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Posts posted by Scatterbrain

  1. 2 minutes ago, theunseengamer said:

    @Scatterbrain I'm assuming you're not familiar with treacherous ties, so game are only 25ss and your leader comes from a different faction, which mean people already organising to teen up to borrow each other's henchmen, so we're everyone already lining up to borrow each others models and the lower model count I really not think it will become a problem, if it does become a problem it shouldn't be that hard for me to find a solution on the go.

    Ah. Thank you for the clarification, @theunseengamer, that sounds a lot more feasible than what I was envisioning. You're right, I'd never encountered Treacherous Ties rules before. My apologies. I was assuming 50ss games. Hopefully your extra explanation will be helpful if there are any Adelaidians who see your post but, like me, don't yet have access to all of the rule books and may not have heard of how Treacherous Ties campaigns work. I hope you get lots of players and that it's a blast! :)

  2. 1 hour ago, theunseengamer said:

    Custom rules
    when you win a game all the models you use cannot be use again for the rest of the league,

    Yet it's fixed faction? If so, assuming a player happened to win three consecutive games with radically different crews each time, they'd probably be out of available Minions by the fourth game. As it is, players would need to own practically their entire faction, plus any suitable out-of-faction model choices with particular masters, and mercs, just to be able to play competitively after a single win. That's potentially over $1 000 AUS worth of Malifaux miniatures and incalculable hours of hobby/painting to get them tournament ready.

    If your league has four or more players who have that kind of a collection, more power to you! But it's not something that would attract even an intermediate player, let alone a relative beginner.

  3. Quote


    As a McMourning player I feel it is too slow to keep up with Doc and will block Sebastian's aura more than it will help. It has a super short range and is a big block of no LoS that Sebastian really doesn't want near him. An opponent used to Sebastian will not give you an oportunity to use the two in optimal circumstances. Seems like you would often be trading slow on one model for a lot of damage on other models.


    @Ludvig wrote the above in a topic in the Arcanist sub-forum about using the Scorpius in a McMourning crew with the Test Subjects upgrade, the original of which can be found here: 

    Earlier in the thread, @EnternalVoid and @Freman had some positive appraisals of Scorpius with McM.

    Does anyone have any additional experience or theory to share about running Scorpius with the Good Doctor? I figured it deserved its own topic in the Ressurectionists' sub-forum.


    • Like 3
  4. At least the Scorpius looks awesome alongside other construct models, particularly the Arachnids. I think it'd also look good among some Poison Gamin. And it looks enough like an actual scorpion to be halfway thematic with the other beasts in a Marcus crew. Especially if a player uses metallic paint effects on their Razorspine Rattler.


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  5. C. Hoffman makes good financial and pragmatic sense if you really like constructs and have an aim to eventually play an additional faction or two, especially Ramos from the Arcanists and Leveticus from the Outcasts. Arcanist constructs (such as those from Ramos' crew box) can be played in Guild by Hoffman with purchase of the necessary upgrade. Leveticus can use constructs from any faction.

  6. On 2/19/2018 at 1:48 AM, Jesy Blue said:

    I was playing Outcast.  First round Hamelin vs Sonia: 2-1.  Second round Viktoria vs Lucius (Neverborn): 6-4.  Third round Viktoria vs Reva: 0-7 (mind you, I don't know how this happened but I've been playing since the Crossroads book, but I have never played Ressurectionists so I don't know first hand what they can do, so I just played the crew I was most comfortable with and died EPICALLY!!!!)

    At least as an Outcast player you may be able to occasionally make use of the models you already own with the mercenary characteristic in your Kaeris crew. Especially Johan with the M&SU synergy. Freikorps Specialist also comes to mind. Even if your list isn't quite as "competitive" as a dedicated Arcanist list might be, owing to your need to pay the mercenary tax, at least you could enjoy some versatility with different builds without having to race out and buy new models. Whereas a player of any other Faction wouldn't have necessarily had many, if any, models that could join in with Kaeris.

  7. 8 hours ago, Jesy Blue said:

    I just got back from the local game store tournament, had the performance of a lifetime.  After beating guys who have housed me year after year, I pulled a 2-0 win streak and got to the top table.... losing 0-7 to a Reva crew in embarrassing fashion.

    Congratulations on placing in the tournament and I hope you get hours of enjoyment from your prize. :) Which Faction/Masters did you play in the tournament before coming into possession of Kaeris?

    Also, what are you going to do with two LE Firestarters? :huh: 

  8. When I was in Amsterdam, a really cool detail about the houses that stood out was the protruding metal hook anchored outside the houses at the highest point. The internal staircases are too narrow to fit furniture through, so the Dutch open their windows and use a rope and pulley to hoist furniture into the second or third storey, from street level. It'd be fun detail to see a load of heavy crates dangling precariously over the footpath with a block-and-tackle that's been tied off and abandoned mid-hoist. Also, Jack Daw may be able to supply some ideas about what else could be hung from such a hook in a city like Malifaux... 

    • Like 1
  9. On 01/02/2018 at 8:12 PM, gribble said:

    I think that once they close it, Backerkit will charge whatever card is on file without further confirmations. However, typically project creators give fair warning before they do this for that reason.

