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lelu lie in wait 0 ap


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It say if i discard a card i can push her 3 inch and get pounce Until end of turn. Is this skill only use to position for a other model to lure seomething in to her ? Because the 3 inch push i do dont trigger pounce if i push into engagment range with an enemy. Only if they come to me ?

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I don't think the twins together is that impressive. I think Lilitu is a pretty decent model, but I don't think you will often want to bring Lelu along. He might be fine on his own though, only tried them together so far. Lilith and Kade sounds like a good mix. Its also worth noting that I think both are better with someone like Zoraida who can obay them to use those abilities without spending their own Ap. (I'd love to be able to take them with Colette)

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I tend to favor Lilitu as well.  Lelu is good to give her pounce and assist in their healing, as long as you're not facing a condition heavy crew that can use the twins connection against them.  Lelu is slow, so moving him about with a Daydream or Dreamer is needed.  He 'can' be a threat, I tend to see good use from him on a flank, where he makes my opponent nervous and ask questions like 'what's he doing over there?'.

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I'm yet to try it, but I'm looking at it from the double-whammy perspective. It's a positional thing, but keying up Lie in Wait with Opp/Mal Force, having Lelu Focus and DefStance, and then luring in a victim gives some serious pounding potential (both Twins getting Pounce) with some resilience should it all go pair shaped. Maybe it's too expensive, especially with O/M Force being such a problem against certain builds. Still something I want to try, though.

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