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Everything posted by SirRocketPants

  1. If order of activation is not determined by something else, then it goes like this: If the important duels are hard - try to get less important ones in first in order to drain hand and make the important stuff more likely. If important duels are easy - get those off first in order to hopefully drain the opponent hands as he will try to prevent the bad things happening to him even if he knows it's unlikely to work. Then all the "bonus" stuff will become easier and the upcoming activations will get more damage/etc... done than they should have.
  2. Well the desolation engine gets reactivated every turn... And chain activates after rusty to get 3 self heal attacks off before anyone can kill it. If the enemy gets close enough early on you can also reactivate the Desi engine instead of an abomination, but you have to make sure it gets to heal as Alice puts it down to 1.
  3. We'll that's because you don't use all the tech to make the 40" alpha strike work. I do like another list with 13 activations and a really strong alpha though: Ashes with sister in fire + spirit + oathkeeper. Blood with oathkeeper and shez'uul. Child. Emissary with conflux of avarice. Rusty Alice with .... 4 abominations. Abominations ping each other and walk up a little... 1 abomination gets killed and then Alice uses the scrap from the dead one to summon an abomination Ang Ives another one reactivate. A couple more pings and summoning of the desolation engine. Desolation engine walks up. Now we had 8 activations and got to draw. Child casts fury. Emissary gives Desi engine momento and gives blood the reactivation trinket. And pushes blood forward 3 inches. We're at 10 activations... Probably nothing left on the other side. Ashes walks twice and and pulls blood up usually keeping her oathkeeper for later. Now blood goes in with 2 full activations with +2 damage up and 6 extra cards in hand from abominations... Ouch. In the next turns the Desi engine gets reactivated every turn by Alice and as he gets to chain activate he can regenerate a lot of damage to get a safe second activation and ashes still has a 20" threat range with min damage 5 whirlwinds. That's usually enough to clean up whatever is left.
  4. To me the biggest draw back is that you need to unbury, then cast sisters in Fury, then charge... So the only time you really get to line up activations as you like being turn 1, soaring dragon seems... lackluster. I like just using the emissary, a void wretch and scion for a turn 1 missile. I give the scion scout the field and oathkeeper. Oathkeeper and shez'uul to blood. Scion walks with scout the field (5") Emissary pushes scion 3" with conflux of avarice upgrade (8") puts momento on blood and ashes goes in position for melee expert line of sight (and maybe casts sisters in Fury). Void wretch buries Blood Scion oathkeepers and triple walks (23") - then uses his (0) to pop out blood in front of him (24.2") Blood chain activates using oath keeper and charging (34.2" with 4 attacks or 39.2" with 3 attacks threat range... what often happens is I get of 2 attacks with charge... everything dies, I walk and attack 1 more time). Either I do this at the beginning of the turn when the oponent is clumped up (especially in corner deployment) for max whirlwind value, or I do it at the end of the turn if it looks like blood will live. In the case she does, next turn, if I get initiative Ashes pops oathkeeper and charges somewhere within 6 of blood who then chain activates... and at that point there is nothing left on the other side that could win the game. So Soaring dragon inspired this.... but actually is useless in doing it. Also for GG2018, half the strats require you to have models with a certain condition in play, so if blood gathers intel or collects evidence and buries she doesn't count for the strat. If the viks had strong activation control and you could unbury Blood in the right place after the oponent activates important so that she is safe and can counter strike this would be awesome. But right now I don't feel like taking it... because the only way of using it is to use Ashes as a taxi to unbury blood and cast sisters in Fury, and even then, Blood can't chain activate, and Ashes doesn't do anything else that turn.
  5. Damn... thank you. I missed that part in the rules, and I saw the question being asked in the previous version and the past FAQ #38) answered the question in the positive... but the present one didn't address it... because it was clear in the rules... thank you. I'm gonna go thing about some other messed up combinations then.
  6. Hello, I looked through the FAQ and through this forum, and couldn't find an answer to this. Can a model with reactivate and companion or accomplice reactivate into itself? From the wording of companion/accomplice it seems like yes... it doesn't say it has to be another model... so I feel like this should work. But I want to make sure as I have an insidiously mad idea that relies on this and want to make sure it's legal. Thank you very much.
