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Everything posted by fire5tone

  1. no? when you buy the crews boxes once you have all the "spares" you could ever need, because you can never have more of a model on the table than what you get there.
  2. (from what ive heard) not really teddy, but zoraida works very well with stitched- or atleast, with vasalisa or widow weaver, shes the only crew in nvb with easy scrap in that she summons a voodoo doll and sacks it, followed by vas or WW using its scrap to create stitched
  3. Hello wyrdos, today we are happy to announce a new allegience for the other sides malifaux forces: australia and you know what, i'd suddenly be listening
  4. not your typical steampunk then, its quite dark and dystopian, tbh i'd more call it dieselpunk but wtv
  5. man, british politics sound hilarious i should jump on that
  6. im not sure thats a hard rule so its not the guild that hates the brits (they still might not like em, but its mostly ambivilance), its the brits that absolutely loath the guild, the breach is not quite the same as just another continent, once they have a route to getting soulstones they likely want nothing to do with malifaux, its run by the guild, filled with monsters, communication and transportations an ass, and resources are already tight, theres basically nothing else to gain for them however, there are plenty of individual britains about, more than there are germans or most singular nationalities beyond american and maybe mexican, and no, asian does not count as its so ungodly wide 'a catagory it might aswell be cheating
  7. so, thats the issue, the gibbering hordes are basically an invasive species, and they've taken the oceans
  8. well doesnt that still count, it seems odd to be suddenly reverent of a culture when all the rest of em are treated like crap by ya too, i mean, look at gremlins, theyre based on cajuns but id still accept em as it
  9. the rift is coming from the sky, basically, the burning man (who also was english) showed up, his presence tore holes everywhere around him, and in the case of london, a portal to the bottom of malifauxs oceans, which dumped not only too much water on them, but what eventually became the gibbering hordes, then each tear promptly close, along with that the presence of him turned many crazy, creating the cult (for multiple reasons)
  10. again, britains struggling already, and they dont like the people running the show over there, so its not just proximity
  11. im confused about what all these germans aret, also note, the breach is in *santa fe* so more local people went through, and theres a second breach somewhere in asia and given how deep in crap theyre in they can't exactly visit either, how about the fact that despite being arguably the most important earthside faction: abyssinia there is 1 model, and 1 has appeared in lore only because the guild dragged him in and thats it, thats just what non proximity to the breach does to ya also if you think about it, americans are just british with extra steps
  12. there are keywords of germans? you mean freikorps with 1? Ten Thunders werent just crammed in for nationality style points they have a very solid reason for existing and being their own faction, i dont see the point of needing people that look like you
  13. im saying i am none of the listed catagories. but a lot of the lack of british is probably because Britain's kinda underwater and being ripped to shreds, along with *really* hating the guild so most of em probably dont want to through as for examples, dreamer and mccabe are both english
  14. do you need someone you can relate or identify with on a purely surface level, i use primarily gremlins and Asians for gods sakes and most of my favorite characters are female
  15. if we see any factions come over it'll be in small groups more than likely, like restrained to a keyword, i could actually see a keyword bringing in a few abyssinians or something, but even thats doubtful, and no, we arent getting a burning man faction
  16. every faction book has 3 stories, the breachside broadcast has gone through the guild and resser books (and the first from arcanists)
  17. 2 i believe, i think the line of semantics goes that cremation isnt killing the target, its effectively the candle killing itself cause the deaths on its card (so funeral pyre doesnt proc) however my ability to remember resser stuff is not a shot short of shoddy so if anyone corrects it, probobly take their word quicker
  18. bear in mind that non title mah has pass tokens and ill omens along with a focus pulse, so its fairly trivial to obtain activation control along with getting a focus 2 miner, if you do it late in the turn you can effectively look at a very big and important model and do a double focus chomp chomp, then next turn chomp chomp bury compounded by the fact that having a buried miner could be an effective +1 to just about any engagement your opponent might be looking to take its not just mah your attacking its mah potentially + a miner or 2 bushwhacks + a miner or neither and you decide to do something else, ive had it force my opponent change up what he was going for just because of its existence before, and for its cost, that can be a tad harsh its almost like some guy was poorly describin misaki with what this thing should do before ending it off with "but its a cheap minion"
  19. So SSM are significantly better for mah than arcanist now probably, they don't count for schemes and strats but that's not what they're for anymore, a denial piece. A marker needs protecting? Unbury on it to engage anyone that comes near. An assasinate or vendetta need that touch extra damage hit em with a double focus miner, a tech piece you don't like? They can't protect it, if you can secure activation control (which mah can) you can score early next turn (unbury, next turn interact, concentrate, charge.) Along with it granting partial refund over the course of the game
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