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Distract and Interact



The rules for the Interact action state that you cannot take an Interact while engaged, unless that Interact targets an ENEMY model.

Does that prevent someone from taking the (2) Interact action to remove Distract or Cursed Object from themselves while engaged? They are not enemy to themselves. This seems obvious reading it now but I have literally never seen anyone play it that way. This seems to make Distract and CO way easier to complete and WAY harder to prevent.

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That's a matter of opinion I think. Being able to remove it while engaged basically just means that the advantage goes to the one who can out activate the other. This way smaller crews actually have a chance of succesfullly doing those schemes too.


Sort of, you still are at a disadvantage if you're the one trying to clear it, since it's a 2 to clear and only a 1 to place it. That means if your opponent is busy clearing Distract you're basically paralyzing his models. 

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Problem with Distract is it affects the effectiveness of the crew as a whole and can prevent or hamper completion of their own schemes/strategy. If you ignore the Distract then you give the opponent VP, if you remove it then you are stuck.


If you took Break Through or Entourage then the 1 turn of inactivity could prevent getting into the opponents side. What if you took Assassinate but then models are Distracted, your models can't attack and so less likely to get the kill.


If you ignore the Distract and kill the opposing crew then wait until later to remove the condition, I guess its a balance of the VP your opponent scores and how many you can score post-crew death.


Out-activation also really helps with this scheme.

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It can be a tricky decision, but not always. But that's part of the fun of it I think. You also get people killing their own models to prevent giving away the VP, that's a way of dealing with it too. It all comes down to the exact situation on the table and what you think is best for you. If you made it easier to get rid of the decision would be much easier too but I'm not sure that would actually improve the game.

And yes, out-activating is a big help on this, but at least in the current setup you can still score on it even if you are badly out-activated.

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Distract is a pain and in itself can cause major shifts in the game play. You can use a cheap 4ss model to effectively take out a much more expensive model for 1AP.


Distract encourages the mass of cheap minions vs elites - but then I guess if you know you are taking Distract then you tailor your crew for that.


Killing your own models is really only an option if you have a summoner master. Otherwise you end up just gimping yourself.


Just feels the Distract has a bigger impact on the game than other schemes and winning comes down to the number models on the table rather than any gameplay.

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A distracted model is also protected though, your opponent is now invested in them surviving. I've had more then a few games where the model I distract starts killing everything or accomplishing schemes as fast as it can. Now I have to weigh killing it and finding another distract target, or find some other way to tie it up and put more of my pieces at risk.

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And that's why Distract is one of my favourite schemes. It actually requires you to think and plan for how best to do it/counter it. A lot of the other schemes are fairly simple, but schemes as like Distract, Cursed Object, Take Prisoner and to a lesser degree Plant Explosives and Spring the Trap requires a little more finess.

That you have things that aren't straight up kill this model or put markers here is part of what makes Malifaux fun and interesting, IMO.

And in the end, it's only one scheme, representing 3 points. If you don't like it you don't have to pick it and you can just ignore it if your opponent have it, leave him to deal with not wanting to kill your models and go on to accomplish your own schemes and prevent him from getting VP from his other scheme/strategy.

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