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Couple o newb questions

Guest Severborn


Guest Severborn

Hey guys, Malifaux has just recently crept its way into my local gaming group..and taken off :) great game.


Just a few things i need clarifying. Cant seem to find clear answers in the m2e rulebook and keep finding Faqs for previous editions (which im not sure are valid anymore).


1). When cheating fate, the player with the lower duel total (or defender if equal) may cheat first. Does this mean that if she passes and opponent then cheats they lose their opportunity to cheat at all?


2) Similar to previous but with soulstones. Soulstone use is declared before duel by defender first. If defender passes...as above.


3). With flight over terrain do you measure to go up the side of the terrain (as if climbing but with no penalty). or just a stright top down measure (like a ramp). Also can you finish a flight move on top of terrain in any case?


4). when moving over a climbable wall 1Ht does it cost 2 or 4 (2 up one side 2 down the other).


5). can you premeasure anything?


um i think thats it for now, sorry if theres anything bleedingly obvious that ive overlooked/overthought.



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Hey guys, Malifaux has just recently crept its way into my local gaming group..and taken off :) great game.


Just a few things i need clarifying. Cant seem to find clear answers in the m2e rulebook and keep finding Faqs for previous editions (which im not sure are valid anymore).


1). When cheating fate, the player with the lower duel total (or defender if equal) may cheat first. Does this mean that if she passes and opponent then cheats they lose their opportunity to cheat at all?


2) Similar to previous but with soulstones. Soulstone use is declared before duel by defender first. If defender passes...as above.


3). With flight over terrain do you measure to go up the side of the terrain (as if climbing but with no penalty). or just a stright top down measure (like a ramp). Also can you finish a flight move on top of terrain in any case?


4). when moving over a climbable wall 1Ht does it cost 2 or 4 (2 up one side 2 down the other).


5). can you premeasure anything?


um i think thats it for now, sorry if theres anything bleedingly obvious that ive overlooked/overthought.




1 Yes, you have 1 chance to cheat each. If you choose not to, you can't change your mind after yuor opponent does.


2Again yes, you have 1 chance, if you chose not to use it then you can't change it.


3 Flight measures a top down line.


4 yes, although you can choose to drop rather than climb down, and as long as you don't drop furtehr than height 2, you won't get hurt.


5 yes, you can premeasure anything at any time. (don't abuse this though, I've found nothing annoys the opponent more than you interupting a duel to measure their curtains...)



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OK kool, thanks heaps.


So flight can end on top of terrain?


Hell yeah it can! It's really useful with certain models such as Watchers from the Guild or Nicodem's Vulcher as various models such as these have actions or abilities which allow their leaders to draw LoS from them. Very useful indeed!


You mention above that you could only find the old FAQS. Here's a link to the most recent one http://wyrd-games.net/community/files/file/21-malifaux-2e-faq-errata 


They are updated every 2 months. If you get stuck in the future they are normally found within the downloads section of this site (See tabs at top of page)

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No, As per the FAQ, if you intend to stop on terrain, you have to measure climb distance. If you just want to go over it, you don't.


Q: A model with the Incorporeal Ability ignores terrain when it moves. If it is on the ground floor of a building which is 10” tall, can it end its move on top of the building, even if its Wk stat is less than 10, since it ignores the building while moving? Same question for a model with Flight in regards to vertical terrain.
A: No. Although measurements in Malifaux are generally made from a top down view, vertical distances are measured while moving a model (see pg. 42 of the rulebook, Movement & Terrain). If the model with Incorporeal ends its move on top of the 10” tall building, it would have moved 10” and, unless it
has a Wk of 10 or greater, this is not a legal move. However, if the Incorporeal model has a sufficient Wk
stat to complete the move, it would be able to end the move on top of the terrain, ignoring the usual rules for climbing, etc. Flight works similarly, except in the case of Enclosed terrain (see Enclosed terrain, rulebook pg. 60).

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Can a flight path follow arbitrary lines in 3d space? Or do you have to do all measuring in vertical and horizontal segments? The FAQ sort of implies v/h segments, but it's not explicit and the intuitive (to me) answer would be arbitrary lines.

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