  7. I've never thought about this.... if you stone for another initiative flip.... does that one also get a + flip?
  8. I magnetize all my bases for all my wargaming miniatures. Usually I use 2mm thickness, but that won't fit Malifaux bases. For malifaux, these work great: https://smile.amazon.com/Multi-Use-Refrigerator-Magnets-Science-Crafts/dp/B073JZ42VJ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1506448851&sr=8-1&keywords=Small+Multi-Use+Refrigerator+Magnets+for+Refrigerator They are slightly too thin to line up with the bottom of the base so I cut i tiny piece of cardboard from a cereal box to the bottom of the base and then glue the magnet to that. Contrary to the comment above, I glue it to the center of the base to make sure I get the strongest possible hold of the mini to my transport box... But I see his point. These magnets are strong and you have to be careful not to snap thin legs from some of the more fragile minis.
  9. So I'm painting my desolation engine and abominations and thinking about my next purchase... I played a couple more games where the viks tabled the opposing crew on turn 1.... I feel like I need a different master to make sure my games are a bit more fun for my opponent TS as well as myself. So I'm gonna get Tara... But as I'm a slow painter with little free time I want to optimize the models I get. So themostexcellentandawesomeforumever... What do I need most? More voidlings for void spam? Killjoy for burry stuff? Aionus because the model is cool and other reasons? The emissary so I can go mad trying to put that thing together and because it also works with the Viks? A death marshal (I'd need to get my hands on the female limited edition...) Something else? I already have the Malifaux child, Scion and hodgepodge effigy sitting on my paint desk. Please guide me with your infinite wisdom oh you themostexcellentandawesomeforumever. Thank you.
  10. With all these strategies... What happens if an enemy sniper or beater or whatever kills a void wretch... Our burried beater will have to unburry where it dies due to how glimpse the void works?
  11. OK... here we go for game number 2. Deployment : Standard Strategy : Squatter's rights Schemes : Claim Jump Eliminate the leadership (Both) Accusation Hunting Party (Both) Hidden Trap My list is the same as last game... because I'm lazy and... that's the only reason actually... My list is : Both Viks, A&D, Vanessa, Johanna, Ronin, Trapper. 4SS cache. Viktoria of Ashes has Sisters in Fury, Sisters in Spirit and Synchronized Slaying. Viktoria of Blood has Oathkeeper and Mark of SheZ'Ull. My opponent wants to try something new. Neverborn is his 3rd faction and there is a lot he hasn't really played much with. His list : Dreamer, 2 Daydreams, Teddy, Doppelganger, Beckoner of Evil, 2 Illuminated. 5 SS cache. Dreamer has sleep cycles, growing up, and aether connection, Teddy has a thousand faces (which by the way... what an awesome upgrade). This time I win the deployment flip and my opponent has to deploy first : I deploy most of my crew facing the illuminated and thinking it will force dreamer to go to that side of the board too to deal with them too leaving trapper alone to flip both swatters right markers on his side of the board wile supporting the fight from a distance and denying my opponent from getting more than 1 point (from killing the ronin) in case he took hunting party... honestly I was pretty happy with the deployment. After I walk up some of my stuff I realize I mispositionned the ronin who could have stayed out of the Beackoner's line of sight... so she gets lured in, and attacked by everything in range... I get a feeling that Scott took hunting party and cheat a bit to keep her alive. (BTW... next turn I make the exact same mistake again.... so I guess I'm retarded?) At this point of the game I don't know that Teddy can get pushed 3 times and get fast from dreamer... so Vanessa walks up a little too far... This pic is just for eye-candy. I love my opponent's crew and especially the daydreams painted in the 3 primary colors... It looks great and I'm totally stealing that idea. Alps could be painted in the 3 secondary colors maybe? So Teddy comes in and hugs Vanessa... I get really lucky flips and she survives on 1 box... So we flip for turn 2, and again I get really lucky against Doppelganger and flip a 12... my opponent can't beat it and decides not to cheat. I really want to activate Vanessa and kill Teddy... somehow I go full retard and come up with what I think is a cute idea but was really just the dumbest and most uncertain way to do this... So I walk ashes around the building and charge teddy without using sisters in Fury... the plan being to chain activate into Vanessa wo'll have melee expert and that'll be enough to kill Teddy... probably... never mind blood not getting Fury this turn... I could easily have had blood in position to just do the standard sisters in Fury then chain activate blood and guarantee a dead Teddy... but no... I want to use blood to kill and illuminated later so I try to be greedy... Anyway... I realize Ashes won't get +flips from her because she is close to other sisters... I get a couple of bad flips... Vanessa chain activates and I