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starting zoraida


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Zorada is a master at making what ever you take work a little bit better. As such there is no must own models.

I am not sure when her plastic box is due out, so you will probbly have to buy her metal starter box. If you do so, the other model worth buying is the Voodoo doll (she can summon it). If you can wai ttill the plastic set, then the Voodoo doll should be in the box as well.


Her box currently contains 3 silurids and Bad Juju.

If you buy the metal figures you will want to buy the Neverborn arsenal deck for the current cards as well as her upgrades and the general neverborn upgrades.


She can also be used as a gremlin master, if you want to head that way, then you'll want the gremlin arsenal deck.


Possible ways to expand her crew:-

Swamp fiends - Waldegiest, Spawn mother and Gupps

Generally good models: - anything she can obey to get to take extra actions is pretty good. 4 sprints from a terror tot will get it anywhere it needs to drop schemes. Extra attacks from Teddy, Mature Nephlim, or any decent hitter is nice.

She also can make a lot of willpower duels, so Insidious madness and Sorrows can work well with her.

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Ok,thanks but i am new of the game, now i read that zoraida has a lot of choice, but for the first models?

Old starter

Vodoo solo



Mature nephelin,

Insidious madness


Terror tot


Swamp fingere

Spawn mother

They are a lot of models,what do you reccomend me for first buy?

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Honestly, My recomendation at first would probably be to buy the starter (and voodoo doll) and try playing with that.

After you have had a few games with that, you will have a better idea of how you are likely to want to play Zoraida, and any areas you are weak in.

You should be able to play the starter box up to 40 ss with upgrades.


After that there are a lot of good options, but unless you want to own everything, you don't need to buy it all.

She has a huge list of great models to pick from, so if you really want to buy more than the starter box to begin with to save on shipping or such like, then buy things you like the look of. You are much more likely to play models that you like seeing than ones you don't. And I can't think of a model she can take thats a bad choice.



I personally would find 3 silurids in my crew a little over the top for every game, but if you really enjoy the Swampfiend and Bad Juju with his eternal upgrade, then you will want to field as many as you can. Neither way is wrong, it really is personal preference.  (And I can think of plenty of games where I'd happily field 3 silurids even with out the eternal upgrade).


And a Nurse can do some wounderful things, I'd forgotten that Ikvar

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  • 4 weeks later...

Zoraida was my first master and introduction to the game.  She's also still the most fun for me to play.


Here was my purchase order and it seemed to work pretty well and still holds true in ME2:


1. Starter Box (Metal)

2. Voodoo Doll (You can prozy this with the mini dolls from the metal box if money is an issue)

3. Convict Gunslinger or Hans (or other ranged - Tuco, Iggy, Desperate Mercenary)

4. Waldgeists

5. Doppelganger - not as crazy as she was in 1.5, but still super useful

6. Nurse


And then go from there.


Once you've got a few options you will almost certainly drop to 2 Silurids in a crew instead of 3.  They are phenominal scheme runners, and can pack a punch with the right cards, but they 7 SS they cost can be better used elsewhereif you have models to choose from.


Bad Juju, on the other hand, is just amazing.  I love him in ME2, and I really love him with Zoraida.  There is no baked synergy, but the two just seem to work really well together.  She can help him move around with Obey (and/or Nurses), which takes away his one big weakness.  After he's in melee with things he can lay down some serious pain, and Slow stuff like mad.  That combined with the Eternal Feind upgrade makes an opponent think twice about killing your models later in a game.  I've had the tide turn more than once because someone killed a Siliurid in melee range only to unbury Juju and ruin their plans.


I've not tabled Spawn Mother, but with all the battle reports and theory-crafting I've yet to be impressed with her.  Neither her, nor her gupps seem worh the soulstones or the $45 price tag.


McTavish, however, is on my purchase list, because if I was going to replace Juju it would be with McTavish.  He's hotness.


If you're going to purchase things that are in other Master's Box-sets, consider just buying the box set.  You can build/paint 3 Terror Tots and toss them in a Zoraida crew without needing any other Nephilim stuff and they'll work wonders as scheme runners with a powerful melee attack as backup (for their soulstones).  Or you can grab some Sorrows to make tick away at Willpower which Zoraida attacks.  Or use Obey on Baby Kade to make his stabby tricks happen multiple times in a Turn.  Beckoners are also useful if you find you want to manipulate the enemy's movement more.


Zoraida is a GREAT way to start in the Neverborn because you can branch out in so many directions without spending too much money up front.

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