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Dreamer vs Von shill (50ss.....lol) vassal

The Godlyness

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make them suffer

protect territory



power ritual



The dreamer-6pool

-otherwordly (mainly for accomplice)

-Dreams of pain (summoning things)

Teddy (x6 lol)

Widow weaver

Insidious maddness

Mr. tanananana




-power rit and protect territory





-lacks a shirt

Trunk of annoying things



2x Fmen




-distract and protect territory


Turn 1

i look in my hand and notice i have the 13 of masks.

so some shuffling goes on things move around i use mr Tanaanaa to leave it to luck then activate the dreamer who then cheats in that fat 13 masks for a teddy. i also summon a stiched. then use empty night on teddy to get rid of slow and cast it again but choose not to push him (his trapper has not gone yet. use his zero to lower his waking to 1 teddy then goes heals 4 wounds trys gobbling up hanna and fails. So charges her. does weak for 2 wounds (3-1) trapper pot shots teddy but randomizes on to an insidious madness and misses. tries again connects and does weak to teddy. stitched gambles with dreamer and loses to gain reactivate. then walks gambles hannah for 3 (4-1)


turn 2

i look in my hand again 13 :mask  and then an 8 and rest is low low cards.


teddy goes first  flurrys on her and pushes her a bit and kills her. Gobbles a Fman and hits severe to kill him. teddy then dies. to words being screamed at him by the libby. only after a fman failed horror check. tanana walks backwards drops a power rit marker and leaves it up to luck again. trunk trundles. widow makes her self at home attacks a few things but just does 1pt of damage to things. trapper walks up pot shots madness fails to hurt it. Dreamer goes walks summons a teddy burns a stone for a tome empty nights to get rid of slow then cheats in a 5 :crow  to give him fast. accomplices teddy, teddy whacks the trapper and pushes him. wacks him again for moderate pushes him before he dies. trys gobbling up the libby fails so walks next to her to engage her. vonshill walks shoots at lilitu but hard cover makes him miss the first shot but the second one lands. she lures him up next to teddy. specilist randomizes and his shill who defends teddy gobbles and fails and flurrys brings the shill down to 3hp stiched walks to get in range of things.


holding 2 quarters to 1




turn 3

Vassal hates my opponet. 13 :mask  AGAIN

vonshill takes his shirt off heals 4 then beats the tar out of teddy. teddy fighting libby flurrys to make sure she dies. madness plants a power rit marker stiched just drops a marker and stands. tanaen walks twice and leaves it to luck. specialist shoots at widow but misses. Fman walk near the widow weaver and then Dreamer summons a teddy who gobbles him up for a free attack and then punches him into combat with the specialist. dreamer is sitting on waking 3 atm and walks


holding 3-0




Turn 4

vassal at this point in time is saying my opponent's first game must be unique and that Bad things happen 13 :mask  and the Red joker


vonshill goes finishes punching teddy heals from the steam trunk drop kicks liltu with his rocket boots teddy attacks the specialist fails to kill him (black joker) and is so imposing that blocks los to the specialist for the rest of my models. specialist attacks teddy bring him down to 1 wound and healing himself from the Trunk of Annoyance. widow weaver fails to seize prey vonshill due to me not measuring before trying to 12 paralyze him. so does nothing 2 times. tanna drops a marker for protect walks a bit and leaves it to luck. dreamer (0) actions lower waking to 2 walks once drops 2 teddys and lord chompy bits. things wander and plant more markers


holding 3-0




turn 5

no 13 :mask  guess i cant summon a teddy :P

specilst goes grabs more pills from the Trunk and stabs teddy and then trys lighting widow on fire but fails. widow trys to make the specilst be scared but only does 1dg and makes more webz. von shill walks then charges widow stabs her for 2 and opens her can. teddy number 3? 4? 5? charges vonshill fails to kill or gobble. chompy charges. fails to kill. poops out the dreamer. dreamer empties the night 3 times on teddy. last attack flips 12/12 on the negative flip to kill mr shill. other models sit on markers and move around


we flip for a turn 6


holding 3-0




Turn 6

 specialist brings teddy down to 1 who activates and heals 5 then charges the specialst and kills him.





well i think my opponent did remarkably well for facing a 111 stones of models. he forgot to do his scheme of distract which i think would have netted him 3 points but that is neither here nor there. i forgot to announce power rit and did not make it to the other corner.


that damn steam trunk healed way to much.


will this ever happen again summoning 5 teddys? prolly never again. but we both got a laugh out of it.

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I'm totally going from memory here so someone please jump on me if I'm wrong but how are you summoning teddy at all with dreamer? Discounting suits, I thought it was Ca 6 trying to hit TN 10 + the SS cost of the model. If teddy is cost 11, then you need to hit TN 21 which is impossible even with the red joker. Widow weaver is the only model I believe can summon teddy and even then you need a ton of markers to do it. Think you might be misreading the dreamer card.

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Mr. Tannen has a tactical action called Leave it to Luck which, if successful, gives +2 to the value of :mask played near him.


Thus: Ca 6 + (13+2) :mask  = 21 :mask.


Teddy time :)



The Godlyness - my sympathies in advance for the amazing streak of cruddy luck you are about to have come your way!

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  • 1 month later...

He was playing against me. Even if I had my face caved in repeatedly by Teddies (OH MY GOD THEY'RE COMING OUT OF THE WALLS), it was a very fun games. I was gawking at the amount of Teddies summoned, and even outnumbered so badly, Von Schill proved to be a proper badass and kicked the appropriate amount of tushies before he finally bought it.

Oh well, fun game!

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Thanks for the catch PB, missed that aspect of it.  Wow, that's an incredibly awful combo right there then.  Gonna have to try it out in my next Dreamer game.

Only two cards in the deck make the summon. That and you need to spring for LitL. It's hard to do...er, usually.

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