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Most complicated/easy to use crews


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As it is known, every master and their crew is unique, but there are still a lot in ways of playing each master.

so the question is: Which master and his/her/it's crew do you see as most complicated to play with or play against and what makes it so hard. Also which is the easiest to play or cheese factor in your opinion.


Also if someone claims that your "number one guy" is hard to play with or against, feel free to enlighten them with helpful tactics.

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Here's my very subjective list.

Straightfowardish: Lady J, Perdita, Sonnia C, McMourning, Seamus, Marcus, Rasputina, Kaeris, Lilith, Jakob Lynch, Viktoria of Ashes, Von Schill, Misaki, Ophelia, Mah Tucket

Pretty Complex: Hoffman, Lucius, Lucas McCabe, Nicodem, Kirai, Molly, Yan Lo, Ramos, Ironsides, Mei Feng, Pandora, Zoraida, Collodi, Hamelin, Jack Daw, Somer, The Brewmaster, Ulix, Wong

Very Complex: Tara, Colette, The Dreamer, Leveticus, Shenlong

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I do not agree that more complicated Masters are more powerful, its just that once someone starts to really understand how those Crews work the opponents generally don't and all the curveballs and rare synergies give an advantage.


I don't disagree with Hateful's list...  but that said, I really don't think any crew is "simple" anymore like the old Viks were...  even VS has so many synergies that as bland as he appears, his moving parts are really important and become really potent.


This said, I do agree that some Masters are better to start with and most of them are in Wave 1... 

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Drool Bucket, all good points. I don't think there are any super simple crews any more, but some require learning a complex new mechanic or interaction, balancing new Master-specific resources, or pursuing counterintuitive gameplay.


I don't think the power/complexity curve is absolute (I think, for instance, that Lilith's going to be winning more VP in general than Hamelin, even though she's a little less complex) but I think there's some tendency. Maybe it's just that a more complex and counterintuitive crew also requires your opponents to learn more. Maybe it's just that more moving parts means more options.

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I have to reiterate that straightforward Masters are not easy. Understanding Lady Justice or Perdita is quite simple, but managing them is not. Dita is very resource intensive and Lady Justice is easy to over extend. Managing them is a learning experience as much as more complex Masters.


That said, the more straightforward Masters are rewarding early-on and thus make for a good gaming experience for beginners.

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