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Inventory Management

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I may not have the best impulse control when it comes to buying models.  I may have purchased a handful of duplicate figures.    I think that I might need some sort of checklist or spreadsheet or something to help me track my purchases so that I know what I have and what I still want.


Before I put a lot of effort into recreating the wheel, has anyone developed a model list that I can use to develop a checklist?  Maybe someone already has a checklist?


Other suggestions?


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There used to be a great app for phone for warmachine called ibodger.  It allowed people to track their collections (as well as painted and unpainted models) and build armies based on their collections.  It would be awesome to put something similar together for Malifaux.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mako's "List Update" sheet makes a good start for a simple "mini checklist" spreadsheet, although for that purpose, it lacks:

  • Avatars (as those rules/point costs aren't finalized)
  • Alt models
  • The Miss-X "counts as" models
  • Plastic-vs-Metal

I used it to build my own spreadhseet, that also includes:

  • An "affiliation" column, so that I can sort together the models commonly associated with a master together
  • A Type column (_Master, Henchman, etc.) - again, for sorting purposes
  • A base size column, to go with...
  • A base type column (Saloon, City Street, Swamp, etc.)

These extra columns are helping me figure out what I'm doing in terms of basing and crew-unifying details, since I'm grabbing minis far faster than I can get them assembled and painted (damned "complete collection" OCD).

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