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Duel Factions



Hey guys,


So please excuse me if I am asking a really dumb question- I could have very well missed it in the book.  


For my question, I will use Lan Yo, a Ten Thunders and Resurrection Master.  Can he actively pick from both factions to be in his crew?  




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Hey Renen,


So a dual faction master allows you to use that master to build your crew if you have declared one of their factions when hiring your crew.


You must use the faction declared when selecting models and upgrades.  And in many cases, especially 10T masters, the master's card indicates if they are allowed to include out of faction models.   Plus the usual 0-2 mercs that every master can include.


Example: Mei Feng is a 10T/Arcanist.  As most of my models are Arcanist that's the faction I typically use for her.  This lets me take any Arcanist or arcanist dual faction models and upgrades I have in my collection.  Mei Feng's card states that I may also take up to 4 out of faction models with the Foundary Trait.  Which inlcudes her Henchman, Kang who is a straight 10T faction model.  If I used her as a 10T faction master that would let me potentially include Willie, Metal Gamin and/or Rail Golem in the crew, who are all straight Arcanist models with the Foundry Trait.


Clear as mud?



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