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Is Tara competitive?

Vile the mad

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Hey everyone!! I was gunna purchase a Tara box because I love the models and theme. But. I was wondering a good deal after reading Tara's cards and theory crafting for a week straight; I can't help but assume she isn't the most thought out and put together master. Is she competitive in a tournament standpoint (I know she isn't with her crew box?)

Would she be good to add to my growing ressur/outcast roster I've been building for competitive play? After reading a few bat reps and a bunch of threads on this forum I feel more confident in her abilities but still can't help but wonder if I'm better off with my usual outcast/ressur masters in terms of a positive play experience and just a more thought out in general game. Is she worth the 100+$ people are spending on eBay for her? Or is it all hype and rarity?

If Tara is competitive and all that I don't mind dropping a few bills for her. I do realize I'll need to practice her a bit before it comes to me fluidly however.

Hell it's cheaper then competitive motorcycle racing. Lawl

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I think she's pretty strong, though never taken her to a tournament setting. The main problems are her limited upgrades (too inflexible for me) and thematic issues (which may be alleviated now: I haven't tried the new upgrades). She's definitely playable, just not necessarily how she was meant to be played.


On the matter of price, that depends on how nice you think those models are. If you love them, sure, they're nice minis (I think they're all great except tara, who I converted a little). If they're fine, I'd wait and pay half as much down the line. You certainly have cheaper options currently, for buying something competitive, though, but I very rarely buy purely for strong game performance.

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It's all theme and aesthetics for me when I purchase a crew/model/project. On the other hand I wanted to know if she played well considering her obscene Price. I was Just trying to get the most out of something I liked a lot. Thanx for the quick reply, if anyone has anything else to add I am interested to hear others experiences playing this master!

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She can be very powerful, not so much for what she does as what she enables her crew to do. Thing with Tara is that she is chock full of quirks, want to do X? oh well, you have to comply with Y and she has a lot of those which means you'll have to play a few times with her before you get those memorized and don't either screw yourself by wanting to do something that you can't or simply cheat without noticing.


She also is pretty upgrade dependent depending on what you want to do with her.


The biggest thing you have to keep in mind with Tara is that she can easily get 6AP per turn, this also translates to you finding yourself without nothing to really do some times with that AP, so it kind of makes her be a fantastic objective grabber by default, specially in Outcast crews thanks to Scramble. With ressers, if you decide to pass on her Taxi tricks (bury something so Tara can unbury it where it can be the most painful and sets it off), she can be a very competent summoner with Spare Parts, though she will need corpses to make that sing, so tends to keep her a bit apart from her themed crew since they don't drop corpses.


The void wretches are golden and the top Outcast objective grabbers as far as I'm concerned, on ressers they aren't as shinny, but get the job done. The Nothing Beast depends on the enemy's Wp to really be a god of death or not, but it's new upgrade helps it with it's survivability problems, so it has very good odds at punching stuff for 2 turns while being in the thick of it. Karina... Karina I frankly think is crap, with her new upgrade she has uses, but I'm still in the evaluation phase of that.


As for blowing 100 or more $ on her box, I wouldn't be so eager unless you really love how that box looks, she will come out eventually and I do hope it's at the end of the year, early next one, I mean, you can start with damn good masters in Ressers/Outcasts already that will let you get a bearing on the factions without breaking the piggy bank on it.

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No. No she's not. Save yourself the agony of finding this out first hand and mail me your miniatures. I'll suffer for you because I care.  :P 

(On a serious note, yes she is. Her recent crew upgrades to Karina and Nothing Beast help make the crew overall better as well. I hope you enjoy them.)

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In tournament play I think I am played 11, won 9, lost 2 with Tara (resser) and have placed 1st and 2nd with her, so yes I would say she can hold her own. If you include the vassal leagues that were running that goes up to P16, W14, L2. (2 of those as outcast)

Razhem is pretty spot on with his assessment but it's worth bearing in mind then the 0 action to stop interacts is just as / if not more useful than the reactivate.

She does die quickly if she gets into combat however!

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I came up against Tara in one of the qualifiers and got my ass handed to me, so I'd say she's definitely competitive. Played as a Resser, she can deliver very killy models (in my game, Killjoy with Decaying Aura) wherever they need to be while using Belles to disrupt enemy plans and bring key targets forward. Played carefully, it's a devastating combo.

I don't think she's as effective when played as an Outcast, simply because being an assassin-taxi relies on Decaying Aura, but she's still an amazing mobility/scheme piece and solid addition to the Outcast toolset.

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Gave Tara a run last night against misaki in squatters rights, I took:

Tara, 5ss, knowledge, eternal, oblit sym

Karina with new upgrade

Nothing beast with new upgrade

Hannah, ancient tomes, oath keeper

2 c guild autopsies

2x void wretch

Against misaki, ototo, 2 thunder brothers, lone swordsman and 2 torakage.

Ended up in an almost wipe out to me, turn one pull of the void to make a fast, buried NB.... Then in Tara's reactivate throwing A fast NB at misaki and killing her, then on initiative turn 2 I buried NB again to then have a wretch heal him.

Hannah took a reactivate and initial from lone swordsman and survived. Ototo killed a void wretch to then be shot and finally finished off by NB.

Oh and Karina managed to bash a thunder brother IN THE HEAD WITH A ROCK! .... Best moment in the game!

Final score was 4 from squatters, 3 from assassinate and 2 from entourage.

Opponent had 2 models left (torakage and thunder brother) and scored 4 VP.

So yeah, I think she can still be competative.

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