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need advice against lady j, and viktoria

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The Vikkies can be a challenge to handle as a Rezzer.  The mark of Shezuul ignores most defensive abilities, making it harder to outlast them.  However, positioning is very important for them.  If you can lure one of the Sisters away from the other, they lose a bit of their punch.  Ideally, you could lure one into gun range, and take a focus shot at her.  When you do start killing one though, commit to it until she is dead.  Once Blood dies, the fight should get a bit easier.

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Make them spend their cards defending lures and pounces with your Belles then charge with Sybelle and cheat high with Crows or cheat high and burn for crows.

Probably try to activate Seamus, Sybelle and the Copy Cat killer last as they are the ones who can either hand out enough damage to concern masters/henchmen or have auto kill triggers.

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Red chapel killer is your friend. Start Seamus hiding at the very beginning and remember when he pops up it is just within an inch of blocking terrain. So he doesn't have to be out of Los just near blocking terrain. Then copycat can teleport over and position him so that when he fire he pushes directly into Seamus to allow him to take both of his shots at the target. An belles. Lots of belles.

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Lady Justice isn't that difficult to handle. She has good staying power, so killing her before she does something is out. Just remember that she has a 14" charge range and doesn't need LoS to charge. Keep important models away or feed her cheap ones. Night Terrors are good because of Hard to Kill: she cannot dispatch them with a single strike, and thus cannot charge.


You have to look out for Death Marshals, though. They really love to put models in Pine Boxes, and that's not a good place for any model to be. Seamus has high Wp, so he is somewhat safe, but the rest of your crew will struggle to keep out of Boxes. Marshals can box models within 7", so remember that.

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I've weathered the storm of the vikies with Seamus many times, its a good match up.

Its going to depend alot on how he plays. Most viks players I know are very cautious with ashes and super aggressive with blood. One of the big things I've found you need to do is stop blood from getting into your crew and murdering them left and right.

I'm most games where I've been successful ice done this by getting Seamus into a position to start murdering his crew first via back ally if I'm lucky enough to be able to use it on first turn.

That almost always generates the response of blood comming right at Seamus like a missle. With the use of the hat, impossible to woud, and copious ss use I can usually weather the first full barrage of attacks, sometimes more if I've gotten the CCK up and he absorbs a blow or two. Then I walk the nurse that was hiding behind Seamus up and I paralyze blood, and given cards and the -wp aura from Seamus being able to stay close i normally just keep her perma paralyzed until I have time to deal with her. With blood locked down Seamus can spend his time shooting any if the rest of te crew that gets close.

Be aware that once a viks player learns this trick your nurse is going to be priority one to kill.

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Strumpet, that's a sneaky and brutal strat, I love it. It would definitely take people by surprise for a few games at least. I'm a little surprised that people would throw Vik B alone into that situation, though - you really have to commit to killing someone as tough as Seamus. (Both Viks plus Bishop or some other heavy hitter would usually be enough, and relatively safe if Seamus is a bit isolated.)

My main advice against Viktoria is that she plays the position game, and forces you to do the same. You need to be extra mindful of your model placement. It's usually a poor proposition for the Viks to launch an attack against one or two targets, because the counter-assault will kill them (Vik B, at least).

Spread your models out where you can, or bring low-value models closer together to create enticing bait. (You'll lose them; summon more, you're a Resser!) A slightly riskier version of this is baiting using your Master, which is basically what Fetid is talking about - this only works with very tough Masters (don't try it with McMourning, he's a pushover) or in situations where you think you can get by without your Master as long as the Viks are dead. Yes, there's an obvious Master-baiting pun here somewhere.

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