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The victim of the Flesh Construct oddities

Math Mathonwy

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I saw the model in the flesh finally and it seems a bit weird. First of all, it's absolutely gigantic. From knee to shoulder it's as tall as Jacob Lynch is with hat an all. Second, it's head seems to be same as one of the Illuminated's with just deeper hair texture. Anyone else noticed these things? Any opinions?

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Wyrd doesn't quite have the "Let's put everything in the same scale" bit of making a miniature range down yet.  It takes time - you'll see similar issues in older GW sculpts (you'll have to go back a few years - at some point in 7th edition WHFB they managed to make some master racial sculpts and have done a decent job of keeping the WHFB miniatures an appropriate size.  40K minis are still out of scale with each other to a noticeable effect).  Some of the PP sculpts out there are, likewise, out of scale.  Compare the Black 13th or Kell Bailoch to a Strider Deathstalker and gaze in horror :P

However, usually it's the entire model out of scale with the range instead of model bits out of scale with the rest of the model.  That victim is absolutely awful.  Makes me nearly as annoyed as the Young Nephilim with the head/spinal column, where he apparently is pulling off the head of an ogre...

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But here it looks like just laziness. I mean, they took the head from an illuminated and stuck it on an absolutely oversized body. That's just weird. The pics that ZFiend provided looks just utterly ridonculous. How can something like that happen?


I will bring it tomorrow to our hobby night so you can see it yourself. It's even worse live.

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But here it looks like just laziness. I mean, they took the head from an illuminated and stuck it on an absolutely oversized body. That's just weird. The pics that ZFiend provided looks just utterly ridonculous. How can something like that happen?


Artists discovered long ago that if you scale a human down and keep the proportions correct, they look wrong.  In particular, limbs appear to be way too thin (if you blew up a typical Wyrd mini to 1:1, you'd probably find that even their limbs are a bit chunky, although not too bad).


Add on that the victim is expected to be viewed from one particular angel (from the front of the golem) and I can understand the artist wanting to try some scaling tricks to make it look right.  It sounds like they didn't do too good, though.

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Artists discovered long ago that if you scale a human down and keep the proportions correct, they look wrong.  In particular, limbs appear to be way too thin (if you blew up a typical Wyrd mini to 1:1, you'd probably find that even their limbs are a bit chunky, although not too bad).


Add on that the victim is expected to be viewed from one particular angel (from the front of the golem) and I can understand the artist wanting to try some scaling tricks to make it look right.  It sounds like they didn't do too good, though.

To me it looks like the artist copied an existing head and stuck it on. I really, really doubt that the artist was making a conscious choice of trying some scaling tricks.

Also note, this isn't 2D art, minis are supposed to be looked at from different angles - that's the point! Especially for a gaming piece. A diorama you could make in a way that it only works from a specific angle but not a gaming piece.

I have been supporting Wyrd from before Malifaux 1st edition and I have always applauded their way of doing business in that they aren't afraid to say that they made a mistake and then correcting it. This I think is pretty much the first time I've personally seen stuff like this from them, which is why I'm so upset about it. And I'm utterly flabbergasted that other people aren't raising furor over this.

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To me it looks like the artist copied an existing head and stuck it on. I really, really doubt that the artist was making a conscious choice of trying some scaling tricks.


If he was, I hope that he learns to stop doing that from this piece :D 

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the gunslingers are really truescale space marines without their armor, wyrd figured you could use them for that other comp[anies game as well, and this way lawyers don't show up


actually seeing this, I'm kind of glad i held off getting them, i didn't know about the size, but like how the original looks better, short, potbellied, and i put a cowboy hat on him and named him Barry, Barry the Bastard Ortega

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