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GJ Yan

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Everything posted by GJ Yan

  1. Hello wyrdos! I will be running a ranked GG All event at Powder Monkey in Huddersfield on 16th July 2023. There will be swag for all attendees as well as prize support in the form of a raffle and other goodies, best painted and wooden spoon! Entry fee is £15, payable to obi-yan@hotmail.co.uk via PayPal Friends & Family. You can find the facebook event here: https://fb.me/e/H31RcJfg. This event will use chess clocks, the rules for clock use are included in the Rules Pack (any issues with the rules pack let me know). If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to contact me (here or via other means). Please find the Rules Pack attached. The event is currently limited to 14 players (first come first serve) with a possibility of expanding to 16 if there is demand for it. 1. James Moinet 2. Radek Bry 3. Jamie Astbury 4. Tom Kapel 5. Ed Grace 6. Esme Grace 7. John Donaldson 8. Chris Donaldson 9. Ben Halford 10. Ben Harris 11. Liam Stubbs 12. Ben Ault 13. Jack Zissell 14. Chris Graham 15. Sy Gray 16. Ellie Middleton 17. Oz Goff (to pay) 18. Alyx Drake 19. Dan Brown 20. Carl Lee Reserves - Gabriele S (Note: times have been updated by 15 minutes to allow a short break between rounds 2 and 3) Banana Faux 16th July 2023 - Player Pack update 12.05.23.pdf
  2. After a lot of deliberations and discussions over the past two months, I have made the decision to not allow Madness of Malifaux content for this event, unless an errata is released prior to the event. It is not a decision I take lightly, however, I believe it is the right decision for a couple of reasons: 1. A large portion of the MoM content is very noticeably above the curve (by a relatively big margin). I have seen examples of players wielding Madness of Malifaux crews/models having a big advantage against other players of similar skill levels who have not been using the new models. Whilst the UK community is mostly very good at self-moderating when it comes to releases that are perceived as over-tuned, I would rather take that responsibility away from the players to ensure a fully consistent experience. 2. Because of the above point, the 'fun factor' has been significantly impacted. A lot of people I have spoken to have explicitly told me that the game is less fun when Madness of Malifaux models are involved and it negatively impacts the variety of crews used competitively (which I believe to be one of Malifaux's greatest strengths). As a TO, I believe it is my responsibility to ensure the game is as enjoyable as possible for as many players as possible and therefore simply cutting out a lot of these potential 'feel-bads' seems like the right decision. In making this announcement, I fully realise there will be people who will disagree with this decision, and that's totally fine. I am under no illusion that simply excluding MoM content will solve everything. All I can do as TO is make decisions that I think will benefit the enjoyment of as many players as possible. If anyone has any questions, please do let me know via the usual channels or DM me if you prefer. I will be updating the Rules Pack to reflect this in due course and will review my decision in the case of an errata. In the meantime, keep flipping cards and having fun! Love, Your TO - Yan
  3. There are TWO SPACES AVAILABLE. Book now to make sure you don't miss out on a fantastic day of Malifaux!
  4. All 16 slots are now filled! Contact me if you would like to be put on a waiting list in case there are any drop outs. UPDATE: 2 spots have become available!
  5. Hello wyrdos! I will be running a ranked GG3 event at Powder Monkey in Huddersfield on 7th May 2023. There will be swag for all attendees as well as prize support in the form of a raffle and other goodies for podium, best painted and wooden spoon! Entry fee is £15, payable to obi-yan@hotmail.co.uk via PayPal Friends & Family. You can find the facebook even here: https://fb.me/e/32vmcrTRO. This event will use chess clocks, the rules for clock use are included in the Rules Pack (any issues with the rules pack let me know). If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to contact me (here or via other means). Please find the Rules Pack attached. The event is currently limited to 14 players (first come first serve) with a possibility of expanding to 16 if there is demand for it. Attendees 1. Chris Graham 2. Jack Zissell 3. Chris P Bacon 4. Tom Panah 5. Courtney Murray 6. Dan Brown 7. Esme Grace 8. Radek Bry 9. Alyx Drake 10. Tom Kapel 11. Jim McKerchar 12. David Cameron 13. Ben Ault 14. Oz Goff 15. Jamie Astbury 16. Liam Stubbs Thanks, Yan Business Time 7th May 2023 - Player Pack updated.pdf
  6. Good morning everyone, hope you are looking forward to next Sunday as much as I am. In the meantime, as promised, here are the pools for the 3 rounds for you to ponder over.
  7. A space has freed up for anyone interested.
  8. Just a quick reminder for those who have signed up, to pay by the end of the month or let me know if you are unable to do so. Exciting swag is being sorted by Rampage Games for this as we speak, and I can also confirm the wooden spoon prize - the player who places last will get free entry to our next Malifaux event!