forget to rearrange my first cards and command A&D who is close by in range for command construct, and Teddy at the end of it all is left with boxes... Oh shit! Teddy is looking happy at this opportunity... He regenerates wounds and drags Vanessa with him screaming as he guts her... then he runs away behind a building and there is no way I can get to him this turn... I feel like a total scrub. I'm sorry I didn't take pictures of what came next... A ouple inconsequential activations later, dreamer decides he'd like to be Chompy and walks through a building, then charges ashes. I should mention that this turn my highest car in hand was a 6 (I even stoned for cards and drew 2 twos...), so when dreamer succeeds his first attack I cheat in one of the cards in my hand which doesn't change the result of the duel at all just to get to 3 cards... I figure giving Ashes + flips to df/wp duels is my best chance to get out of this alive... I stone and prevent all 3 damage also denying dreamer a waking stack. Next attack I stone and prevent all of the 2 damage he did to deny another stack... at this point Chompy has no way of coming out even with the 0 as dreamer started on 1 waking (from summoning a day dream turn 1). So I let the next attack get through and take 3 damage. Now Blood has a clear line to charge dreamer (through hazardous terrain... she takes 4 dmg) and she ignores incorporeal (I guess I had planned it all along... baiting dreamer out with my master? You believe me right?) Again I make several mistakes... I do not pop oathkeeper because I feel I won't need it. I later realize that statistically I definitely needed it, mostly because I en my charge close to Ashes and so I can't use my (0) to get +flips on damage, also I learn what aether connection does... and you all remember I don't have sisters in fury, so I'll be mostly doing 3 min damage and dreamer will stone 2 damage at least... that means I'll very likely not do 10 wounds to him... Luckily, I flip a read Joker on damage again, and Dreamer goes down to my 3 attacks (Sorry Scott... I guess your masters like red jokers) Blood flips a moderate heal that also benefits Ashes. I'm a little bit dissapointed I don't get to see Chompy on he table or find out what he can do honestly... but I wipe my tears on the night gown of a small boy who happens to lie around on the floor... dead... huh? The doppelganger engages A&D so he can't score Hunting party (if I had used command construct this wouldn't have happened...). But A&D consoles himself by spilling her guts all over the place to reward her for her intervention in his projects. Blood gets lured, and shot by the beackoner (again... I have no cards this turn). Then charged by an illuminated who does severe damage 7 or so to finish her last 2 wounds. It's turn 3... Teddy (now back to 6 health) goes first and does bad things to Ashes... For some reason I decided to not cheat high enough to beat his 8 inch push / +flips to attack and damage... allowing him all the + flips in the world nd 1 extra attack as he can now flurry. I realize that even with a 13 and the red joker in hand I will die... so I let it happen... But A&D avenges her... and poops out an abomination. I decide to finish Teddy rather than an Illuminated in order as I figure eliminating the last real threat in his crew will give me free reign in the last two turns and guarantee me winning. Here again I make a mistake... I just want to make ronin as hard to kill as possible, so I want to go defensive, and walk on the other side of the Illuminated that activated earlier to prevent the other one charging me... so I should have gone defensive, then walk, instead I walk and plan to go defensive later... I fail the horror duel (needing a 5 and flipping a 4 -_-) and would need to cheat a 13 to succeed (as my hand is 1, 2, 13, red joker). So I just end her activation. Trapper shoots into melee to snipe 1 of 2 day dreams engaging Johanna, so that she can kill the other one with 1 AP and flip the marker with her other AP. I randomize into the day dream I meant to hit (because trapper is awesome) but have to cheat in the red joker to hit it... Johanna then kills the other one and my plan works, so it was worth it though. At this point Scott reveals he did in fact have hunting party, and looking at the points, we figure there is no way he can win this and we end the game at the end of turn 3. Anyhow... it was a good game. I'm making a shitload of mistakes, but I feel like I'm learning a lot and the Viks explosiveness compensates for my shitty skills. Right now my Viks are 8/8 and they are feeling anxiety because they feel pressure to perform... so Scott has promised me to end that issue by bringing his Gremlins next time and crushing all hopes and dreams out of my poor girls... Let me all know what you think. Especially if you have advice on how to not be a noob. I promise next time I'll bring a better camera and then you can tell me how pretty all my miniature people are. See you then
