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Malifaux Game Mats and Road Terrain

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All good by me, though I suddenly wish they were higher quality ;)

Next time your playin, take a few more, and I'll post them.  I'm always happy to post pics of our mats in action.  Just send them to admin@mygamemats.com



I love the idea of these mats.  coming from being a Zuzzy user, though they are great mats as well, i would love the ease and durability of these.. i will have to pick one up.  


one question, i noticed you do roads as well, would you be doing any other style roads?  i am looking along the lines of cobblestone roads like the streets of malifaux, or dirt roads (simple western town dirt roads).  


i would love to have some easy roads that lay flat to add extra detail to a board.  




Yeah, we did the roads as a test, which seems to have not gone very well.     I'd be happy to do a run of roads that look different.   Can you point me in the direction of what you are thinking re cobblestone  (lots of different options out there).   Do you like the cobblestone I used on the main grassy mat?  As for the dirt ones, I should be able to come up with something that would look good, and have a western feel to it.  

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Next time your playin, take a few more, and I'll post them.  I'm always happy to post pics of our mats in action.  Just send them to admin@mygamemats.com



Yeah, we did the roads as a test, which seems to have not gone very well.     I'd be happy to do a run of roads that look different.   Can you point me in the direction of what you are thinking re cobblestone  (lots of different options out there).   Do you like the cobblestone I used on the main grassy mat?  As for the dirt ones, I should be able to come up with something that would look good, and have a western feel to it.  



If you do an all cobblestone mat, people can just place buildings on it and it will look like streets. I would get behind that.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey guys!   So I gave it some thought, and decided to go with a cobblestone cutout, vs a full mat for now.    Just wanted to post that I got them in this week, and the paths really turned out nice.   We also decided along with these roads we'd do a dirt/grass mat that doesn't have a path in it at all.   Here's some images of how they turned out.


Supply is a bit short as these were test runs, so if interested let me know.  I can always order more.







* Note, the picture turned out darker than our mat that has the trail on it.   The mats themselves are actually from the same base artwork, and look the same.  I'll have to redo the photos when I get a chance.

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Im no victorian road architect, but i find it strange that the cobblestones are diagonal rather than perpendicular to the road direction.  


(guess im used to the cobblestone roads i grew up with)


other than that they look great.  


Yeah, when I was laying out the cobblestone, I tried a few variations of the layout.  The problem with going straight seemed to be that the pattern became VERY repetitive (even more-so than it is).   The best way for me to avoid that repetitive look was to angle the cobblestone.     


Anyway, hope you still like them.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey All,

       I just wanted to mention that I've decided to close down myGamesMats.com.   It's been a great ride, but working on the mats has been very time consuming.   I'll be accepting orders till Friday August 29th, 2014... so if you've considered these mats, and are on the fence, this will be your last chance to get these mats. 



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  • 1 month later...

All,  I just wanted to let everyone know that I have 1, I repeat 1, Grassy Mat with a Trail on it left in stock.   I'm selling it at a small discount to the first person to put in an order.   I won't be ordering any more mats, so this is a limited, 1 time offer for the last mat I have in stock.  


Again, last mat I have in stock, Selling it for a small discount.  Only 1 in stock.  


Oh, I also have a single miss-print of the dirt mat.  This one can be purchased as a "Ding and Dent".   The only problem with it is on one edge the color didn't print very well, so it's quite faded.   It's noticeable, but could be covered up with a building I expect.




Thanks guys.

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