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10t or outcast  

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I really like some outcast stuff and I really like some 10 t stuff, so what way do I go



these are some of the models I have a particular draw to



jack daw









ashes and dust



ten thunders



lucas macab




sensi yu





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Both factions have tons of diversity, and can keep your opponent off guard since in-faction the crews are so different.


Neither are most cohesive in terms of theme in terms of mixing models aesthetically master to master (which should not be huge deal, I know, and as an Arcanist I have the problem of mixing models and staying visually fluffy, which likely concerns few others),  but in that department I would give the nod to 10T, as aside from Lynch and McCabe at least you got the Asian thing going.


I think the problem you might have has both factions you have several crews that are either not out yet (new 10T, Jack Daw), harder to come by (Tara), or may become harder to get soon (the other 10T as Wyrd temporarily yanks them to change the box art and perhaps retool the sprue layouts).


My vote for you is 10T, because I really like Lynch, McCabe, and Yan Lo, but I think in reality I would always run them their alternate faction.


I would probably just pick the single master you think is the coolest and expand from there.

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this is a small concern I have that everyone says all 10t masters other than misaki and shenlong (obviously) are best in there native faction, atm that's not the biggest issue for me, but I do intend to go to tourneys, and im not good enough that I can knowingly gimp my self,


the main thing I see is that the outcasts don't really have any synergy out of crew, so each crew doesn't add to the whole, wear the 10t do have a lot of internal synergy, but the outcast's independence dose make them kinda cool and interesting

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this is a small concern I have that everyone says all 10t masters other than misaki and shenlong (obviously) are best in there native faction, atm that's not the biggest issue for me, but I do intend to go to tourneys, and im not good enough that I can knowingly gimp my self,


the main thing I see is that the outcasts don't really have any synergy out of crew, so each crew doesn't add to the whole, wear the 10t do have a lot of internal synergy, but the outcast's independence dose make them kinda cool and interesting

I don't know about this, read the Yan Lo in 10 Thunders thread, he is different but I would say equally viable in both forces. I would say the same is true for Jakob, he gets some really nice choices in 10T.

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Every single 10T Master is just as viable in theri native faction as their Alternate. Some are slightly better, for example I'd argue Mei Feng is better with Arcanists but that's purely down to my belief that their generic upgrades are better than the 10T ones. She still has access to all the Arcanist only stuff which is themed around her crew if she goes 10T but she also has access to some of the amazing 10T models as well. Other than that though of the 10T Masters I own or have played against all are very good as 10T. 


As for the Outcasts many of them are just generically very good and so will work with any crew. Convict Gunslingers, Hans, Sue, Taelor, Bishop & Ronin are a prime example of this. This is where the Outcast shine, you could be expecting Tara to come along to the table to face you but you'll never really know what's coming with her. What may appear to make them weak is actually one of their greatest strengths. 


If you're stuck between 10T and Outcasts then try to get your hands on Misaki. She's both, she can make use of Last Blossom models in either crew thanks to Infiltration and she then can use any of the Outcasts you like as well as any of the 10T stuff too. This is how I started Malifaux because I was in a position like you where I couldn't decide between the 2 factions. 

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I didn't vote because I think that the balance in the game is currently good enough that choice of faction is a mostly aesthetic/playstyle choice and therefore can really only be made by the individual.


this is a small concern I have that everyone says all 10t masters other than misaki and shenlong (obviously) are best in there native faction, atm that's not the biggest issue for me, but I do intend to go to tourneys, and im not good enough that I can knowingly gimp my self


I did want to comment on this section though.  I do play Ten Thunders in tournaments and I have never felt that I have been playing at a disadvantage caused by my choice of faction.