  9. Here is the player pack! Powder Monkeyfaux 15th Jan 2023 - Player Pack updated.pdf
  10. Hello wyrdos! I will be running a ranked GG3 event at Powder Monkey in Huddersfield on 15th Jan 2023. There are 14 places available, there will be swag for all attendees as well as prize support in the form of a raffle and trophies for podium, best painted and wooden spoon! Entry will be £12.50, the way to pay will be explained in the rules pack (coming soon) but please send me a message if you want to be added to the list of attendees which I will maintain here and on the facebook event (https://fb.me/e/1XsJfL1Rs). Attendees 1. Jack Zissell (P) 2. Chris Graham (P) 3. Ben Ault (P) 4. Tom Kapel (P) 5. Alyx Drake (P) 6. Oz Goff (P) 7. Carl Lee (P) 8. Dan Brown (P) 9. Tom Benstead (P) 10. Mark Wheldon (P) 11. Esme Grace (P) 12. Steve Finch 13. Frankie Grillo 14. Michael Timms (P) Your fresh new TO, Yan
  11. Will there be vegan options available for lunch? If not, will there be an issue with bringing your own lunch? Thanks.
  12. Will the restults for this be on Malifaux Rankings? 🙂 Edit: Don't know if someone pushed it along or it just came on but it's there now, cheers hahaha
  13. Did Research Mission just get even easier with McCabe? 😁
  14. Between what you've got there and the Bayou Engineering box (Mech Porkchop, Sparks and 3 Survivors) you've probably got enough to run Mei Feng. Then metal gamin and Neil Henry to complete the keyword although they're bundled with models you already have so you might have to look for second hand. I don't have any experience with Misaki or Lynch yet so not sure about those.
  15. My pledge for this month is Dawn Serpent, 1 Ruffian and 1 Huckster. ...And my first completion is Dawn Serpent for 9ss. I've been loving this guy with McCabe and Asami and now that we're slowly transitioning back to real life from Vassal games I was eager to get him painted. My first ever attempt at fire - I'm pretty happy with how it looks although not sure it looks like convincing flames, I'll take it as a first try though and I think it still looks cool on the mini. Excited to see what everyone else gets up to this month!
  16. More wastrels ready to steal your stones. Both of these models were incredibly fun to paint. Definitely didn't take any inspiration from a popular assassin video game for Desper... Some lovely looking minis by all this month, as always! Desper LaRaux - 8ss Huckster - 6ss Making my total for this month 14ss.
  17. My pledge for this month: Tanuki. I need to get better at taking before photos but I always just get carried away painting before I remember to do it. These guys were so fun to paint, I'm pretty happy with how they came out, I was torn on what colour to go for with the pots but I think terracotta was the right decision - I think the green liquid provides a nice contrast to that. So that's 5ss x 3 = 15ss for this month. In terms of inspirational painters: 1. Angel Giraldez - I'm sure someone has already mentioned him. Although his skill level is way beyond anything I will ever be able to achieve, observing his colour composition and especially the contrast in his painting is incredibly useful. 2. Emil Nystorm - who you might be familiar with from the Squidmar channel, has a good range of videos, which I've found provide some great approaches to a variety of basic to advanced techniques. One of his videos is actually what convinced me to finally give NMM a real go. 3. Kingscorner Painting - not sure what the name of the artist/s is but they have some amazingly clean looking paintjobs up on their social media.
  18. I find myself putting trained ninja on a tanuki a lot if I think my opponent will have any ranged threats. Then I just keep him behind the rest of my crew to hand out focus and healing, and if they want to get rid of him they really have to go after him which 9 times out of 10 is probably a bad decision. The added bonus of having unimpeded as well is super handy if I need him to run up a flank to drop a scheme or heal a key model.
  19. Apologies for the super late update, it's been a pretty hectic couple of months for me. I did actually manage to complete my June pledge, I just didn't get round to posting them. I did a couple non-wyrd minis from mantic. I'm gonna count both of these as 30mm bases as one is slightly smaller and the other bigger so I think it evens out. First up, an Enforcer Sergeant for Deadzone. Very happy with this scheme and I will be painting the rest of the strike force to match. The second is a very quick job on a Dreadball MVP. I was testing out a quick technique here with contrast paints and a bit of drybrushing. I'm not entirely happy with the result so i will be looking for some other techniques to get my back log done quickly.
  20. Managed to get the main man done in time. I've still the bases to do but thought I might as well do all of my Wastrel bases in one go. Here we are: Lucas McCabe, Relic Hunter and his identical twin brother Lucas McCabe, Dismounted Hunter. Pretty happy with McCabe himself although I'm not convinced by how those blues look in contrast with the horse. Hopefully the base will tie it all together nicely. I'm not sure if to count this as 15ss or 30ss (2 x 15ss).
  21. I burnt myself out painting McCabe’s horse so I decided to take a break and painted up Kang. Pretty pleased with how he turned out. Will post better pictures once I finish the base. So that’s another 9ss for me @Caedrus, putting my total for April at 14.
  22. My friend and I are relatively new but have been putting the games in over Vassal and would love to join in. If there's anyone in the UK without a team that wants to join us then feel free to send me a message.
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