I start out with another crew box for now and pick up Lucius whenever he comes out?



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He had a "pre-release" in Gencon so the box is ready. There was a lot of stuff at Gencon and the fall is taken by Wyrd releasing them. The exact order is a mystery but likely December or January at the latest.

That said, I do agree with ZFiend. Malifaux works best if you have a bit of a choice in what you take (since you build your crew after you hear the objectives and your opponent's faction) so having two starters is IMO the best way to start. Any of the available Guild Starters would complement the Lucius box well. If you go for Neverborn style, then it's a bit trickier to say which one would work the best with Lucius. Maybe Zoraida?

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Heartily agree that getting a second box set will be an excellent and long term sound investment.

Not having extensive experience with either Guild or Neverborn I'd suggest checking PullMyFinger strategy web page or the Faction pages on this forum to seek advice on good Masters whose boxes have synergy with Lucius.

I was lucky and bought him during GenCon and I also picked up Zoriada and already have Justice so hoping ive got some combinations covered.

Luck mate.

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I'm still very much on the fence about what I really want. My avatar belies a love for western. I'm heavily considering Perdita. On the other hand I love the trenchcoat look of the witch hunters. Sonnia wins out against Lady J in aesthetics and fluff for me, but the Death Marshalls look freaking awesome.


I haven't even read the rules yet, so I have no idea what I'm saying. I come from an Infinity background, though: I'll pick whatever models I love best and field those. ;)

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Perdita is amazing. Her box doesn't bring all that much to Lucius though, as he likes minions. Her box does bring one of the better henchmen (Francisco) in the faction (at least) though. Perdita also can be run with her family really well, so she wouldn't need all that much other purchases. Death Marshals are sold separately and should be included in every Guild players arsenal for sure. I think you can go a long way with Perdita + a box of Death Marshals, it will last you til Lucius comes out :)

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Keep in mind the Lucius metals can still be found, and at discount prices. I prefer the Lucius metals (although perhaps I'm in the minority?), and although I bought the plastic box, I am only gong to use the Scribe (which did not exist in metal) and I've built one plastic Lawyer, just so I'd gave two sculpts if I chose to run two. The rest if the models I'm trading off to friends.

If you are really itching to play Lucius, I'd recommend checking out the metals and picking up a proxy for the Scribe, as there are several models that can work well representing the Scribe, and might save you money and a wait.

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Thanks guys.

I like the Lucius metal, but haven't seen the plastic one yet. Does anyone have a pic of it.

If I play Perdita I would go for the family vibe anyway. Any word on new pistoleros btw? Can't say I really like the metal ones.

Edit: Are the plastic crew models sold separately? E.g. If I get the marshalls can I still get Lady J without having to buy her crew box?

And how well do marshalls run with Sonnia?

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Thanks guys.

I like the Lucius metal, but haven't seen the plastic one yet. Does anyone have a pic of it.

If I play Perdita I would go for the family vibe anyway. Any word on new pistoleros btw? Can't say I really like the metal ones.

Edit: Are the plastic crew models sold separately? E.g. If I get the marshalls can I still get Lady J without having to buy her crew box?

And how well do marshalls run with Sonnia?




New pistoleros will be coming.  Their art is in the new arsenal decks and looks pretty great:



Unique models in a crew box generally aren't sold outside of the crew box.  This includes the Master, Totem, Henchmen, etc.  Basically it seems like if the crew box will max out the Rare, there isn't a separate box.


One Marshal can be good with Sonnia to protect her or run her up the board faster.  They're pretty self sufficient models in general, capable of shutting out scheme runners and stalling big dangerous things.  It is rare that you'll run them as a bulk of your force though; they're more of an excellent splash support model.

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