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Anyone interested in the historical Jack the Ripper?

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I didn't know where to post this, but had to share with you all, primary because I really was sure it was Seamus... no wait. Because science is awesome.


Well, here it is: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2746321/Jack-Ripper-unmasked-How-amateur-sleuth-used-DNA-breakthrough-identify-Britains-notorious-criminal-126-years-string-terrible-murders.html

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Is this article purporting un-satirical news by writing this article up? Because if so, and if they have all of their facts checked, I am agog in awe at the advances in forensic science.


Kudos to those who found the truth (if this is what we are to call the truth).


~Lil Kalki

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Mr. Unclean: from a scientific POW, you are correct. Now that I think of it, yeah, needs more verification. Although, if the DNA-sample is bodily fluids, I'd say from intuition that the guy's probably guilty. 


It's just that Malifaux rekindled the muse called Jack the Ripper in my mind. Having used him in another setting that has rolled on from 2009 and then found Seamus, combined with the fact that I've always been intrigued with this and a few other historical tales... Well, this blew my mind, even the possibility that these crimes could be solved.

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For those Yanks reading this that don't know, The Daily Mail is our paper version of Fox "News" so this could very well be just another story by them on how immigrants are coming and stealing all our jobs.


They are hyping that in Finnish sh** papers as well because the finder was Finnish. 

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The dna sample was semen, and the victim was a prostitute. I would hardly call that irrefutable evidence that he was the killer. What I do call it is evidence that he was a john. 


 It wouldn't hold up in a court of law (at least a competent court). And a little more info, the guy in the article who came out with this revelation, also has a book coming out tomorrow about it. Drumming up interest for book sales, me thinks.



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For those Yanks reading this that don't know, The Daily Mail is our paper version of Fox "News" so this could very well be just another story by them on how immigrants are coming and stealing all our jobs.

Or CNN, MSNBC, or most anything by the AP? Take your pick. It's mostly all Faux news. 

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The dna sample was semen, and the victim was a prostitute. I would hardly call that irrefutable evidence that he was the killer. What I do call it is evidence that he was a john. 


 It wouldn't hold up in a court of law (at least a competent court). And a little more info, the guy in the article who came out with this revelation, also has a book coming out tomorrow about it. Drumming up interest for book sales, me thinks.




Sevorin is totally on the right track here. The woman was a walking party...and semen on her is not proof of anything, but the suspect knew the victim (by the way lots of guys knew her she was a "Working girl"). I watched a doc. by some author and the F.B.I. a few years ago and their research leads back to Robert Mann a morgue assistant under mandatory work arrest to pay back bills. It spelled out all the evidence pretty well so I'm sold...it's Mann. I may not be right, but I'm sticking to my guns. As for the truth who really knows?


Jack the Ripper


The Zodiac


D.B. Cooper


Will we ever have the answers? Will authors ever stop saying they have solved it to sell their books? Everyone and their mom want to be "The Guy" who put these cases to rest.



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It's definitely interesting, and certainly better evidence - even circumstantial - than there has been for almost anyone else. Just a long way from the "case closed" that certain media outlets are making it out to be.

I don't know, if the scientific findings can be reproduced and confirmed it's pretty much a done deal in my opinion. Wouldn't hold up in court today, but very little from that time periode would. Forensics move forward extremely quickly, and what was considered sufficient for a quick conviction a few decades ago wouldn't stand up today.

And when dealing with historical cases, it's hard to imagine more certain evidence than this. Very few cases at the time had any sort of technical evidence, and this seems pretty convincing. And as far as historical evidence goes it's pretty damn solid imho...

Assuming, of course, that the findings are robust, ie reproducible.

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Semen on a shawl found on a last of the night at her death scene is very likely to be the killer and not some random john. The lady is less likely to wear an expensive shawl during work.

With that said the news source is questionable and the fact it said brother had dark hair per sisters ancestry is an error. The hair color was likely dark is what should have been said. It is a domant gene.