  12. Hmmmm.... I don't really understand how you can throw her out and reel her back in? I can see doing 1 or the other, but not both in a turn... Could you go into detail? I need a couple more models painted, but I'm planning on putting soaring dragon on blood, and runnings her with Scion and the effigy. First turn Scion walks 3 times at the end of the turn (maybe I'll even add scout the field for technically 4 walks...), pops Vik... She charges and kills things. If Scion ever burries, ideally the effigy can use his 0 to pop Vik and chain activate her. Maybe it's too gimmicky... But I wanna try. 😀
  13. Hello y'all! Today I was at the store again. Originally a tournament was planned by our henchman, but because of low turnout, we just decided to play a couple of friendly pickup games. I think I have enough energy to post the first game tonight. Next one tomorrow. Deployment : Corner Stratergy : Interference Schemes : Claim Jump Frame for Murder (Zoraida... actually I'm not sure, but I assumed she'd take it and put it on a willow wisp... was I right Scott?) Leave your Mark (Viks) Undercover entourage (Zoraida) (Viks) Tail'Em So I'll start this off by saying I hated the schemes for my crew... I wanted to not take frame for Murder for a change. And Undercover Entourage... Tail'Em... what the heck are those things? Claim jump is inefficient and I don't have low quality AP to do it... So my plan is to whirlwind of death the viks across the board and put undercover entourage on Ashes as I felt she was more likely to still be alive at the other end. My list is : Both Viks, A&D, Vanessa, Johanna, Ronin, Trapper. 4SS cache. Viktoria of Ashes has Sisters in Fury, Sisters in Spirit and Synchronized Slaying. Viktoria of Blood has Oathkeeper and Mark of SheZ'Ull. I decided to take away scramble from A&D and take out the student to fit Johanna instead. My Opponent's list : Zoraida, Bad JuJu, 2 Silurds, Doppelganger, Nurse, 2 willow Wisps. 7 SS cache. Zoraida has Powerful Control, Poisoned Fate and Animal Shape.Bad JuJu has eternal Fiend. My opponent wins the deployment flip and makes me deploy first. You should notice the trapper on the left. For the first time ever I remember his hidden deployment skill! I have to get this historic moment on picture... hmmmmm... maybe I should just take a close up pic of the corner with the majority of my crew? Na... it'll be fine, it'll be a clear picture, right? My apologies for the crappy picture: Let's focus on my awesome deployment of the trapper... ok? Scott's deployment: He realized at the last moment that Zoraida was sitting at home on his gremlins shelf... So we have a sexy Zoraida stand-in for today. Everyone shuffles around and gets in position for turn 2. I have Ashes in position to pull Blood and have her in position to charge most anything. I realize this is really quite risky as I put myself in the threat range of my opponent's models. Here Zoraida hasn't even activated, she'll be much closer by the end of the turn. So next turn I have to hope for a win on initiative (and he has doppleganger) and even then my first activation pretty much has to be the Vkis' chain activating and doing serious damage or I'll be in a very bad spot. I have to try to stay back a little more and keep my options open I think. Here you see end of turn 1, Zoraida charges my A&D into Trapper who lives with 1 box thanks to Armor... That obey is pretty scary... and A&D on top of almost killing Trapper is completely out of position for next turn... Luckily I flip a 13 on initiative and get to chain activate Viks. Blood pops Oatkeeper and walk + charges. So she gets 3 attacks as she is in line of sight of Ashes for melee expert. I read Zoraida's card and purposefully kept 1 low card to be able to cheat in weak damage, and not get my activation ended on the first activation... Still... I don't get my +flips to attack and will take 2 dmg every time I cheat fate because of her different abilities... I hit and get a positive damage flip and chose a weak (5 damage) on my first attack as my opponent flipped the defensive trigger. Zoraida stones and takes 4 I believe and is left on 6 wounds. My next attack lands and I get a positive flip to damage again, but Zoraida hits the defensive trigger again. But... I red joker the damage... Zoraida tries to prevent damage... gets a 1... My activation is ended... but I kill her, so all is good. BTW... anyone knows if Red joker means 11 or 13 dmg for blood? It wouldn't have mattered here, but I'm not sure if this ability means that I get +2 to my damage track and so for red joker I get +4 (because weak and severe are both at +2), or do I just get a single +2 to whatever the final damage I inflict is? At this point Scott lost his master after the first activation on turn 2. He reveals that he had undercover entourage on her (so he'll get 0 on that, I just got 3 on eliminate are the leadership, he has no more master and his request is not very fighty)... we decide to end the game here as it would be more interesting to play another game rather than going through the motions to finish this one as I am pretty much guaranteed to win at this point. Again... I have to say the Viks seem like they probably aren't the most fun master to play against... even if you protect against them, if you leave 1 opening you might as well have done nothing because they'll just take that one opening to walk in and kill everything in range. I'll upload our next game tomorrow.
