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Everything posted by theamazingmrg

  1. There nothing stopping a hybrid model: initial 'Codex' followed by traditional wave books. That said, I can easily see the first post-release book being the faction book for the Explorers. It might not have Dual-Faction Masters, but I expect it will have Dual-Keyword models to support those Explorer Masters (and Basse and McCabe) and keep all factions involves in the release schedule, even if they don't get specific faction-locked releases.
  2. I used it for a game tonight. It was very helpful! Thanks!
  3. I played my first game against Zoraida tonight with Sonnia (who I think I'll be sticking with until I've won a couple of games at least, which could take a while!). Obviously I lost because I'm rubbish! I'm blaming it on Corrupted Idols and the trigger on Zoraida's Obey (A bad workman always blames his opponents tools...!) But as useless as I am, I figured it can't help to ask how other people have found dealing with a Swampfiend crew (with a Widow Weaver summoning Stitched Together a from the Voodoo Doll scrap markers!) that holds back and delays getting Burning-ed to death. Selfish bloody Neverborn!
  4. Between that and the swap of the spoiled Lady J, I think Guild players are definitely being trolled!
  5. And it allows the Explorers to be expanded without overshadowing the other factions as each other faction will also get stuff at the same time. Of course, its all just theory at this point. Lets actuallt get 3rd Edition launched and then see...
  6. My money is on the first book released after the launch waves focusing on the Society having a selection of new Masters for it, possibly Dual Faction ones, along with minions to expand the Wastrel and Frontier Keywords. It may even be that the faction expands slower than that, with a single Master per book and Dual Keyword models to support that Master and another existing one in another faction. For example a 'wise old sage' master interested in old Malifaux lore, who has models that share Keywords with Sandeep (Academic) or Von Schtook (Transmortis), etc.
  7. It's mostly the difference between new and old players. Old players who have crews already will end up buying boxes with models tehy don't want in order to get new ones. An old player who already has a particular Masters crew box probably wasn't going to be rebuying that Masters box again anyway (I mean, I did with Hoffman, but I'm definitely the exception rather than the rule!) But new players can buy a Core Box, and then the expansion box for that Keyword and have none of those issues. And for the game to grow it needs new players. And this way there are fewer boxes for retailers to stock on the shelves. This way of packaging makes sense to attract new players, and its unfortunate for those who have been playing longer. I can see why they've done it this way though. Just remember that if you are only after one of the new models you can get that separately for the first year, after which I assume it will be all new models being released and won't be as much of an issue. And there will probably be some kind of singles market on eBay and the like.
  8. I like the Pale Rider for the ability to splash out Burning and Slow, with a small heal, and it shares the movement benefits with the Mounted Guards. I've never considered the Loot Their Corpses though, I'll have to try it!
  9. I placed my pre-orders with my dealer not-so-local FLGS earlier today. To say I'm excited is an understatement!
  10. Paid. Lets see if I can do better than last place this time!
  11. No worries! I should be able to make the next event easily enough, and I might even have had some practice by then too! Thanks for the offer of the lift, but I think I'll get the train again - I don't do well in cars at the best of times, and it won't cost me anything as my season ticket for work covers me, so the less chance of travelsickness, the better! Cheers anyway!
  12. That was my thinking. Didn't work out in practice! I ended up against two Sandeeps with things immune to burning. And had terrible flips! . The only time she died was when she got cornered by a Lord Chompy Bits and a Teddy and then couldn't hit anything in return! It was a lot of fun though
  13. I decided against Hoffman as he was the only Master I'd ever played with before and I fancied trying something different, so went for Sonnia. By the sounds of it I should have stuck with the Hoff!
  14. I have to say as both my first ever Malifaux tournament and my first games of M3E, it was a lot of fun! Winning is overrated!
  15. My last game of M2E was last year, and I have only ever played Hoffman. I think his Power Token mechanics might take some getting used to! I may just opt for Dashel - not sure what I'll proxy for the Dispatcher though!
  16. As the title says, what do you think the "easiest" Guild Keyword to pick up and play while learning M3E is? I have all Guild Masters and most of the minis (missing Basse, for obvious reasons, Allison Dade, and a few Marshal models) and I'm just wondering what will be easiest to get my head around while I actually learn the game?
  17. Yeah, a list of Keyword models by faction would be really helpful, even if they don't include the profiles or descriptions.
  18. I'd say it's more likely they would be in faction decks than books. That would allow people to buy a faction deck and play, without the book, which seems to be how the launch is being handled: the books being optional. But realistically, I think each book will have only the profiles with that factions affiliation. Duplicating pages for Masters I can understand, but random minions? Seems like a waste of space to me.
  19. Need to buy a ticket on payday (only have to wait till Saturday, but it feels a long way off!). Having not played M3E yet, I think taking home that poop is pretty much a given. I shall cherish it!
  20. It would make sense. Each book having stories about that factions internal interactions. I don't think I've read a story where Hoffman interacts with any other Guild Master, for example (I am way, way behind though, so it might have happened!). That would be nice.
  21. I would also bear in mind that because all the rules and cards will be available for free, there's no need to get all the books in one go, so spreading the cost over a few months is a perfectly reasonable way to manage the cost.
  22. My guess is that faction won't be available at launch but will get a Wave 2 book instead. Either that or they don't want to spoil the details of that faction just yet... But with 8 books already in Wave 1, it makes sense to hold one back. Wave 1 manages the transition between M2E and M3E. Wave 2 adds the new stuff.
  23. @Deathinabox: The article says the rulebook will be free to download, previous announcements have said the cards will be free to download too, and the app will have all the profiles needed to play. Playing the game won't cost a thing if you're a current player. The fluff will be more spread out, but that's an unfortunate side-effect of there being so many models. I don't really see how Wyrd could handle the change any better, to be honest. I remember picking up my first crew (Hoffman) just before the announcement of M2E, getting excited for the launch, and then finding out I couldn't actually play because he didn't have rules. This is definitely a better way to do things!
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