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from reading and seeing comments I see:


outcasts has all unique play style altering crews that are different but segregated, meaning your opponent is guessing (unless he knows you only have one crew, but each crew has limited answers to each situation that are still synergetic with the crew


with ten thunders each master plays less like the intended in crew play style and more homogenised with each other (the good models are good with all masters) you still have that 10 thunders wild card element of each master being drastically different, but your crews choices will often end up the same regardless of master


and this is were my problem lies, I like the outcast masters for there play styles, but I find a lot of there crews models a bit eh and find the lack of good cross compatibility irritating. I like 10 thunders crew models, but I find there masters limited with the hiring restrictions, I like all but misaki for the 10 thunders masters, but for each of them I would prefer the play style they get from playing there alt faction

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I might suggest getting Misaki (as she is dual-faction - those factions) and maybe also the Viktorias box (which is full of mercs so you can use them in 10T if you'd like - max of 2 out of faction mercs though, remember), and use them both to see how they function. I know the Outcasts, as you said, are all drastically different from each other, but 2 masters from the faction have thematic crews which are mercenaries (the Viks and Von Schill) so there is *some* coherence.


I might also suggest getting Yan Lo because I know you said SlowLauris is using Rezzers, and that might be a good sharing point no matter what you end up going into.


Also, I like Ama No Zako. Ridiculously interesting model, in both factions you mentioned. Just saying haha


I hope I am of some help here. Best of luck!


~Lil Kalki

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ok thanks kalkris, misaki is my least favourite 10t and outcast masters that's what's stopping me there, I don't like her story or how she works. ama no zako is cool, but I just cant ever seem to fit him in a crew when im looking at things, yan lo might be worth a look, I do like him and if I don't go 10t then I can give him to the gf

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 I like the outcast masters for there play styles, but I find a lot of there crews models a bit eh and find the lack of good cross compatibility irritating. 


I'd argue you really haven't look at the Outcasts very hard by this comment. There is a reason half the faction are Mercs. They are so damn good with just about anybody! Most of them are generic specialists who do one thing incredibly well. You want a good shooter, Hans, FK Trappers or Convict Gunslingers. You want Melee minions, Ronin are your go-to gals. You need some utter meat heads then you look to Taelor, Strongarm Suit or Lazarus. The Outcasts are so good other people want to hire them. Most of my Outcast lists regardless of Master have cross overs. Usually Freikorps stuff such as the Trapper or Librarian. Often Ronin find their way into lists other than the Viks because they are such solid 6ss minions.

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  I think by cross-compatibility they're referring to that from a fluff perspective. For instance, A Freikorps Specialist would look a bit out of place in a Hamelin crew, because he's very much aesthetically and fluffily connected to Von Schill. Same with if you took the Montresor or Nix with the Viks. Of course there's a good argument that the outcasts by their very nature are a mish-mash crew, but with a game with such a strong design aesthetic as Malifaux it's understandable people want their crew to look like they're supposed to be together. I didn't give Outcasts a second look until Wave 2 when I realised that Jack Daw could take Tormented and therefore I already had about 50 points of a JD crew already with my Ressers.

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yh I mean what devalmont said, if you go guild, resser, neverborn or gremlin all of the crews look similar ish, arcanists is a bit less so, I think 10t do have an over all similar look but from 7 different angles, but out casts have no visual synergy, and there is some game play based reasons, viks wont take void wretches, vonschill wont take guilty, things like that were as in archaists any master can still find a use for anything, Ramos with mole men, raspy with and electric creation (run 2 turns then shoot with raspy blast for cheatable high damage flips and it explodes).

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I think this is just were our opinions differ. I most certainly take Void Wretches with the Viks because they are fine objective runners. Von Schill probably wouldn't take Guilty but there's nothing stopping him from doing so. I think from a fluff perspective the mish mash nature of the Outcasts is what appeals to me. That's not for everybody I know, if you'd prefer crews where they look like they belong together then 10T is probably for you. If you don't mind the mish mash aspect of it then totally go Outcasts. 

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I always see most masters as what they were 1st ed really, and with 10t you get my meaning, its just a way I could quickly describe what I meant and most people understood it, im calling an end to this article, im not getting much help from it 1/2 are supporting what im saying but that doesn't help me and others are saying im wrong and that doesn't help, im thinking 10t , in outcasts if you get the wrong strat and scheme you cant use your favourite master to good effect, but with 10t you can In my opinion. outcast mercs can still work with other factions (although I wouldn't take them as a resent the extra ss cost)

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