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Store missing Gencon Items.

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So I have been waiting for the store to pop back up saving my money to buy the "new shinies" from gencon, but they are not on there.  Everyday multiple times per day I have checked the website for the store, looking at the page that said "Webstore available soon adding new shinies".  But when it finally came up I was disappointed to see that there were no new shinies.  In fact there was even less shinies than when it went down.


I am fairly new to Malifaux and have been gradually adding minis here and there to my collection.  I attended Gencon but some of the new releases of the Malifaux stuff was sold out and I really wanted to spend $100 for Miss Ery.  For the past couple weeks I have been saving my money that I could've used on other items; to put towards Malifaux so that I could increase my collection.  It is getting difficult for me to get into Malifaux because around here my FLGS it seems there's a lot of interest but lacking product, and some committment, because of product release.   3 players have crews, and 2 players are waiting for the new stuff.  I talked to another store owner that said "Last Gencon was the same way.  New product got released and then it took Wyrd forever to get it restocked.  And interest died down."


I was really hoping to get the Hired Guns crew, and the scheme deck at least. 


But anyways I am dissapointed that the store finally came up with less shinies.  Looks like I will be spending my money elsewhere as who knows how long it is until the new product becomes available. Malifaux is really frustrating me, not only because it's hard to get people to commit (and paint their stuff so we can play), but because of instances like this.  It's confusing because product is released either a lot later than anticipated or in very limited supply then forever later.


I don't know maybe in a day stuff will be up, but don't advertise new shinies, then bring up the store with less shinies.

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Unfortunately, that was a misleading Store Closed splash screen. They close the store for the days leading up to Gen Con to add the pre-release shinies. Then close the store after Gen Con to process orders and take the pre-release items out of the store. When they closed the store post-con, it went back to the pre-con closed page. Perhaps it should have been updated to say something along the lines of "Store is closed while we process Gen Con orders".

With the exception of the Nightmare Whiskey Golem and Miss Ery, all the shinies will be added back into the store as they reach their scheduled release dates. If last year is any indication, these items should trickle out over the next 3 - 4 moths. 

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Non-special items from GenCon are supposed to all be available in stores by January - as mentioned, they'll trickle in between now and then.


It was a "whoops" to revert to the pre-GenCon splash, but any investigation into the GenCon news posts or threads would have revealed the availability window of those items.


The wait won't be awful, but we'll have to wait until the next release announcement to know what's expected next (I'd assume we'll see the Wave 1 boxes before the Wave 2 boxes, but given the Freikorps box has models from both in it, it's anyone's guess).

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Oddly enough, just logged into store to check up on my order (not shipped yet :(, and noted that the "Spend $100 and get Miss Ery" notification is still on the Store Home Page.  Not sure if it's because I haven't manually cleared my cache (supposed to auto-clear but my laptop sucks and hates me) in a while, but if that shows for other people, Wyrd might want to think about updating the store to remove that notice.

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I'm a bit confused as to why they would use that "adding stuff" screen, knowing full well what kind of message they were sending. I was eagerly waiting for the store to reopen so I could pick up a new Lucius box, but now I'm pretty deflated about all of this. 


I know the wait won't be too long, I'm just down that there could've been better communication about all of this.

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Malifaux is really frustrating me, not only because it's hard to get people to commit (and paint their stuff so we can play), but because of instances like this. 


It might help to just play some games with unpainted plastic.  We have a couple players at our store that aren't very enthusiastic about painting their models, but once a model has really done well on the battlefield, it shows up to its next game with a shiny new coat of paint. 


Or, if you have two crews, just bring both of them down and let people borrow a crew. 


Just some suggestions to try to help out.  :)

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