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Smell Fear and Gobble you up...



Situation: Teddy already spent his 2 AP and uses Gobble you up... on a model within 6" successfully. This triggers Smell Fear and Teddy can make an Attack "after resolving the current Action".


Question is whether it will happen before or after Teddy's Activation ends? This is important because Teddy receives  :+fate  on Attack and damage flips "for the remainder of this Activation".

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I guess my question is has another model actived before smell fear has gone off?

Then it's still his activation.

Also for the life of me I can't figure out where it says after spending all ap immediately end the models activation.


This, because you can spend all of your available AP, and then still take a 0 AP action. Running out of AP doesn't immediately end your activation.

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Also for the life of me I can't figure out where it says after spending all ap immediately end the models activation.

Last sentence in Take Actions part: "A model ... otherwise ends its Activation when it cannot take any more Actions."

And in our example Teddy spent his 2 APs AND a 0 Action. But now I see that Smell Fear would fit in nicely in the current Activation because Teddy gets an extra Action. However in general a model spending all her APs, including the 0 MUST end her Activation as per the rules since she would not be able to take any more Actions.

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That rule says "when it cannot take any more actions".


You don't need AP to do (0) Actions, so a model's Activation does not 'auto-end' because it's used it's last AP.


Moreover, a model may have abilities that are not actions that happen during its activation (off the top of my head, Jacob's 52 Pickup; Abomination's Caustic Aura).


I think that in your example you're in Teddy's activation...he resolves the Gobble You Up action, resolves the Smell Fear attack, then ends his activation.

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And, again, it doesn't even have to be bonus actions triggered by my final AP. Any triggered effect or event should be resolved before the next activation starts. If I damage someone with Black Blood, that Black Blood pulse takes place on my turn. If that Black Blood pulse kills another model, that death occurs on my turn. If Bete Noire unburies from that model dying, her appearance occurs on my turn. Etc.


Once you've resolved all ongoing activity, then you check to see if the model's activation ends, and move on to the next model to activate.

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I think people are over thinking things. When playing the game no one I have ever met nor will probably ever meet would be like "oh just did everything my activation haha hehe" allowing a person to think and make choices is part of the game.

Let's say a peacekeeper walked and used his last ap near Hoffman. Hoffman would push on the peacekeeper's turn not on the enemy's turn. (Sans things like obey) moot point ofc since the push would happen before the model got to spend any ap but hey.

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