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Molly's Forgotten Path


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So, I've been digging into Kirai, and really enjoying her, and now that I have all these spirit models, I started to wonder how the same sort of crew would work with Molly at the head:



Lose the Ikiryo, and Lost love mechanics-

     No more free summon on attacks, and you lose two of your primary sources of heals, Kirai herself, and the Lost Love.

     Datsue Ba can still bring the summon seishin upgrade, so they can still sac themselves for heals, but two of the easier methods are gone.


     kirai can also do more with garbage cards by saccing a friendly spirit, like a seishin or a nearly dead gaki to summon a less nearly dead gaki. Molly will have to rely on her high cards to do any summoning...




     Molly can create auras where allies gain black black blood. 

Summon off enemies (instead of friends)

     So, you have to summon near enemies, but if it goes off they can take damage. Their lower HP means less enemies to full health options.


     Summoning an Onryo into melee with folk has a number of fantastic chances-  They can hand out adversary, they can give friendly masters healing with their melee, and if they get hit with a melee attack, the have a 2" pulse that hands out adversary. 



Has anyone done a spirit heavy Molly list and found it to be worthwhile? I'm sure it's hard to compete with the awesomeness that is the Crooligans, the Transmortis Models, and a Rogue Necro, but it looks interesting/dynamic. 





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From a competive sense spirit Molly outshines horror Molly by an entire order of magnitude.

Part of the issue is being able to summon a hanged when needed. The other issue is that there are more varied spirits for more jobs across her spread.

Additionally, spirits have alot of overlapping synergy, because of their ability to give adversary. Horrors lack any real synergy between them.

The list I've been working with is a list that uses Molly, Izamu, Jakuuna Ubume, and or Sybelle, all with unnerving aura, filled out with belles and night terrors and Crooligans depending on if I need interacts or not, with the basic idea being to pull an enemy that hasn't activated yet into the area of multiple unnerving auras and Jakuuna's hazardous terrain aura.

I ideally also take the graveyard spirit with this list, letting him pop back and forth between whoever is most likely to get attacked, and when the enemy kills him to get rid of the armor buff I them summon the necrotic machine.

It means that when the model I pulled in activates it takes the hazardous terrain flip, and if it doesn't get away before its activation ends it will then take 6 dmg.

Fill out with summoned Shikome and onryo.

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You find yourself summoning or hiring many drowned? They can power up the jakuuna's hazardous aura, and aren't super expensive. Though, you can get two night terrors for the price of one drowned.


But you can also summon a night terror on a 7 up. And they get to start in b2b causing havoc to casters and shooters. :P


It's good to hear that spirit molly is strong. Sybelle is there to buff the Belles, ya? What about a Toshiro, who can give them bonuses to melee, bonus AP, or (from a corpse if you got one) a pulse focus? He can also bring in new activations and spirits, if you're fighting constructs, or start with Necropunks. :P



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I don't bring in other summoner's as too many models are then fighting over the same resources.

Sybelle is there to get not too banged up, powering up the belles lure, but also to give Molly some hyper movement via call belle. Yes Molly is a belle. Yes it works, yes it was intended and was specifically tested during the beta.

No, I never hire drowned. Not enough points, again she can summon as needed. Id often rather have belles from the beginning. I can summon the drowned in as needed later.

The biggest problem with the list as I'm experimenting with is that its slow. Two of the big pieces, Izamu and Jakuuna are only walk 4 with 50mm bases. Spending the whole of the first turn moving, and often part of the second really hurts, so there is a very good argument for starting with or summoning off the bat the machine and ignoring graveyard spirit.

The exact correct mix I haven't gotten totally correct yet but its skeleton works very well in squatters rights and turf war.

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I have, but points are very tight. I rate being able to reposition Molly and getting the buff from not too banged up very highly, so I don't want to drop sybelle, who is really the only one who could be dropped in place of Datsue ba.

You could certainly try that variant, as sybelle has the issue that she isn't a belle or a spirit or a horror, so she has to position carefully or she goes down very fast to Molly's own black blood aura.

Datsueba doesn't have that issue.

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Is there any way to introduce healing into that crews repertoire? Nurse would have heals, but paralyze is a pain. Nurse plus chiaki means 12 points spend, that's a lot of commitment... Do you just hope they die before they get a chance to hurt you? Izamu can heal himself... 


I think that might be my main wait for bringing a Datsue Ba- once you're mostly in position, she can burn her 0 action trying to summon seishin to either protect from blasts, or heal if something is low, on top of being able to summon off of kills (on a mask!), give movement utility, and a wicked CA action.


She does have low wounds however- and terrifying is only going to go so far.




Edit: Oooh, And denial of Sanzu. You're stuck out of melee with anything, and inside multiple unnerving auras and you can't declare a walk action. And you're engaged by a Dadao. 

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Jakuuna has Denial.


The problem is you are tight on points. Its 28 stones just for the main three pieces, then add stones for Molly's upgrades and Cache and on average up to 37, add 2 Belles and now you are at 47. What exactly are you going to drop to add a Nurse and Chiaki? The trap doesn't work if you can't pull models into it, and its not very effective unless you can get them in multiple auras.


Really the only thing you can do with this type of list is substitute. I could see an argument for Datsue-Ba instead of Sybelle, but thats really the only substitution I could see.

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I think I agree with you. Sybelle makes the belles so good, so it empowers the main mechanic of the build. Datsue would give you more spirit movement tricks and some on kill summons...


I guess what I'm saying is that list looks effective, but I don't know if it matches my playstyle.


That being said, i was asking how people who had been successful were playing her, so thank you for your feedback also! I don't want to sound ungracious.

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My build is only one build there are certainly other ways to play spirit Molly. The biggest trap with her, and depending on the build, Seamus, is to get too in love with support models. Taking a Nurse, Chiaki, Datsueba, belles and so on really adds up and eventually you don't have any oomph to get anything done with your support.

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My build is only one build there are certainly other ways to play spirit Molly. The biggest trap with her, and depending on the build, Seamus, is to get too in love with support models. Taking a Nurse, Chiaki, Datsueba, belles and so on really adds up and eventually you don't have any oomph to get anything done with your support.


Sadly i keep falling in this trap over and over again ...

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I just tried Spirit Molly yesterday and it worked pretty well vs Ophelia.

I still hired 2 Crooligans to feed Phillip with Schemes Markers on the first 2 turns to draw 4 extra Cards per turn. Still, I didnt manage to draw anything over 10 and just a single 9 of Crows with the first 26 Cards Drawn on the 3 first turns, so the top I just could summon were Drowneds and Onryos, Burning my 5 stones on summons too Fast to my taste.

Anyway, Izamu worked well absorving tons of damage, but most my dmg output was actually from Black Blood, as I was just flipping as awfully as I was drawing.

This was my first time playing Forgotten Path, as all my previous games were with Horrors, as I enjoyes it pretty much. Still, I would need a few more games with it, testing with other models both hiring and summoning to get the Bang with it, but I have to admit that I found myself missing the chance to summon Punks and Iron Zombies, as well as not hiring Killjoy or the Rogué Necromancy, which are just boss with Molly.

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One word: Izamu.

That is all.

A bunch of words: Killjoy/Valedictorian/Rogue Necromancy




I can see spirit molly's power as a more synergistic piece thanks to adversary shenanigans, but horrors are just more independent and reliable as well as not needing as high cards as spirit Molly to get the good stuff, so at the end of the day, it's a bit of a wash for me.

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