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Everything posted by Mycellanious

  1. Ahhh I didnt think about that. Does the model need to be completely kicked out of the aura or only moved at all while inside it?
  2. Actually they changed hazardous terrain in the Beta because vent steam was too strong. Look at page 37, a model only takes damage if the hazardous terrain MARKER is pushed into contact with it. Vent steam has no marker, so the models do NOT take damage when Mei Feng pushes or walks into them with vent steam active
  3. I really love the name changes. That was one of my favorite parts of Malifaux. Thank you Devs!
  4. A couple other things that may not be immediately obvious: 1. Railworkers can charge and toss 2. You can set railworkers on fire then try to use their bonus action on each other for extra scrap, since they dont rly care about triggers. Also, you can use it to prevent your models from taking burning damage 3. Heated Claws just specifies construct, meaning you can attack your own models for reliable scrap in a pinch. Bonus points for attacking a model with armor and shielded to reduce the dmg to 0 ( like a metal gamin or railworker with magical training) 4. Counterspell also prevents resistance triggers, so you can put it on Mei to help her get past defensive tech 5. The push from Constant Motion happens, AFTER resolving the action. This means Mei's bonus action is actully 2 separate pushes, allowing you to push around corners. In addition, the dmg only applies if the first push is interrupted and the scrap marker is dropped at the end of the push. 6. Mei easily has a 24" threat range on turn 1. You can "slingshot" her and reach the far turf war marker with 2 AP. What this means is you can activate her last turn 1, charge a model, then activate her first turn 2 and pop vent steam or railwalk away for a ton of free damage. 7. Obey destroys this crew. But like obey DESTROYS this crew. Fear it and kill models who csn obey INSTANTLY. The Foundry has abysmal willpower, and can be Obeyed to Ride the Rails, putting your models 12" away or straight into their crew if they drop their own scrap marker. Even worse, railworkers (yay stat 4...) and Neil can be obeyed to attack and consume every scrap marker near them to hurt your models more as well as deprive your crew of key resources.
  5. Just remember that the passive push is after resolving the current action. So you push 1", then drop scrap, then push 2" more In addition you would only do damage if the first, 1" push was interrupted, NOT The 2" passive push
  6. You're also gonna need to find something to act as Scrap markers. Lots of Scrap markers. I'd also recommend either card protectors and markers so you can write conditions and tokens on the cards, or something to physically represent them
  7. And you CAN charge and toss with railworkers
  8. actually no because you ignore 1" of concealing terrain when you are in it and toss only has a 1" range
  9. No, but the rules only say you can only ignore a part of an action when it is impossible to complete that effect. So if a model has the focus condition and there are no other conditions that can be removed, you must remove focus. This is because focus is a condition that can be removed, so you do not skip the "remove a condition" part of the action P.23
  10. Italics indicates a *cost*, it is a requirement in the sense that if you cannot pay it you cannot use the ability, or at least dont get any additional effects - p.12 You can check the detailed timing section on p. 23, which states that each part of an action is resolved in order. Nothing indicates that you can ignore part of an action, unless it cannot be resolved (if the target had no conditions, you skip removing a condition).
  11. It also means foundry models can railwalk to them or remove them for bonuses.
  12. Ohh, May 2018. I thought they were talking about M3E, which is why I was confused. My b
  13. Most complained about in what regard? This model is too op or this model is useless?
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