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Everything posted by Figgyfigs

  1. I apologize in advance if this has been answered elsewhere, but I couldn't find anything to help. I'm specifically looking at Bete Noire's Tenebrous Aura, which gives to Sh actions targeting friendly models within 3" of Bete. Does Bete herself benefit from her aura? Thanks!
  2. I'd hope for more dynamic posing in general. For every amazing action-oriented model, there's someone just standing around. Consider stock Ototo vs. new Ototo. Stock Ototo = amazing pose. The change in Raspy is perfect—she's a badass, confident spell-slinger who's stood up to a tyrant and lived to tell the tale. Now, instead of posing demurely, she's got awesome ice boots and is ready to leap into the fray. Sometimes, static poses work. The girl Crooligan looks perfectly creepy, and the subtle head-tilt that fence post Crooligan's got is such a nice touch. Reva's pose is also spot-on, reflecting how she calmly oversees the battlefield from afar. The Shieldbearers are another good example. You've got one who's perfect—the ginger—dashing into battle and ready to defend Reva with her life. The other two, however, look like they're caught in the middle of a daydream. Re: Marcus and Myranda, I love them both. Myranda looks *so* good, and Marcus getting younger fits his whole mythos.
  3. Looking to buy Sensei Yu from a seller based in Europe. NOS preferred, but I'd consider an assembled model if he's still unpainted. Card is nice, but not mandatory Thanks!
  4. Of the models you've mentioned, I only have the Emissary, but he's a good fit regardless of who you're using, if only for his Shards ability. I see a lot of people recommending Belles to lure enemies towards Corpse Markers, so that seems like it should work fine for you.
  5. I looked long and hard at the alt, but I think I like the regular one better. Three heads are better than two! What do you see as Archie's flaws? Archie's also half the price, which is a compelling argument in his corner.
  6. She's sort of an undead whisperer/shepherd who sees the remnants of humanity left in the shambling hordes. The way I see it, her attitude seems to be "leave the undead alone, and they'll do the same for you." Her beef is with people who pre-emptively purge the undead from Malifaux (the Guild), and I assume she would also take issue with those who would use the undead as tools for their own sinister ends (Nico/Seamus/McMourning). I'm not up-to-date on the story, so I don't know what she's been up to since her introductory vignette in Book 4. I started Malifaux with Reva and love her to death. Let me know if you have any questions!
  7. Title says it all. You can buy one, which do you choose?
  8. Just wanted to let you know that, two years later, I'm using your Crooligans as reference for my own! Just got Molly's box the other week
  9. You could also consider Bete Noire. On a Corpse Candle's turn, you can move it into position, have it kill itself, then you've also got a good spot for Bete to pop out and play. This is another perk I've read about, likely on this forum: Bete Noire is nice as a threat against people killing your schemers. If you've got an innocent lil' Crooligan running around, scoring points, your opponent could kill it...but then Bete'd come up, exact revenge, and score the VP anyways.
  10. I'd love to see Nico returning as an undead version of himself at some point. It'd be so fitting, and such a triumphant comeback.
  11. This is why I'm hoping Wyrd will release more info on themes and keywords as soon as possible. Knowing that the model you've got your eye on will useable with your favorite master would provide a lot of reassurance for ongoing 2E purchases. I'm fully prepared to continue buying 2E — the models are great, the game is fun, and I like it — as soon as I know the things I want will still be good choices in the upcoming version of the game.
  12. At the end of the day, my only real wish for 3E is that Vincent gets a melee attack. Just give the poor guy a knife already, please.
  13. I feel this. I'm painting my first master now and feel obligated to try my best and give her the stellar paintjob that she deserves
  14. Ophelia too. I wonder what the nuances between the three will be like. Von Schill + rocket launchers and mines = yes.
  15. Regarding the announcement, I think they've done the best they can with a shit situation. I'm impressed by the package their team was able to put together in the hours between the leak and the release of the 3E website. Looking ahead, it seems like there are a lot of people worried about their current collections being rendered obsolete, or about where to go from here with their crews. While there's not much to be done about the former, there's still plenty of time to address the latter. To this end, I hope Wyrd will release the theme sets at some point, so that anyone wishing to expand their 2E collections can do so while also keeping their 3E setup in mind. We don't need to know what the theme features will be, or how they'll work, but it'd at least be nice to have an idea of which models belong with which masters. Otherwise, anyone buying into 2E at this point is taking a real gamble. --- As a new player: I support streamlining the game while holding onto a lot of what makes it unique. 11 conditions is still quite a lot, and while triggers and upgrades are cool, you don't need them on everybody. Right now, there's a huge learning curve when it comes to memorizing your models, and it gives a massive advantage to experienced players. It'll be nice to have new and veteran players on more equal footing, so that skill and creativity might play a larger role in determining the outcome. D&D slimmed down a ton from 3.5 and 4 to 5th edition, refining its identity and rediscovering itself in the process, and not only does 5th edition rule, but it's caused the game to explode in popularity. I'd be thrilled if there were more than 3-4 other people in my local Malifaux group. As a Res player: I think we're looking pretty good. Losing Tara and gaining Jack Daw makes perfect sense from a thematic point of view—Daw definitely belongs in our corner. Reva can set things on fire, which sounds super fun, especially when coupled with the new Burning rules that essentially require models to spend actions putting out the flames. McM and Seamus seem to be growing more focused, and Molly might become a more affordable option now that she's not focused on summoning anymore. I'm really digging Kirai's new Vengeful Spirits mechanic, and Albus' summoning system sounds intriguing as well, as does Yan Lo's Ancestor/Retainer mechanic.
  16. Question for the Wyrd team, and forgive me if this has already been addressed: Will there be any official guidance or information given regarding the master & crew themes, to help current and new 2E players make purchases which anticipate 3E's changes?
  17. He's a GenCon playtest model, so it seems like they're pretty confident in what he looks like for 3E. Also, his Mutation gimmick sounds pretty sick.
  18. Totally agree, and this what I hope they get right. I'm all for thematic crews, but I don't want to see the same crew every time I see a given master.
  19. Sounds like a good balance. As a new player, I can definitely sympathize with the latter problem, while I also love how 2E's upgrade system allows for multiple approaches with any given master. It also keeps you on your toes during games, as you can't bet that any two people will play the same master the same way.
  20. Thanks! Do you see enough flexibility there to ensure significant variation within people who play a certain master, or will most masters be more or less restricted to a single playstyle with a fixed complement of units?
  21. I absolutely love the faction illustrations—amazing job, and hats off to your art team! Also, Rasputina's ice boots look dope, and I love her more action-oriented pose. Can you elaborate a bit on how thematic crews will work? How much flexibility will there be for variations in list-building?
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