  14. Wow... I hadn't even seen the part of the second trigger that says she can reposition 6 inches... yes. that would indeed have been a very different outcome if she had just stoned for it on the first attack instead of stoning for damage prevention she would have completely negated any damage from the first 2 attacks and possibly also prevented me from reaching her with oathkeeper and the melee expert attack.
  15. Today I bring to you Colette vs. The Viktorias! Who said girls can't fight?!? I'm bringing all the newbies out for a test run : From left to right: Johanna, Trapper, Viktoria of Ashes, Ronin, Viktoria of Blood, Bishop, Convict Gunslinger. Viktoria of Ashes has Sisters in Fury, Sisters in Spirit and Synchronized Slaying. Viktoria of Blood has Oathkeeper and Mark of SheZ'Ull. Bishop has Scramble. 6 SS cache. On the other side of the board we have : Colette, some mechanical pigeons, Orians, Coryphees (omg I hate those things), Angelica, and The crazy lady on a bicycle... sorry, I really don't know what she is called anymore. Colette has Nothing up my sleeve, Cabaret Choreography and Audience Participation. Angelica has Well Rehearsed. 6 SS cache. Deployment : Standard Strategy : Extraction Schemes : Claim jump (Colette) Eliminate the leadership (Viks) Leave your Mark (Viks) Recover Evidence Inspection I don't know what Colette's second scheme was as she didn't score points on it. I deploy first... very well though through deployment... everyone as close to the 6 inch line as possible : Colette hides behind a building : So I read the opposing crew's cards a little before the game... Apparently I can't charge anything as everything has disguised or worse even for the coryphees... this means my Viks threat range is drastically reduced and I'm hoping my Trapper and convict gunslinger do same good. But the coryphees have +2 armor and happen to deploy on the other side of the boar from the Viks and Bishop who could ignore it.... we'll see how it plays out. I wait for some general moving up the board to use the Trapper's (0) action to move up 4 inches and be in range of the Orian. (I have forgotten the Trappers hidden deployment skill in 6/6 games so far...). Both shots connect and Trapper scores first blood She also valiantly moves up the board with her reposition trigger. You can see Bishop ran up the field for 15 inches. Threatening the flank and getting into position to get me Leave your mark points. Apparently this pigeon is planning on blowing up in my face next turn? Well Vik of blood has it lined up for a charge... I think we all know how that's gonna go... Everyone is moving into place around the extraction marker. Second turn starts with bicycle girl charging Bishop and doing some damage/applying burning. But in the end it doesn't go her way. In the top left you can see where the coryphee ends up after she inflicts some serious dmg to my convict gunslinger but not killing it. In the bottom you see Colette hiding behind a tree next to a scheme marker. I ask my opponent if Colette put up her no charge aura and she says no... My eyes light up... at that point Vik of blood was on the other side of the pipeline. Colette is about 20 inches away and out of line of sight... but that just won't do. Here you see Vik of blood after she gets positionned by Vik of Ashes who walked - placed blood with sisters in spirit - and added 2 dmg to all sisters' damage tracks by casting sisters in Fury. Blood pops Oathkeeper for maximum activations and maximum killiness. The charge goes off. (I should mention that at this point, my opponent's hand is empty... they used their cards to prevent Johanna killing their corypees, etc... and thought Colette was safe where she was and wouldn't need cards). First hit is for severe - 8 damage. Reduced to 6 by SS. Second hit is for moderate... at this point my opponent does a huge mistake. I didn't realize it then, but if she had stoned for the mask trigger on df, she could have reduced the dmg to 0 by discarding that scheme marker and would have lived. Instead she now has to sacrifice the Orian you see close by to take her place. But Vik of Blood has her oathkeeper 3rd AP... she walks up to Colette, and uses her melee expert AP from being in line of sight of Viktoria of Ashes... Colette get's 100% to 0 in 1 activation... I think this was a really unfortunate moment as Colette could have lived stoning for a defensive suit and if I had realized it I would have pointed it out to my opponent. Now whit her master essentially having done nothing all game, it's going to be a very lopsided battle. Last activation on turn 2. Angelica attacks my Gunslinger, I ask if it's a shooting action - yes. Awesome, Angelica misses, I get the defensive trigger and shoot back... Mouahahahaah Red Joker... oh what? It's a Ca with a gun symbol... damn it I don't actually get to shoot back? I'm sad now. Intense duel over who goes first on turn 3. Coryphee vs Ronin... I Flurry and manage 1 hit for moderate 2 dmg ignoring the +2 armor... damn those + flips. She red jokers me and I thank the hard to kill gods for protecting my ronin. The convict gunslinger rapid fires into angelica... gets the red joker on dmg for the first hit (who said there is no justice in this world?). Finishes her on the second shot. Vik of blood tries to be funny and uses 1 AP to poop out a leave your mark scheme marker before making her way to where the action happens... I'm sure we won't regret that, right? Especially since Bishop and her 3 activations are already in place to place all the scheme markers I could wish for with nobody to contest it. We get to turn 4 and I draw a horrible hand of cards... highest card is a 6... I stone for cards... 