Once another lab picks this up and does independent testing I will buy it but as of now it's questionable. If an independent lab signs off on it I would say this is nearly irrefutable to me.

Not to mention there is foresenic equipment that can determine which was applied first to shawl semen or blood.

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If semen was applied after blood... That would easily seal deal.

This is semen on a shawl not inside her. I don't know about you but I think most people don't ejaculate on a persons head. This is not a porno.

They could also comb shawl for other semen . Keep in mind the pattern can show if she used shawl to clean it up or if it was shot into shawl. The pattern and time it was applied can tell a lot.

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Monica Lewinsky would like to have a chat with you :), but yeah, if its on the top of the blood, and not mixed, I might be able to agree with you. That is, if the shawl can show it hasn't been contaminated after all those years (something that will throw evidence out of a case before it is even entered).

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Monica lewinsky is part of the era of porno and sexual deviancy.

I agree with what I read I would not sign off on him being guilty. There is too much lacking. My point is that there are for more details that need to be addressed to answer the questions.

I write all these posts while randomly haven't rented from hell Friday to watch today.

It can easily be shown whether shawl was contaminated or not.

I find it hard to believe that a DNA expert from Finland knows nothing about Jack the Ripper. Also his method of extraction I can find any evidence to say it has been peer reviewed. Searching in phone is not easy.

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That, and apparrently he has a book about it coming out relatively soon. Like this or next week soon.


But I digress - if there is more of Kosminski on another victim's article of clothing or wherever, then I say we'd know with more substance that Kosminski was the Ripper himself. The unfortunate thing about the investigation is that Kosminski could have just been part of ALL of their collective solicitations, and that it just happened to coincide with the murders at Whitechapel. Even if his semen WAS found on each of their persons.


I kind of think, personally, that this case is, was, and will always be too far gone for anyone to say who the Ripper really was. The case will stay cold and only resurface to sell books or air documentaries, as it has here (the book is coming out soon, as I said).


~Lil Kalki

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Well, this escalated a bit... Oh well, worth it.


Nighthater, if I implied that I believed this to be the ultimate truth about the Ripper's identity, that was a typo. More than the fact that this was the first identity theory with back-up of some sort that I've stumbled upon, I was more interested in the fact that they got some working DNA from such an old sample.
(Comping with Tmod above. Good post)

Whether he is or isn't is not the point, because with enough time the evidence becomes blurry at best. 
But the fact remains that this is cool. Yeah, it wrecks a little of the mystery, but which mystery has not had someone who "really knows what happened, godhonest"?

Also, who the real Jack the Ripper really was is not relevant, because we all know he was Seamus. :D

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I'm interested in this topic and I am glad you brought it up. Do we even know if the DNA semen sample was from the victims last night alive? Could it have been soaked into the fabric day ago on an unwashed clothe? Their suspect could very well be the killer, but I'm still backing my dark horse Robert Mann who was basically a "parole" with a dark past working at the morgue that testifying in the killing on the stand. Its not uncommon for killers to want to be "right in the mix". I mean hes getting to play with the bodies again when they come to his morgue....sick.




Anyway Htunliving here's the info on the doc I feel answered the question. If your interested it's pretty well laid out and an F.B.I. profiler plus the historian author  Mei Trow lay it out so well I was like "Yep that's that". All in all we may never know.




The identity of Jack the Ripper has remained an unsolved mystery for over a century. Now historian Mei Trow presents a new theory on the unparalleled reign of terror in which at least five women were killed in London’s East End in 1888. Based on two years of exhaustive research, and using modern psychological and geographical profiling techniques, Trow identifies Robert Mann, a Whitechapel mortuary assistant, as the Ripper. Mann was mentioned during the original investigation but has never been put forward as a possible suspect – until now. As Trow pieces together the evidence linking Mann with the Ripper murders, he also makes the case for two additional Ripper victims.


This film accompanies a major new book, Jack the Ripper: Quest for a Killer published by Pen and Sword Books.

Jack the Ripper: Killer Revealed One-Hour Special for Discovery Channel / Science Channel / FremantleMedia Enterprises



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