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Malifaux Live Action Web Series

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Hi everyone,

I've been playing war games for nearly 15 years now and a friend (and henchman) introduced me to Malifaux about a year ago. Since then I've had to stop all other games due to financial reasons (university) but I've kept with Malifaux.

The main thing I love about the game is how it is extremely story led with strong characters throughout the world. Reading the short stories and encounters in the rulebooks and in the chronicles got me thinking. This should really be made into a live action web series/film.

I saw that there was a previous post about who people would cast as the main characters if a film ever got made but this was all the way back in 2011 so I hope people won't mind me bringing it up again.

I've been acting for about 10 years and I'm now undertaking a 3 year acting course at one of the UK's top drama schools. This is providing me with not only the amazing training, but also contacts in the industry. Along with this I have also started my own media company, 'Crystal Dragon Media' which in itself is in it's very early days but I have big plans for it. Here's the Facebook Page if anyone's interested.




I have made a few short films on micro budgets (as in non) and I'm currently Assistant Director on a British Feature film being released next year.


Now this is just me putting my feelers out and seeing how viable this would be to create. I've just watched Felicia Day's Dragon Age short web series and I was thinking that making something like that but in the Malifaux world would be fantastic! Each video could be based around the short stories in the books. Such as Molly Squidpiddge's origin story including Seamus crashing her funeral and bringing her back to life.


Something else to bear in mind. This is extremely early planning. I won't start to putting anything into motion until I've finished my training in about 2/3 years and there are a lot of other factors to take into account. But saying that, if people have faith and commitment to something then I believe it will happen.


What do people think? I'm open to ideas and would love to discuss this further.



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Absolutely awesome Jamie, spoilt for choice on which Malifaux story to turn into a film!


you could put up a poll (can you on this forum?) that would be great. Kickstarter may also be a source of funding.


The first story in the M2E rulebook, where the wastrel who wins a gamble, starts a bar fight, gets taken away to get munched by Neverborn could be a good one. I dont think its very special effects intensive - but it has so many settings as they run around the streets of Malifaux. The pace and intensity of that story made it one of the most vivid pieces in my mind.


Excited to see it happen!

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Fun and interesting idea (having dabbled a little in film when I was younger, I can appreciate the skill it will take to get the feel right).


I would say though, that asking permission is probably a wise thing to do before going anywhere with it. Wyrd are pretty generous but it's always wise to check there's no snags that would prevent them from saying go for it.


If you do go ahead though, it will be worth the wait to see it I imagine!

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Crowd funding would most likely be the best way to go. However it would probably be quite a large sum due to my want of doing it professionally and being an actor myself I know people don't like working for free.


I wouldn't even touch the project without having full permission from Wyrd first and hopefully a bit of support. If anyone from Wyrd is reading this I would love to know your thoughts.

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