1 and 1... really... ? So with those amazing cards in hand... Johanna and the Ronin both flurry the Coryphee... ++ flips on damage are great and all, same for ignoring armor... but when 6 attacks net you 0 hits it doesn't do much. Here is a picture shaming the ronin and Johanna for their failure after the coryphee walks away unharmed and forms a coryphee duet... Thanks for that scheme marker blood... now I have to use a Master AP to walk a quarter of an inch in order to be in range for sisters in spirit... Anyway... Things work out... Viktoria of blood has to walk into melee with the coryphee. We all know how that's gonna end. My opponent has nothing left on the table at this point. So this game ended up pretty one sided at 10-1 score in the end. The no charge rule definitely slowed down the Viktoria murder train, but in the end for extraction you have to come to the same place on the map and there is going to be some fighting. It didn't seem like Colette's crew would stand a chance in that.. even with the annoying coryphees. So far I'm not really seeing the downsides to the murder first scheme later philosophy. I guess if you can actually prevent your crew from getting murdered while scheming it could work... But there are a lot of schemes/strategies that seem to force you to go to the same place than your opponent which plays into the murder crews hand. Sorry... I guess I don't have much more of an analysis for this game. Except Murder seems better than scheming... A big thanks to my opponent who kept a great attitude even though things really weren't going her way this game. It was a fun game Let me know what you all think about the game? How would you have played this? What was wrong about our crews? What do you think about playing against murder crews... ? I don't want to ruin everyone's fun by murdering all their stuff by the end of turn 2 but that's what seems to be the Viks one and only play style so far...
  16. Yes... With some light conversions to add cuffs, ball and chain, chain on bishop... Nothing big, but as I said... I'm gonna make my outcast girls only!
  17. New ladies ready for tomorrow (from left to right): Convict gunslinger, Bishop, Johanna. Not really too happy with the pain job (except Johanna's Jeans which I think look great). I tried a new pre-shading technique and things were going well until I started working on the skin... skin tone glazes don't work well over black/grey/white transitions... After that I have to admit I kinda rushed to finish... when I mess up, I often prefer to just get to the next model and apply what I learned on a "clean" start instead of spending a lot of time to maybe fix it... because you know... I already have more models on my "to paint" list then time to paint... and the whole point to this is to learn to paint faster... Anyhow... just waned to share... get you guys excited for the next battle report
  18. Hi everyone.... so I've been thinking about Viks wave 5 and while I'm still learning outcast cards, I feel like I found somethin great. But I just listened to the Max Value podcast and even they don't mentionned it... so could you tell me why this sucks of what I'm missing that makes this not work? So we need : Viks Scion Hodgepode effigie Turn 1 scion walks 2/3 times (oathkeeper). Poops out Vik... ideally behind a building if she has oathkeeper (if foregoing Mark of SheZ'Ull), next turn, she walks out and charges for about 30 inch safe threat range, then buries after murdering stuff. 2nd Turn when she has no more Oathkeeper for safe charging without risking the enemy's reaction, the effegie who walked up the board in safety poops her out using scion's (o) and she acomplices... Might even be able to do it again in later turns... but with 2 successful charges... realistically... we're probably in a pretty good spot in the game. Of course on turn 2 this relies on the condition that scion gets targeted by the enemy for the effigie to be able to use the action. But you can just walk up scion to engage as many models as possible... or something important like their master that needs to activate... if they won't target you... ok fine, that means they will be inefficient with a bunch of their stuff, and you can still unburry Vik with another sister for a "weaker" version of this charge (or give the effigy the sister characteristic with the new upgrade or howling wolf tatoo if you HAVE TO have it happen....). What do you think? Anything preventing this from working? Know any other models with accomplice or giving out Fast in outcasts that could be used to improve on this trick?
