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How on gods earth...... Do u even Tara?

Vile the mad

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I've been trying to win an eBay auction for 4 months now, I just won't go over 100$... So I was wondering do any of you fine gents/ladies know of any good proxy models I could convert? U know, put a DM hat on it drill a hole through the chest and green stuff a mutant arm kind of thing. Preferably something in 32mm that has a bit of a western if not just a very mercenary looking outfit like she does in the official model? Thanx for the help in advanced everyone !

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On the bright side it was only that price because of the limited edition, there will be a more normally priced one. On the downside no one knows when that will be.

If it helps during her play test alot of us that were using her rules all seemed to sort of independently use the Lylith boxed set from hordes as proxies for her. Lylith doesn't exactly match, but shredders make good Void wretches and the carnivian makes a good nothing beast.

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On the bright side it was only that price because of the limited edition, there will be a more normally priced one. On the downside no one knows when that will be.

If it helps during her play test alot of us that were using her rules all seemed to sort of independently use the Lylith boxed set from hordes as proxies for her. Lylith doesn't exactly match, but shredders make good Void wretches and the carnivian makes a good nothing beast.

. Why am I not surprised you play legion Fetid.:)
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I actually don't play warmachine or hordes. A friend of mine played khador, and he had the starter set that was given out by pp at adepticon a few years ago. It worked well and we that it actually was a pretty good representation of her while we were using her. I tend to like villains so is probably play Cryx or ever blight if I did play, but my favorite caster, from art anyway, I've heard isn't very competitive so I'm sure that would frustrate me, as I have a habit of choosing based on look, and then staying very loyal to such for a very long time. Had a similar situation when I played L5R, scorpion clan during 97-03. They didn't start getting competitive until I left. ;/

Anyway, on topic, I think someone also converted a Miss Terious into a Tara. I think I also saw a neat Santana conversion of her as well. But Santana isn't going to be much cheaper than buying a current Tara crew I think.

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Thanx guys, I went ahead and started crafting a proxy with a leftover ronin from a vik's box and honestly so far from a distance I can't tell it's not Tara lol. I filed down the frill and bows cut up the arms and used pins and drilling to reposition everything greenstuffed the jacket and hair . I'll post a pick soon

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