    Also, Backerkit will only charge whatever you have locked in, so for that reason with this project *everyone* will need to go back in and add on shipping, as no-one is currently being charged for that. Backerkit can't just charge you an arbitrary amount for shipping that you haven't previously seen and agreed to. 

    @-Loki-I've never used Backerkit itself, but I have backed a successful campaign on Kickstarter. I recall the vendor on Kickstarter sending a confirmation with the opportunity to change payment methods, for those who have since gotten new credit cards for whatever reason. When a funded campaign ships eight months later than first predicted (as did this project with a completely different company), I would think they simply had to give people the chance to update their payment method before attempting to process it. Cards expire or get lost/stolen/defrauded and then cancelled all the time. People change banks, move house, get or remove joint accounts, change names... file for bankruptcy, have their wages garnished, die intestate... and other happy life occurrences. :lol:

    • Like 2
  10. I've been highly relieved since first learning of the term "tabletop quality" by Miranda (Wargamer Girl) on YouTube. ;) I'm going to shout it at my miniatures, like Homer Simpson shouting "Sanctuary!" while running into Rev Lovejoy's church.

    Sorry, I still can't post images. I use a Chromebook... I don't have MS Paint to use to resize the JPGs. Maybe next month I'll borrow my gf's laptop to post the pics. 

    Frontsies: https://ibb.co/go1ctm

    Backsies: https://ibb.co/faemm6

  11. 10 hours ago, CapnBloodbeard said:

    Reckon the colour scheme is okay or needs a reboot?  I always start painting then hating the colours I've chosen :P  

    A more dulled blue may have been a little better.

    I reckon just keep ploughing on rather than painting over what basecoats you've got. If you're too critical and keep going back over what you've already done, you may never actually finish!

    Instead of painting over the blue with a different basecoat, you could try augmenting what's already there? For example, a diluted wash (1 paint:3 water) with something like Citadel's Drakenhof Nightshade, to run into the cracks and add depth. Then Citadel's Gulliman Blue Glaze to visually sit overtop. Lastly, a highlight of the same blue you used for the basecoat with a little white mixed in, just over the creases sculpted into the material, will help make the fabric look like it's swirling and dynamic.

  12. On 27/01/2018 at 10:49 AM, andrewgeddon said:

    At this stage do I just keep on adding on the odd Tormented / Outcast model and just focus on mastering (no pun intended) Jack?

    Personally, I think that's a great idea, and there are plenty of Tormented models to keep you busy in the hobby for quite some time to come. I think a single Papa Loco miniature is fairly rare, because most of the people who buy the Perdita box want to use him. But if you can find a separate Papa Loco on eBay or a trading forum, that would probably be a great choice. You may also be able to find someone selling individual pieces from the Crossroad 7 box, so maybe you could just pick up Lust and/or Pride on their own, if you're lucky? 

    Since you're playing an Outcast master, I also think you might get some good use out of Hans. A bit of sniper support to your Jack Daw crew could be handy in certain games.

    If you do want to go down the road of buying another Outcast master's box, in my very inexperienced opinion, I think Leveticus' box could be a great choice.  Levi might be able to make good use of models with the Undead and/or Construct characteristic, which would include Montressor and the Guilty from your Jack Daw box. You would also have a good double up of using Dead Outlaws for either master, plus Crooked Men and The Hanged if you were to pick those up in future. Ditto Lazarus.

    P.S. This article on Pull My Finger wiki names Taelor, Bishop, Rusty Alyce and Convict Gunslingers but doesn't mention Hans. https://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/M2E+Jack+Daw

    • Like 2
  13. Colette's "Smoke & Mirrors" box set is available from Wyrd's own webstore. Whereas Rasputina's box set has been out of stock on the Wyrd site for the whole time I've been interested in Malifaux. I was originally wanting to get Raspy as my first master. I've since switched to Marcus, largely because of Raspy's scarcity. But I think that was a good move.

    I realise that the postage from the US to the UK may be prohibitive. But at least it is currently available from Wyrd themselves

  14. 13 hours ago, ElPuto said:

    Thanks mate, really helpful! I will get some Autopsies 'cause they seem cool, Shikome and Scorpius probably. I don't want to waste money on stuff like Marcus or Sandeep, as I hate Arcanists and it will be stuff that I wouldn't use with any of my Masters.

    Razorspine Rattler is available as a single model, so you don't need to buy Marcus' box set in order to get it. Could be great with McMourning because of Poison, and it would add some speed to the list.

    What about the Guild Sanctioned Spellcasters for McMourning (assuming run as a Resser Master)? Would you get some use out of them with any of your other Guild masters?

    • Like 1
  15. 4 hours ago, Freman said:

    Given that he can now have some synergy with Beasts thanks to Test Subjects, at least by providing a bit of healing, I'd be inclined to focus on Beast and Academic models that he can take cross faction. Off the top of my head, Rogue Necromancy, Canine Remains, Shikome, Night Terrors, Valedictorian and the Students. In Guild that's just Guild Hounds I think.

    And Sanctioned Spellcasters, in Guild. ^_^

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