  19. Sketch201 is to thank for all the cool terrain and boards. Maybe he'll share some tips. Also general question... I made a note about it in the battle report and was wondering what more experienced players think about it: It felt like early in the game +flips were amazing. You have better chances of winning the initial duel than having +1 or 2 to the duel stat characteristic, and there are lots of models alive/lots of duels to be made and only 6 cards to cheat in (with probably only a couple good ones anyway). However if there is 1 specific duel you want to win... well better stats are better, because well... 4 melee just won't do shit if 7 df decides to cheat in a 13. Later in the game, high stats are better, because you can focus all your cards on a couple left over models, so even if +flips and lower stats win more duels initially, higher stats will win after cheating assuming hands are equivalent. Basically + flips win more initial duels, but higher stats chose which few duels they win as cheating is more powerful. So many duels = +flips win. Few duels = high stats win. Thoughts? Do I just feel this way because Viks games are murder fests? Disagree/Agree for another reason?
  20. I edited the first post... Saved halfway through while figuring out how to embed pictures 😀
  21. Ok here we go. SO It appears I have no idea how to take pictures... for this I apologize. Let's all pray I improve fast... First... here is all I have painted so far: My goal is to convert a 100% female crew (monters/constructs etc don't count... because I said so) using the TTB ulti part kit mostly for those models that don't have female versions. So you see my first female trapper up there The Game: Flank Deployment - Guard the stash Claim jump (Picked by me) Frame for Murder (Picked by both) Leave your Mark (Picked by opponent) Undercover Entourage Hunting Party The good guys Girls this game is everything you see above minus Taelor... Ashes has Sisters in Fury, Sisters in Spirit and Synchronized Slaying. Blood has Oathkeeper and Mark of SheZ'Ull. A&D has Scramble. 4SS cache. The Bad girl is Pandora. She has the Woe is me, Depression and Voices upgrades. Widoweaver has no upgrades, and we got 3 Sorrows, 3 willow wisps, and 2 insidious madnesses. 7SS cache. My plan is to kill everything and get points once that's done. Seems to be working so far and why would I change a winning strategy, right? Oh... I can only upload 500Kb ... uh... per topic? Per day? I guess I'll have to figure that out before I can continue this... sorry.Hope this project isn't doomed Great I figured it out... (nobody in the chat even had to tell me how it works) So here it goes.... deployment: After deployment I measure.... yeah... blood is gonna murder that whole bunch up there in the left. Hmmmm.... looks like I need to get good... with the whole base of that cactus being hazardous I need to charge in a way to avoid it. So now I,m only in range of models instead of... if I had actually placed at the edge of my deployment instead of half assing it I'd have gained inches and would be in range to kill everything... oooops. So Blood flips a high Mask for whirlwind and flips red joker for damage on widow weaver, kills sorrow with min 5 damage. Second attack and Melee expert attack wasted because nothing is in range. Pandora makes her way over to slap Blood and my scrubby charge has me in range of Dora and 2 Sorrows... So Blood gets pinged to death (scoring me 2 for FfM... because pings don't count as Pandora killing her apparently :'( ), ashes gets some messed up conditions on her forcing her to go last next turn and to walk towards the willow wisp. But now it's A&D time, Vanessa walks him 6 inches with command construct, another 6 inch walk, 9 inch charge, 2 inch melee... Bam : 23 inch threat range! After doing nothing in it's charge, A&D gets killed (yay). I find out about the 6 inch pulse on ashen core's card... looks like 11df duel is pretty hard for Pandora and her crew... especially if you do it 2 times with the core, then 3 more times with A&D after it recombines next turn, then 2 more times with ashen core when it get's resummoned... with always at least 3 or 4 enemies (which all have bad df, low wounds and get incorporeal ignored) taking the test... (I felt like an asshole). Also Ashen core has 8 Wp... Pandora didn't like that. A bunch of stuff in range dies and Pandora has no hand left. At some point Pandora hd enough of it... Second time around she goes for the dust storm.... 