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Attack Actions



Over the past few months I've been giving out a lot of demo games, letting the new players use Rasputina. One thing that has caused confusion are attack actions that do not have a symbol denoting the attack as a Close Attack ( :melee) or Projectile Attack ( :ranged). Rasputina's Biting Chill action is such an attack. Silent One's Freeze is another example. For the life of me I can't find anything in the book specifically about them. This is how I've interpreted these actions in the past:


  • May still be used while engaged as they do not have the Projectile Attack symbol ( :ranged).
  • Does not randomize when targeting an engaged model, again because they do not have the Projectile Attack symbol ( :ranged ).
  • Does not count towards the model's engagement range because they do not have the Close Attack symbol ( :melee).
  • May not be used as attacks generated as the result of a charge, again because they do not have the Close Attack symbol ( :melee).


Is this correct? Did I miss anything?




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Attack actions can't target yourself. You have to target another model (so require lin of sight)

Two types of Attack actions have their own rules.

:melee actions can be used to prevent disengaging. They also allow engagement with enemy models. They can be used on the charge.

:ranged Actions can't be used if you are engaged. They are effected by cover and can be randomised if the target is engaged.

If the action has neither of those types, it doesn't follow those rules.

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a) thanks for posting this question because I was almost ready to go looking for the answer and would have been frustrated if I were unable to find it.  (My limited play has been with experienced players and they tell me if I can/can't use an attack, for now I am content with that---but know that eventually I will want to know rather than ask.)


B)  if the rule(s) are absent from the rule book (I didn't look) they need to be incorporated in any revised/updated version of the rule book.


c) I do hope Wyrd is keeping track of errata and comments like this so that any revised version of the rules manual will be, well, revised with errata corrected and missing stuff included.  (Depending on the number of corrections I might even buy a revised manual.)


d) Again I haven't looked yet, but is there a section on the errata page that would guide me in making annotations/revisions to my rules manual?  Stuff like "pg 37, second paragraph, "xxxx, yyyy" should read "xyxx, yyzy"?


I have no idea why "b)" keeps showing up as B) but I can't seem to stop it. :(

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All the rules mentioned in this thread can be found in the book. (Or at least they are printed there.)


You can find all the erratas in the Malifaux FAQ which can be found for example by typing "Malifaux FAQ" to google. There is only one change to core rules and it's so minor and easy to remember that at least I haven't bothered correcting it in the book.


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