3/4/6 dmg track on oneself is pretty bad when you get pinged and have 4 wounds apparently... Afterwards the whole Pandora crew walks away from the Ashen core and makes sure to not go near it again for the rest of the game... lol. Too bad I didn't have it in the center of the board. Trapper decides to red joker + critical strike the FfM target... Somehow Pandora keeps flipping/cheating 13s vs Vik of Ashes when my highest card is a 12 I start learning about the value of high stats... Still... It's getting lonely for Dora... I'm feeling pretty good about this again and start putting down some markers to win this thing. Vik of Ashes gets Paralyzed though... Finally... You done goofed now Dora!!! Shit... Dora pulls out her 13s vs my 12s... also I learn melee 4 isn't great for hitting things even if you have 3 attacks... and having a 5/6/8 dmg track isn't great if you start hitting yourself with it O_O Ashen Core out of the picture, watching the whole from the other side of the board in agony... all this incompetence... for 7 turns... You're gonna pay for this you evil witch! Vanessa finishes Dora.... eat my 9Ca! (I feel like +flips are great early game and high stats late game when you can focus the cards in your hand on a few models). But before They get Dora... she kills Trapper removing my ability to get my 4th guard the stash point, and... Summons these two... dammit... now she's gonna start scoring guard the stash. But again Vanessa is having none of it. Game ends 8:7 for me... at the end of turn 7 Guard the stash 3:2 Claim Jump 3:0 Frame for Murder 2:2 Leave your mark 0:3 What do you think... Vanessa, A&D or Dora MvP?
  22. Hey y'all, I live in America now (relevant?), and I just started Malifaux... and it looks awesome!!!! I love some of the community resources (schemes and stones anyone?... omg that stuff is good). And I love looking at pictures of cool models, and reading battle reports (especially if they have some of the formerly mentioned pictures). But there isn't nearly enough stuff to fuel my new Malifaux addiction! Maybe some of you are in the same boat. So being a great guy and all that I wanna do my small part to fuel this most awesome of games' community. So I've decided to start posting progress on my crew as well as some battle reports of games I get to play. I found a great store (Geek out Games in the upstate SC), with people that play on nice game boards and actually work on painting their stuff (yay I'm not the only one playing with a painted army anymore). Plus, some of they are awesome painters, so y'all gonna get the treat of seeing their crews (Damn... the local Henchman's collection is amazing... I'll plug the forum name here when I ask him what it is). Maybe some day I'll get good at this game and I'll add tactical advice on what I learn... but until then I'd appreciate any comments you guys have on how I can improve my game. Ok? Thanks Oh, also I promised myself I'd only paint painted models.... let's see how long that lasts... please shame me into keeping that promise. So far I played 3 campaign games and 1 normal game... they all ended turn 2 because Viks wiped the board... so I'm loving them so far. I'm about to get in my next games. So I'll post a picture of my little starting Vik crew and a battle report this evening or tomorrow. Looking forward to your comments and I hope you'll like it.
  23. I don't know gremlins... But he is probably not a minion so it won't work. Anyway... I think that way might be the biggest threat range... but I think it's bad/inefficient. Why not be happy with a 30 inch threat rang/bubble and the added benefit that your crew composition is better and once scion is buried that 30 (ok... 20-30 inch depending on the models move) inch bubble extends from every single model on the board?
  24. True... So I guess scout the field, scramble and Fast from student is as far as you can go... still... that's 4 walks of 6 and a charge of 8 + 2 inch melee.... 34 inches (or 39 if you replace mark of I KILL YOU on blood). You need to sisters in spirit the student to be withing 3 inches of scion for fast so it's still inefficient. Still... pretty easy 25-30 inch reach on turn 1... With blood and scion who can bury if out of position...
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